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Battlefield 4 gets long-awaited Squad Join feature on console:

The long-awaited Squad Join feature has been added to the console versions of first-person shooter Battlefield 4.

Squad Join allows up to five players to form a squad before joining a game. Create a squad and your friends can immediately join you. Once the squad has been formed the squad leader can launch into the game. The squad stays active as long as there are players in it, guaranteeing friends stay together over rounds.

The beta version of Squad Join is available now. "This is something we know our fans have been asking for - and something we wish we could have provided at launch - so we are now happy to present the first iteration of Squad Join," DICE said in a note on Battlelog.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Nov BF4 patch! Tokrat sta prva patch dobila PS3 in X360.


June 03 PS3 Game Update Details:

- Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake

- Rental server bug fixes

- Character collision improvements

- Reduced object damage mismatch between client/server.

- Fix for explosion pack not being able to be shot sometimes

- Improvements for client side packet loss

- Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons

- Carrier - Invisible walls stopping bullets fix

X360 - vse kar ima PS3 + tole:

- Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks

- Fix for issue where clients with low bandwidth would not be able to enter squad menu

Samo PS4, XO in PC pa bodo deležni veliko bolj zanimive novosti in sicer zelo dobrodošlega popravka netkode, ki so ga poimenovali “High Frequency Bubble”:

Within a certain radius of the player, we add the possibility to update the clients at a higher rate from the server. What this essentially means is that the server will update the client on what is happening more often than before. This normally results in a smoother, more “correct” player experience.


The High Frequency Update is by default turned OFF in this release. You will have to enable this setting to take advantage of the improved networking. To support players with a limited bandwidth connection, we support three different levels: LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH. Most players with a connection faster than 1Mbit should be fine using the HIGH setting. If you experience any issues, lower or turn off the setting completely.

The High Frequency Update will be rolled out to all 48 player servers and on a small set of 64 player servers immediately. We will then keep a close eye on the larger servers to make sure server performance stays good in the live environment. If all goes well, all servers will be supporting the high frequency update after 24 hours or rollout and testing.

When testing our “High Frequency Bubble” changes to the network layer in Battlefield 4, we made sure to employ a measurable end-user experience metric. To do this, we have been using a 60fps video camera to capture two clients connected over the internet, and counting frames to get before and after results:


Posodobitev za PS4, XO in PC bi naj izšla še ta teden. Celoten opis popravkov za te platforme:


• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake

• Character collision improvements

• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.

• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes

• Improvements for client side packet loss

• Client crash fixes

• AMD Mantle multi-GPU improvements

• Carrier Assault game mode reports bug fix

• High Frequency Network update

- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles

- Added option to control client side update rate setting

PlayStation 4

• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake

• Rental server bug fixes

• Character collision improvements

• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.

• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes

• Improvements for client side packet loss

• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons

• Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks

• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix

• High Frequency Network update

- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles

- Added option to control client side update rate setting

Xbox One

• Improved/reduced explosion induced camera shake

• Rental server bug fixes

• Character collision improvements

• Fix to reduce object damage mismatch between client/server.

• Fix explosion packs not being able to be shot sometimes

• Improvements for client side packet loss

• Added controller option to swap functionality of the bumper and trigger buttons

• Physics optimization for Naval Strike Wave Breaker rocks

• Carrier – Invisible walls stopping bullets fix

• Fixed issue when using standby in Campaign

• Fixed issue when using standby and reconnecting to game servers

• Fixed issue with snapped application and matchmaking

• Playgroup Matchmaking fix for Xbox One

• Fixed incorrect error message for lost Xbox Live connection

• Fixed issue for user name mismatch in rental server, ingame scoreboard and Squad Join menus

• High Frequency Network update

- Added High frequency “bubble” updating player movement, stance, rotation, damage and projectiles at a separate rate on foot and in vehicles

- Added option to control client side update rate setting

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Odvisno od platforme: PC, XO, X360, PS4, PS3

No, v preteklih nekaj dneh sem ponovno preigral malenkost več BF4, da vidim kako je DICE kaj popravil poporodne težave. Sedaj je minilo že 8 mesecev od izida igre!

V primerjavi z začetnim izidom je sedaj igra vrhunska! :yes: Nadležni server disconnect se mi ni več zgodil, igralci se premikajo tekoče (ni laga), one-shoot-kill je odpravljen,... skratka bistvene težave, ki so pokvarile igro, so izginile.

