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XboxOne vs PS4 vs WiiU - Odprta "debata" za fanboye

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en folk pač ne razume ker je starejši. Tko kot kater folk še zdaj hoče imet muzko na cdjih in tko dalje. Ampak dvomim da bo mišlenje še dolgo tako. Vse digitalno je enostavno bolje iz teh razlogov:

1. Igre ne moreš zgubit

2. Igra je uporabna na drugih pcjih na istem accountu.

3. Igro dobiš prej tud če downloadaš počas vseen prej kot pa če naročiš v slo kjer nikol ne dobiš igro na dan izida tud če pre orderaš.

4. No pre-order exclusives. Zdi se mi da vsak sovraži debilne pre-orderje ki pravim fanom igre onemogočijo da imajo vse kar je možno od igre tudi če kupijo najboljšo edicijo možno.

Gapi x3.jpg

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Sony (SNE) is scheduled to announce its next-generation PlayStation 4 console at a press conference in New York City on February 20th. Recent rumors have pegged the system as a gaming powerhouse with 16GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, and 1080p HD resolution in 3D at 60 fps, however this may not be what the company is aiming for. According to a report from the Nikkei, Sony hopes the Playstation 4 will act more as a home entertainment “nerve center” than a dedicated gaming system. An unnamed company executive reportedly said that the console’s main selling point won’t be its high-end specs, but rather the new styles of play it will introduce and its ability to connect and share to mobile devices. The PlayStation 4 is rumored to launch in October and could cost more than $400


Pa še o dvojni kameri...

Every PS4 bundled with “Dual Camera”

Known as the “Dual Camera,” it uses a pair of “wide-angle cameras,” each offering 720p resolution, and processes sound by a “4 microphone array working at 48 khz.”


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  • vrhovni
The device is said to be able to recognize the user and log into the system...

It can apparently also track your hands and head as new game inputs. Though, it’s not clear if the device supports body tracking, such as Kinect.


Naj še dodajo vklop in izklop z zvočnim ukazom ali pa s kretnjo rok in navigiranje menujev z rokami (brez kontrolerja).

Očitno bo poudarek te generacije kako narediti najboljšo multimedijsko konzolo, ki bo osrednja naprava v dnevni sobi.

Da ne bodo pozabili na igre... :P

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Novi Xbox bo center zabave v našem domu, OU YEAH!

Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, just sat down alongside Nancy Tellem, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft LA Studios, to kick off this year's rendition of D:Dive Into Media here in Dana Point, Calif. The first session of the evening is being piloted by AllThingsD's Peter Kafka, and naturally, the topic of conversation is Xbox. For starters, Mehdi affirmed that Microsoft is witnessing an unmistakable transition of the Xbox 360 "from a gaming console to an entertainment console." At present, the install base is up to 76 million (up from around 70 million at the close of September 2012), with US-based users using the console for some 87 hours per month.

In fact, he stated that 18 billion (yeah, with a "B") hours of entertainment have been consumed on Xbox, and while Netflix is obviously the driving force, it might not be that way for much longer. He was quick to claim that Sony's PlayStation 3 "isn't as good of an entertainment console" -- something he feels that "everybody knows" -- and insinuated that the next-generation Xbox will stick to "big and premium." In other words, don't expect Microsoft to kick out a $50 Roku-style content box. Mehdi wants to ensure that the future of Xbox enables voice control, interactivity, and "other stuff that's big and beautiful."


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  • vrhovni

Woot! Kotaku je objavil podrobne informacije glede novega Xboxa!


  • nov in izboljšan
  • ne bo več kot opcija ampak obvezni dodatek (nujno potreben za delovanje konzole?)

Perhaps most importantly, this isn't an optional accessory. It's mandatory. Not only does a Kinect ship with every console, but it must be plugged in and calibrated for the console to even function.

  • dodan bo zraven vsake konzole (veliko boljša podpora v igrah)

the new version of the Kinect motion-control sensor array will be included with every Durango sold
This requirement is due to the way Kinect has been integrated with the Durango; because every console can be guaranteed of having the camera, developers can now program every game with the peripheral in mind.

  • hkratno sledenje do 6 oseb

The new version of the camera is able to track up to six individual "skeletons" in the same room at all times.

  • avtomatsko zaznavanje igralcev

Kinect documentation also makes mention of automatic player identification becoming part of a gameplay experience.

