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Ekskluzivno:PlayStation 4


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Survey za PS4 4.0 verzija programske opreme je že poniknil na internet.

It seems like Sony is already working on the next major PlayStation 4 Firmware, called PS4 Firmware 4.0. Earlier today, a neogaf user received a survey application from Sony asking him to list out things he want to see in next PlayStation 4 firmware (PS4 Firmware 4.0) and what is the best suited release window for it.

The survey started with a blank box, but towards the end of it, options fields popped out, with the query for participants on most desired features for PS4 Firmware 4.0. Also, the survey ended with a query for participants: when would they like to release PS4 firmware release.




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Moje želje:

  • Notifications when friends come online
  • Hide/completely remove items from library
  • Change PSN ID
  • Download avatars on PS4

Ni na seznamu:

  • Dejansko največja želja od vsega naštetega: shranjevanje screenov in videjev v oblak (Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive,...)
  • pinanje igre v ospredje - torej da jo lahko prilepiš kot prvo igro v seznamu zadnje igranih iger.

Bonus: popravljena stabilnost in hitrosti PSN omrežja! :x Da včasih niti community seznama ne naloži (in včasih celo javi napako) je prav žalostno...

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Moje želje:

  • Notifications when friends come online
  • Hide/completely remove items from library
  • Change PSN ID
  • Download avatars on PS4

Ni na seznamu:

  • Dejansko največja želja od vsega naštetega: shranjevanje screenov in videjev v oblak (Dropbox, Google Drive, MS OneDrive,...)
  • pinanje igre v ospredje - torej da jo lahko prilepiš kot prvo igro v seznamu zadnje igranih iger.

Bonus: popravljena stabilnost in hitrosti PSN omrežja! :x Da včasih niti community seznama ne naloži (in včasih celo javi napako) je prav žalostno...

jaz se strinjam z matejevimi željami

in pa ja včasih bi tut fajn bilo kot je medenko napisal to so moje želje

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Na PS4 prihaja emulacija PS2 iger, Sony je to tudi uradno potrdil


“We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation,”


Kot kaže so ponekod že na voljo Star Wars paketi s priloženimi PS2 igrami, ki že izkoriščajo emulacijo, priložene igre so: Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.



The big question is, how will this emulation work when it goes wide? Will it just be limited to bonus features? Will you have to buy the games from the PlayStation digital store, or will you also be able to insert a PlayStation 2 disc into your PS4 and play it? Sony, as stated above, declined to comment further on its intentions.


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Odklenjeno bo najbrž 7. jedro pri PS4.




PlayStation 4 has been out for just over two years now in the U.S. and Europe, and in that time, it appears the system has become a little more powerful thanks to Sony surreptitiously unlocking the system's seventh CPU core for developers to get to grips with. 

You see, the electronics giant originally restricted game development on its flagship console to just six CPU cores of the eight in total available. However, according to a changelog (via NeoGAF) for the FMOD audio middleware, Sony has now allowed access to the PS4's "newly unlocked seventh core," which means developers now have a lot more power to play with.



Urejano od japanboy


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Tale zapis to potrjuje


Firelight Technologies FMOD Studio API
Detailed Revision History

17/11/15 1.07.03 - Studio API patch release (build 69975)


LowLevel API - When using System::recordStart the provided FMOD::Sound can now be any channel count, up/down mixing will be performed as necessary.
LowLevel API - Improved performance of convolution reverb effect when wet is 0 or input goes idle.
LowLevel API - PS4 - Added FMOD_THREAD_CORE6 to allow access to the newly unlocked 7th core.
LowLevel API - PS4 - Added FMOD_Orbis_GetPadVolume() to retrieve the output volume of the pad speaker as set by the user in the system software.
LowLevel API - Added FMOD_DSP_TYPE_TRANSCEIVER. Send signals from multiple sources to a single 'channel' (out of 32 global 'channels') and receieve from that or any channel from multiple receivers. Great for receiving and broadcasting a submix from multiple 3d locations (amongst other uses).
Unity - FMOD_StudioSystem.GetEvent() can now be used with snapshot paths.
Unity - Ignore OSX resource fork files when importing from FAT32 file systems.
UE4 - Deployment will also copy any plugins listed in a file plugins.txt in the FMODStudio/Binaries/Platform directory. See the Using Plugins page for more information.
UE4 - Console platforms set up thread affinity in FMODPlatformSystemSetup.

Studio API - Fixed snapshot applied to VCA level not working in game.
Studio API - Fixed profiler session timing when recording a game with a non-standard sample rate.
Studio API - PS4 - Fix linker error in examples.
LowLevel API - Fixed buffer overrun when convolution reverb is set up with mismatched input and output channels.
LowLevel API - Fix crash with invalid .mp3 files.
LowLevel API - Fix Sound::getName() not returning a valid UTF8 string when loading a sound with ID3 tags specifying the title as a latin1 string.
LowLevel API - Fix pops in flange and chorus effects.
LowLevel API - Fix crash when using flange effect on a channel group with channel count greater than the system channel count.
LowLevel API - FLAC - Fix crash when seeking in certain flac files.
LowLevel API - Android - Automatic selection of OpenSL output mode will now be stricter to reduce stuttering on devices that incorrectly report they are low latency.
LowLevel API - PS4 - Fix signal not being routed back to the main output when detaching a channel group from a port.
LowLevel API - Fix FMOD_ADVANCEDSETTINGS::reverb3Dinstance not working.

Android - Now built with NDK r10e.
PS Vita - Now built with SDK 3.550.
LowLevel API - FMOD_DSP_CHANNELGAIN_OUTPUT_DEFAULT ... FMOD_DSP_CHANNELGAIN_OUTPUT_ALLLFE (from the FMOD_DSP_CHANNELMIX_OUTPUT enum) have been renamed to FMOD_DSP_CHANNELMIX_OUTPUT_DEFAULT ... FMOD_DSP_CHANNELMIX_OUTPUT_ALLLFE (ie CHANNELGAIN renamed to CHANNELMIX) to fit with the correct naming convention. Rename required if using this effect.



Urejano od Bessie


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