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[GBA] Pokemon ruby kloniranje


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Yes, you can clone in Pokemon Ruby. Just put the Pokemon you want to clone in an empty box on the PC. Then take it out and put it in another box and save it, but when it says "Saving...Do not turn off power," turn it off. When you turn your game back on again, there should be two of the Pokemon you cloned in that box! You can also have the Pokemon you're cloning hold an item, so that the item will be cloned as well as the Pokemon. I hope that helped!

Torej, da ti prevedem:

Daj enega pokemona, ki ga zelis klonirati v eno prazno "skatlo" na tvojem PC-ju (v igrci). Nato ga daj ven in ga da j v drugo "skatlo" ter shrani. Ko ti napise "saving...do not turn off power", izklopi gameboy. Ko ga bos spet prizgal, naj bi bil pokemon, ki si ga kloniral v obeh "skatlah". Isto lahko pocnes tudi z itemi.

Upam, da je pomagalo.

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Yes, you can clone in Pokemon Ruby. Just put the Pokemon you want to clone in an empty box on the PC. Then take it out and put it in another box and save it, but when it says "Saving...Do not turn off power," turn it off. When you turn your game back on again, there should be two of the Pokemon you cloned in that box! You can also have the Pokemon you're cloning hold an item, so that the item will be cloned as well as the Pokemon. I hope that helped!

Torej, da ti prevedem:

Daj enega pokemona, ki ga zelis klonirati v eno prazno "skatlo" na tvojem PC-ju (v igrci). Nato ga daj ven in ga da j v drugo "skatlo" ter shrani. Ko ti napise "saving...do not turn off power", izklopi gameboy. Ko ga bos spet prizgal, naj bi bil pokemon, ki si ga kloniral v obeh "skatlah". Isto lahko pocnes tudi z itemi.

Upam, da je pomagalo.

najprej,hvala za to da si si vzel čes.vendar sem to že poskusil in me zanima naslednje:ko daš pokemona iz škatle a ga lahko samo premakneš pod mova pokemon sekcijo in še koliko časa moraš čakati ko se shranjuje, da nato vgasneš

Drugi na KSI-forumu z osebnim tagom !!!

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Ko das ti pokemona iz skatle, mislim, da je dovolj ce ga samo premaknes v drugo PRAZNO skatlo. Upam, da je to kar si mislil. Glede save-anja pa moras ugasniti gameboy takoj, ko ti napise, da ga ne smes ugasniti. Ce ti prvic ne uspe, poskusi veckrat.

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