  • natančnejše prepoznavanje - prepozna palec, odprto/zaprto dlan, mimiko obraza

The camera has also been improved upon the models currently available, with the Durango's version capable of independently tracking your thumbs, determining whether your hand is open or closed, and even, it's claimed, reading your facial expression and seeing whether you're angry, sad or excited.

  • izjemno široki kot vida kamere - adijo Nyko Zoom :wave:

The improved viewing angle is so wide that the new Kinect doesn't even need to nod to find the best viewing angle.



Shranjevanje in nameščanje (iger)

  • disk je v vsaki konzoli, trenutno se govori o 500GB HDD

A point of confusion during the lifetime of the Xbox 360, and one of consternation for developers, was the way in which Microsoft split the install base of the machine, selling some consoles with a hard drive and others without. This meant games could not be programmed to specifically take advantage of a hard drive installation.

That divide is gone this time around, with all Durango retail consoles shipping with an HDD. That drive is 500GB in size, which should be enough for your media storage needs, but it'll mostly be used for games.

  • obvezna namestitev iger :wasted: ampak... glej naslednjo točko

Games must now be installed immediately upon first insertion of the game disc.

Durango game installations will also be mandatory, as games can't directly access data from the disc.

  • namestitev iger bo lahko (če jo bodo razvijalci seveda vključili) potekala samodejno v ozadju, med igranjem same igre! :thumbsup:

installation can take place automatically, while you're playing the game. Durango titles can be designed in "sections," so that you can pop your disc in, start playing and, in the background, the rest of the game will install. Installing games should bring performance improvements, we think, but doing so in the background should also get rid of pre-game install waits, one of the more annoying hold-ups of the current generation of consoles.

večopravilnost (multitasking)

  • možnost poganjanja več kot 1 igre/aplikacije hkrati

The Durango will be able to run more than one game or app at once.

If you're, say, a computer or smartphone user, this is not exactly sending-a-man-to-the-moon level of innovation. But game consoles have long been stuck just running the system-level functions (cross-game voice-chat, Achievement alerts, etc) while a single game runs. On an Xbox 360, even an app as simple as Twitter could only be used if whatever game the user was playing was shut down first. Durango, thankfully, gets past that.

The Durango is said to also allow games to be put into "suspend" and "constrained" states, which seemingly allow users to pause a game, switch to a second game, then return to the first game without losing their place, provided game developers follow some Microsoft protocols. Again, this is no revolution for users of computers, phones, or even Nintendo and Sony handheld gaming machines, but it is one giant leap for consoles.


  • identična postavitev kot pri trenutnem kontrolerju

The Durango's control pad will be a "natural evolution" of the Xbox 360's pad. This suggests a near-identical layout

  • nova brezična tehnologija (manjša poraba baterije?) in posledično nekompatibilnost z obstoječim kontrolerjem

Xbox 360 controllers won't work with the Durango, as they use what Microsoft is calling a "new wireless technology."

...še več in nekaj že znanega (specifikacije :roll:) na Kotaku.

Težek boj bo tole med MS in Sonyjem! :punch:

Najverjetneje si bom spet moral lastiti obe konzoli! :lol

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Meni to mahanje po zraku nekako ne sede, glasovni nadzor je spet problematičen ponoči... pač kr neki skačeš in se dereš na napravo, not my stile ;), enako mi Move ni všeč, ko z lučko mahaš po zraku... tukaj je Wii motion vseeno bolj všečen, če odmislimo natančnost, WiiU pad je spet zmene...dodatni ekran, ki ti jemlje pozornost na dogajanje na velikem ccc no go. Če hočem migat, grem ven, dnevna je za kavč in izležavnje s kontrolerjem v roki ali brez.



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  • vrhovni

Definitivno bo zanimivo vse skupaj opazovat, sploh Sonyjevo konferenco 20 tega meseca.

Ampak sam se trenutno bolj nagibam k Sonyju. Če je igralna konzola je za igrat, ne pa nek entertainment center. Za to mam bluray predvajalnike s tvjem in ostalimi online servisi. Xbox bo s tem kvečjemu uspel v ZDA, Evropa in Azija ter ostale celine bodo pri tem pomojem odpadle.

Upam, da Sony ne razočara. :)


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Definitivno imaš point! Ponoči vso to skakanje in dretje odpade.

