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Sony uslužbenec in Reddit uporabnik z imenom "IWorkForSony", je povedal nekaj več glede DLNA, mp3 in video podpore na PS4:

Responding to a question regarding DLNA/MP3 support, he said:

"I’d say early 2015 for DLNA. MP3 and Video Players by the Holiday season (MP3 maybe sooner)."

Tudi mobilna aplikacija bi naj doživela redizajn:

"There’s a redesign in the works. It should be more functional and modern (read: less cheesy blue boxes)."

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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oja zelo lepa piramida no matej1990 sem razmišljal o temle tvojem vodiču za zamenjavo teh gobic na kontrolerju mogoče komu ljubše rečeno josticyku bom raje bessieja vprašal veš jaz ko sem iz kmetov nisem nbavajen na takšne male oprosti izrazu (šraufe) bi raje res resnično dal nekomu ki se s tem ubada oz obvlada zadevo nudim pa pošteno plačilo:beer::rock::rock:

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PS4 slim je v razvoju.

The PS4 Slim release date may have been revealed which means that the update to Sony Playstation 4 is being made right now.

Gaming news site Cyberland has reported that the PS4 slim release date is going to be on 2016 as Sony is working on the console right now.

It should be noted that the slim versions of the PS2 and PS3 prevented the dreaded red light of death as well as overheating problems that plagued the system.


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PS TV bo na voljo v Evropi 14. novembra in bo izšel skupaj s tremi digitalnimi igrami.


PS Now bo v Evropi na voljo v 2015, prva beta pa bo na voljo v UK.

Točen datum izida še niso povedali.

Glede prodaje PS4 pa je Sony na Gamescomu povedal, da so do sedaj prodali 10 milijonov konzol.

Sony started their Gamescom presentation with some surprising news: to date, the PS4 has sold 10 million units globally, and directly to consumers at that.

Urejano od japanboy
Dodan datum izida PS TV.


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Samo v vednost če se še komu zgodi... če boste priklapljali USB na PS4, potem mora ta biti obvezno formatiran v FAT32 ali pa exFAT. USB formatiran v NTFS sesuje PS4 (2x preverjeno :tepen:) in se več ne pobere - prideš v boot loop. Niti safe mode ne gre skozi. Ko se USB odstrani, pa se vse nazaj normalno postavi. :heavybreathing:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Hvala za to obvestilo!

Ravno med vikendom sem delal varnostne kopije iger še na usb ključ in ob 3 ključih sem se odločil ravno za tistega formatiranega v ex-fat, ostala dva sta v NTFS. Sicer sem se pa kar čudil da PS prepozna ex-fat medtem ko je npr. Xtreamerju to španska vas a sam op. sistem je android gor. Da dol padeš.



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... od 3 USB ključev, ki jih imam pri roki, ima eden predebelo ohišje da bi ga lahko vstavil v USB režo v PS4, ostala 2 pa PS4 enostavno ne prepozna. Lahko formatiram v FAT32 ali exFAT, je vseeno. PS4 ju ne prepozna. Na koncu mi je uspelo prenesti screenshote na zunanji disk, ki sem ga sformatiral v exFAT. :tired: V čem je fora da ne delujejo vsi USB ključi ne vem, vem pa da imajo drugi enake težave.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sony je na svoji Gamescom konferenci najavil sistemsko posodobitev 2.00, ki bo izšla jeseni.

Najbolj udarna novost je Share Play:

The best way to think about Share Play is like a “virtual sofa”. PlayStation 4 will create an online local co-op experience by allowing you to invite a friend to join your game—even when they don’t own a copy of it. With this first-of-its-kind feature, you’ll be able to play games with a friend just as if you were together in the same room. Let’s say that with games… you’ll be able to invite your friend online to play as part of your Club in DRIVECLUB.

With Share Play, you can even jump into a game to assist a friend. For example, if there is part of a game that you can’t quite finish, you can invite a friend to take over your controls. Like handing over the controller to a friend on your couch, your screen will be shared as your friend gets through the part of the game that has been giving you trouble—can’t get past that part in The Last of Us: Remastered when you’re hanging upside down? Get a little help.

Share Play will be coming to PS4 as part of the upcoming system software update v2.00, scheduled for release this autumn.

FW 2.00 bo vseboval še:

The update will also add highly requested broadcast and video share features, including both uploading you game play footage and dedicated app support for YouTube, which we mentioned on stage at E3.

What’s New will get enhanced real-time activity through friend-of-friend suggestions, allowing instant access to friends’ and recently played games’ broadcast

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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