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Ekskluzivno:PlayStation 4


Priporočene objave

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Še povzetek specifikacij:

DualShock 4

Improved latency, controls and

motion sensing

Built-in speaker, headphone jack

and front touchpad

Front-mounted light bar both signals to player and adds motion-sensing options

PlayStation 4 Eye

Two 1280×800 resolution cameras

Four microphones

85º field of view


Main Processor

CPU x86-64 AMD “Jaguar”, eight cores

GPU 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon-based graphics engine



Hard Disk Drive

Built-in Optical Drive (read-only)

Blu-ray 6xCAV



USB 3.0


Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n

Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)

AV output HDMI

Analogue-AV out

Optical digital output


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E3 2013 spored predstavitev:

  • 10.6.:
    • 20:00 - MS
    • 22:00 - Ubisoft


    • 24:00 - EA
    • 04:00 - Sony

Načeloma vsaka predstavitev traja malo manj kot 2h. :heavybreathing:Tako da je med EA in Sony konferenco 2h fraj za wc, večerno malico in quick nap. :tepen:

Nintendo - letos brez velike predstavitve :(

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Destiny bo v igralni obliki prvič prikazan na Sonyjevi E3 tiskovki

Aja mal berem odzive na MSjev 'cloud computing' in bi vas rad spomnil, da je Sony lani pobasal Gaikai, ki ga Sony namerava uporabljat kot BC za PS4, obenem pa ga lahko hitro dodela v server farme



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Tudi Sony se je odločil stopiti po Xbox One stopinjah in bo izdal konzolo še to leto tudi v EU!


A new Sony PlayStation 4 advert suggests the next-gen console will be out in the UK in 2013.

An advert, in today's Metro newspaper, reads: "PS4. Coming 2013."

A spokesperson told Eurogamer the following:

"We announced at the PlayStation Meeting event on Feb 20th that PS4 would be coming in 2013... the adverts are simply re-stating that message.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sem prepričan, da ce se ne bo po E3ju kaj konkretno spremenilo pri MS bo Sony krepko dobil vsaj začetno bitko. WiiU je že sedaj po razkritju Xbox One krepko profitiral vsaj v UK pri Amazonu. In sem prepričan da bo še napredoval. Največ bo po mojem na zgubi ravno MS. S tem ceglom so se krepko zafrknili. Sam komaj čakam da izide konzola PS4 in jo takoj prednaročim pri Goblinu.


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Sej Sony ma enega asa v rokavu - jutrišnji finale Lige Prvakov in ziher se bo na panojih rolalo 'PS4 coming in 2013'. Če bi pa še datum objavil, pol majo pa pol dela opravljenega, ko ti milijarda folka gleda prenos po celem planetu :)

Wembley je poliman s plakati 'PS4 coming in 2013'. Sony bi pa lahko jutri lansiral tudi prve reklame med tekmo.

fenomenalni fotošop


Urejano od DrMiha



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Pol pa folk pizdi zakaj ni Sony reklame dal. Ja kdo pa gleda reklame med fuzbalom? Takrat se gre po pir/scat/jest, nazaj prideš ko se komentator spet oglasi. Oglasi so v 2. polcajtu bolj pogosti, če bodo podaljški jih bo še več. Še moj stari in 20 ljudi v oštariji, kjer sem sedaj, je opazilo, da pride PS4



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Po razkurjenih množicah Xbox privržencev, sedaj val prehaja tudi na Playstation 4... govora je seveda o rabljenih igrah na konzolah.

Prvi so si upal kaj več povedati pri Microsoftu, ki so dobesedno pogoreli zaradi nejasnih odgovorov in napačnih razlaganj fanov. Sony ves ta čas ni nič kaj dosti komentiral zadeve in sedaj se šušlja, da bo imel PS4 zelo podobno zaščito za igranje rabljenih iger.

The issue of limiting second hand game sales was reignited last week when Microsoft mentioned plans to regulate their use on Xbox One. Then, over the weekend, GameTrailers' Geoff Keighley hinted that Sony may still potentially follow suit.

"Microsoft is getting beaten up a lot on it," Keighley explained. "Sony, I think, has been seen as this kind of white knight so far that's not going to restrict used games. Based on some of the things I'm hearing, I don't think that's entirely true, because I can't see publishers allowing one system to do one thing and one do another."

EA recently cancelled its Online Pass solution, designed as a way of recouping costs from second hand game sales. EA didn't mention only culling the scheme from Xbox One, where a used game tax appears likely.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

PS4 bo v odlični navezi s PS Vito:

Remote Play works by downscaling the 1080p framebuffer to the Vita's native 960x544 resolution, using the PS4's in-built hardware h.264 video encoder to compress the image. This is then beamed out over WiFi to the Vita, which decodes the video and sends back controller inputs to the PlayStation 4. It's effectively OnLive cloud streaming technology relocated to the home - the difference being that image quality issues can be resolved through much higher-bandwidth video, while input latency is cut down considerably owing to the localised nature of the network.


Knack running via Vita Remote Play at the PS4 reveal. Despite the off-screen nature of the shot, the quality of the image being transferred from the PlayStation 4 looks pretty decent.

Remote Play bo sedaj veliko bolj razširjen in uporaben:

A trusted PlayStation 4 developer source with a proven track record for accuracy has told Digital Foundry that Sony has mandated Vita Remote Play for all upcoming PS4 games - except those that require the use of its bundled stereoscopic camera, the PS4 Eye.


Urejano od matej1990
dodana slika in opis

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Nja, to sem jaz pričakoval že na PS3+PSP pa ni bilo, tudi remote play večina iger ne podpira, razen seveda, če nimaš odklenjene PS3... potem delajo vse :roll:

Ali pa ko so že 2006 kazali nekaj podobnega kar danes MS promovira z Xbox smart glassom... pa potem se mi zdi ni bilo nič s tem... upam, da bo naveza PS4 + Vita bolje uresničena...


Urejano od Bessie


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