Ampak enostavno si morajo nekaj novega izmislit, če želijo pritegniti pozornost kupcev.

verjetno spet kaj podobnega kot kinect kjer je najboljša funkcija voice control kar pa bi itak lahko dali enostavno opcijo z mikrofonom ki ga imaš na xbox slušalkah ampak delajo nek marketing plot. Še vedno ima iPhone boljši voice recognition in je telefon.... Itak pa je smešno da ves čas to preizkušajo medtem ko si je PC že 20 let nazaj prišu gor da potrebuje samo tipkovnico in miško :D

Gapi x3.jpg

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  • vrhovni

Ja, voice control bi komot lahko dali na mikrofon od slušalk. Fora je, da so morali nekako upravičiti nakup kinecta. Žal so to storili na najlažji možen način... voice control. Mislim da se bodo zadeve precej obrnile sedaj z novim kinectom, če bo res priložen vsakemu novemu Xboxu. Razvijalci bodo dosti bolje implementirali kinect v celoti in ne samo voice control.

Veliko preizkuševalcev trdi, da ima še boljšo implementacijo voice controla Android, ki ni samo na telefonih. Pa je še vedno v veliki meri neuporabna, vsaj za nas s čudnim naglasom. :D Pa tudi ko deluje pravilno, je pogosto veliko hitreje opravljeno delo na roko.

Tudi MS se je v preteklosti že trudil pa jim ni ravno najbolje ratalo.


Miška in tipkovnica je itak trenutno zakon na PC-ju. Vsaj dokler je vse tako dobro prilagojeno miški in tipkovnici. Ne pozabit, da Apple in MS na računalnikih že rineta v touch sfero, ki je (trenutno?) zelo popularna.

Mislim pa da v daljni prihodnosti ni prostora za miško in tipkovnico. Ostale alternative so enostavno preveč enostavne za navadnega uporabnika. Problem jih je le dovolj dobro razviti in razširit med uporabnikih.

Še točno 1 teden! :heavybreathing:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Blake Jorgensen Electronic Arts :

"An important thing to remember is that next-gen consoles will most likely not be backwards compatible… And if you [play] multiplayer on a game, you'll most likely not be able to play with someone on a different generation. And so if you're a FIFA player and, and the soccer season's starting in August, and all your friends are playing FIFA, you're going to want to be on the same box that they're on. So if they all go out and buy a gen-four box if it comes out at Christmas, then you'll most likely do it. If they all hold on and continue to play on third-generation, you'll probably not see that box purchase until after the soccer season's over.

"And I think that works for us positively in both ways. It helps us continue to sell gen-three products, and it will help us sell gen-four product as that cycle finally gets into place."

The used games market (and whether it will exist in gen-four)

"It's one of these classic double-edged swords. In one way the used game business has been critical for the health of the retail channel, and having a healthy retail channel is an important thing for us. The business will probably never be 100 percent digital. Bandwidths are a constraint, and will continue to be a constraint for many years to come, which hold back the ability to do full digital downloads of some games.

"So at the end of the day, it's storage capacity. Unless you've got a giant storage server in your house, keeping hundreds of games can tax your storage capacity. And so having a healthy retail channel out there like GameStop or Best Buy or others is important, and to the extent that used games is important to them, I think that's a positive.

"Would we like to sell everything at full price and not have a used game market? Sure. But I think the used game market's a little like any other kind of market where it creates liquidity. The fact is, that liquidity benefits us in some fashion. So if someone goes in and trades in a game, there's a good chance they're going to buy another one of our games. And so if there's a liquid market, I think that that's not a bad thing at all.

"I can't really comment on where the next generation boxes are going to be relative to used games. I will say that the trend in the business is to have that always-on connectivity and connect with a customer, and to the extent that the software identifies a certain customer is going to create some issues going down the road in the used game market. But I do believe that the consumer likes it, and it's been good for the retail channel."

Vir : [/font]

XBL : C Denis SLO

PSN : C_Denis_SLO


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Ja, voice control bi komot lahko dali na mikrofon od slušalk. Fora je, da so morali nekako upravičiti nakup kinecta. Žal so to storili na najlažji možen način... voice control. Mislim da se bodo zadeve precej obrnile sedaj z novim kinectom, če bo res priložen vsakemu novemu Xboxu. Razvijalci bodo dosti bolje implementirali kinect v celoti in ne samo voice control.