Sem pa žal v teh cca 10h igranja doživel še precej bugov, ki so nadležni in me žalosti da jih še vedno niso popravili:

  • Sovražnik je z nožem hotel ubiti soigralca in sem zato tik ob začetku njegove animacije spraznil celoten magazin bočno v njega... priznan ni bil niti en zadetek (čeprav je vsaj 80% metkov zletelo direktno v njega). Animacija se je zanj dokončala s killom, nato pa me je še zaradi mojega reloada orožja, pokončal. :pullinghair:
    V ostalih dveh podobnih situacijah se je končalo meni v prid (brez buga).
  • Streljanje nasprotnika skozi ograjo na balkonu odbije veliko večino metkov... :|
  • Pogosto se pešaka ali pa z vozilom zatakneš ob kakšen objekt (ostanki od eksplozij-ruševine in jame od eksplozij na cesti), kar te na koncu zna stati življenja.
  • Marsikdaj se je zgodilo da je samo poknilo, nato pa nisem vedel zakaj in kako me je nekdo ubil.
    Killcam prikaže en velik k***c. Killcam naj bo killcam - naj pokaže kako je do killa dejansko prišlo. Sedanji status po smrti je premalo jasen in včasih sploh ne veš zakaj si umrl.
  • Še vedno je prisoten corner kill. Nasprotnika več ne vidiš, ti pa vseeno padeš ko si že v zaklonu.
  • začetek vsake runde še vedno nima zvoka... :tard:
  • pogoste težave z nalaganjem/prikazovanjem tekstur - predvsem v začetku vsake runde in ob killcamih.

Kljub določenim še vedno prisotnim težavam, igra kar vleče h igranju in nudi dobro igralsko izkušnjo.

Second assault so še vedno daleč najboljše BF4 mape! ;)

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Septemberska posodobitev naj bi zakrpala luknje, ki jih je odprla zadnja posodobitev in še kakšno pred tem.

  • Game Mode Improvements: General improvements and tweaks have been made to the following game modes: Rush, Obliteration, Obliteration Competitive, Capture the Flag and Carrier Assault.
  • Visual Recoil: Close and medium range optic reticules do not move with the gun any longer, however both bullet spread and bullet drop are still present
  • Soldier Movement: Changes have been made to soldier movement so that it closely matches the one in Battlefield 3, but without compromising the visual fidelity. This change also makes it easier to get away from undesirable firefights. Additionally, we’ve dampened third person hit reactions where the soldier previously moved his head around a lot when getting shot at
  • HUD Triage: Focusing on clarity, and de-cluttering the HUD/UI to only show what is important – we have added several options and functionality to make your screen much less cluttered (and give you a lot of choice in making it the way you want).
  • Revive Mechanic Improvements: A special effort went into making revives easier to use, more robust and easier to understand. Additions include a “fully charged” paddle sound, UI indication on revive time and better networked ragdolls.
  • “Netcode” Improvements: Making ping differences, trade kills and kills behind cover less of an issue by lowering the time allowed to damage on the client side. Automatic High Frequency Update setting enforced with the intent of release to all platforms, including Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Improvements to bullet damage times from client to client, “dusting” and de-syncs.
  • Vehicle Balance: Identifying and tweaking the top vehicles in need of buffs and nerfs.
  • Weapon Balance: We’ve focused on maintaining a consistent Time To Kill (how long an average engagement lasts for). With the changes to visual recoil, the third person hit reactions and improved “tickrates” has been sped up somewhat as we still need to balance this with damage and recoil changes. Suppression systems has also been re-tuned and made clearer.


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Dejstvo je, da so hoteli imeti izdano igro na dan izida next-gen konzol. Uspelo jim sicer je, so pa posledice še zdaj vidne. :tepen:

To da je igra še vedno enako slaba kot ob izidu, se pa ne bi strinjal. Serverji so sedaj veliko stabilnejši (ni več disconnectov, vedno 4-5 od 5 črtic - veliko manj laga,...) in tudi veliko bugov so že odpravili. Tako da vsaj za moje pojme je igra precej boljša kot je bila ob izidu.

Je pa smešno, kolega si je ravno pred tednom dni kupil PS4 in BF4. Gre igrati kampanjo in naslednji dan se mu ves napredek izbriše... Res je bil vesel in navdušen. :P

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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