Veliko preizkuševalcev trdi, da ima še boljšo implementacijo voice controla Android, ki ni samo na telefonih. Pa je še vedno v veliki meri neuporabna, vsaj za nas s čudnim naglasom. :D Pa tudi ko deluje pravilno, je pogosto veliko hitreje opravljeno delo na roko.

Tudi MS se je v preteklosti že trudil pa jim ni ravno najbolje ratalo.


Miška in tipkovnica je itak trenutno zakon na PC-ju. Vsaj dokler je vse tako dobro prilagojeno miški in tipkovnici. Ne pozabit, da Apple in MS na računalnikih že rineta v touch sfero, ki je (trenutno?) zelo popularna.

Mislim pa da v daljni prihodnosti ni prostora za miško in tipkovnico. Ostale alternative so enostavno preveč enostavne za navadnega uporabnika. Problem jih je le dovolj dobro razviti in razširit med uporabnikih.

Še točno 1 teden! :heavybreathing:

močno dvomim da ni prihodnosti za tipkovnico in miško. Miška je še vedno brez kakršnegakoli dvoma najboljša adevca za merjenje v igrah. Da ne pozabimo da rpgjov in strategij brez tipkovnice sploh ne moreš dobro igrat oz so zelo omejeni. Navadno imajo tiste bližnjice (ki si jih narediš do določenih spello, napitkov,itd) samo 4 na d-padu. Ta primer je skyrim kjer jih ima PC 8 in js bi jih tam rabu še več ker sm bil mage. Tudi pisanje na tipkovnici je dost dost lažje. Kar se tiče toucha imajo pa designerji še doost časa dobre touch pade za risanje ki so boljši od današnjih tablic. Skratka morda za casual lastnike ki ne igrajo iger je touch boljša rešitev. Ogromen monitor brez tipkovnice in miške seveda za njih deluje ampak hardcore gamerji bodo vedno ostali na tem. Vsi še zdaj raje ostajamo na žičnih miškah in tipkovnicah čeprav obstajajo že dobre brezžične ampak se ne more približat. Če pride vn nova tehnologija bomo na tipkovicah in miškah ostali še raje saj bomo s tem imeli prednost nd tistimi ki uporabljajo kontrolerje in touch. Drgač pa touch kot je na wiiu kontrolerju se že uporablja na gaming tipkovnicah.

Gapi x3.jpg

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To naj bi bil PS4 devkit in prototip controllerja


Osebno me taki dualshock ne bi motil. Je vsaj oblika ostala pretežno enaka, če že morajo povsod tlačit te touchpade ..

mal bi le lohk obliko izboljšali. Upam da so tistega z downovim sindromom ki si je trigerje namislu odpostili in so zdj popravljeni.

Gapi x3.jpg

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  • vrhovni

Očitno bo sony kontroler še vedno narejen v prvi vrsti za majhne japonske roke. :P

Apple in video igre... hmm... nekam znano!

Sicer so se opekli, ampak današnji Apple dela stvari drugače. Jim pa je definitivno trenutno več kot dovolj igračarstvo na mobitelih in tablicah. Majhne cene iger in velika masa ljudi! Sploh ne več kdaj si zapravil 50€, pa še kar dalje kupuješ. Pri nakupu PS in xbox igre pa dobro premisliš preden daš za samo 1 igro 50€.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Očitno bo sony kontroler še vedno narejen v prvi vrsti za majhne japonske roke. :P

Apple in video igre... hmm... nekam znano!

Sicer so se opekli, ampak današnji Apple dela stvari drugače. Jim pa je definitivno trenutno več kot dovolj igračarstvo na mobitelih in tablicah. Majhne cene iger in velika masa ljudi! Sploh ne več kdaj si zapravil 50€, pa še kar dalje kupuješ. Pri nakupu PS in xbox igre pa dobro premisliš preden daš za samo 1 igro 50€.

apple ima drugačn sistem. Vsako leto nov produkt. Poleg tega je to kar apple zasluži od iger in aplikacij drobiž napram temu kaj zaslužijo s hardware prodajo. Konzole ravno obratno saj se na začetku navadno prodajajo z zelo majhnim profitom ali z izgubo. AppStore uporabniki niti ne zapravijo dost. 15€ povprečni uporabnik mogoče? 30% tega dobi apple? To je sam tolk da ga ujamejo da zdjvskao leto kupuje telefon in e druge naprave kjer gre skoraj ves izkupiček applu.

Gapi x3.jpg

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