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Killzone Shadow Fall


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Eurogamer predogled:

The team at Amsterdam's Guerrilla games set themselves not one, but two big challenges with Killzone Shadow Fall. The first was to make the jump to PS4 and deliver a launch game for Sony's new console. The second was to take Killzone back to the drawing board.

That's a lot to take on in two and a half years, but the risk was calculated - and visiting the studio in Amsterdam this week to play both campaign levels and multiplayer, I felt like it might pay off. Shadow Fall has a more open design based on large levels and flexible gameplay systems, rather than scripted spectacle in a COD-style corridor. Killzone - which has seemed like something of an also-ran of the recent FPS scene - is reclaiming a personality of its own. It's still nothing new, perhaps, but it's looking like a very solid and well-sorted launch game for the PS4. And, yes, it does have loads of graphics. Absolutely tons of the things.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Baje da remote play lahko deluje v dveh načinih:

1.) direkten wifi link (wifi direct) med PS4 in Vito - prikazan zgoraj v postu

2.) wifi link preko ruterja (preko mreže)

Prvi način dosega izjemno mali lag (zamik pri igranju), po dosedanjih ocenah baje samo 1 FPS! :thumbsup:

PS: Resolucija posnetka zgoraj je podobna resoluciji s katero tečejo Xbox One igre. :P

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Očitno ma dost folka težave z razumevanjem angleščine, saj so GG izrecno povedali, da ciljajo na 60 fps, niso pa nikjer povedali, da bo framerate lockan na 60 za multiplayer. Drugače pa zadeva laufa v MPju med 40-60 fps, prvo le na nekaj kartah, ki očitno niso bile dovolj speglane in igralci poročajo, da kakih slowdownov sploh ni opazit. In to v 1080p.



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Definitivno ni večino časa 60FPS, ampak prej 50, včasih pa pade tudi na 30. Definitivno niso popolnoma uresničili obljub, ampak po moje ni tako hudo, kot je v članku ki si ga objavil. Za moje pojme je v članku pretiravano.

Se pa ne čudmi če bodo izdali kakšen patch, tako kot je tole bilo narejeno pri CoD in AC4, kjer so s patchem popravili resolucijo na 1080p (v KZ:SF bodo pač popravili framerate na 60FPS :D).



Pa še povezava do celotnega članka: KLIK!

PS: Obvezno si zdownloadajte KZ:SF posnetek, ki je objavljen v DF članku! :drool: YT dela igri krivico!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Pri Digital Foundry so pogledali v zakulisje igre in odkrili nekaj zanimivosti:

  • izjemno izboljšan zvok - MADDER audio (Material Dependent Early Reflections)
    Zvoki streljanja se sedaj "odbijajo" glede na geometrijo in materiale v okolici... v realnem času:
    Everywhere in the game you have materials - walls, rocks, different things - that for geometry purposes are tagged with what material they are... We bounce the shock waves of the gun off every surface in the game, all the time.


    One step beyond 'HDR' audio. Killzone Shadow Fall's surround audio system has commonalities with DICE's acclaimed surround sound set-up, but the addition of MADDER - Material Dependent Early Reflections - which shapes the sound of your gunfire according to the surrounding environment.
  • napredne animacije likov - liki so narejeni iz več "plasti":
    "A lot of this stuff isn't noticeable, but it makes the characters believable - and that is what we really want. Guys like me that work with characters want to make them believable."


    Here we see the basic 'logical' skeleton on the far right of the screen, the procedurally generated additions in the centre, with the full model featuring position-based dynamics on the left.
    It's another example of how next-gen power allows for the creation of new opportunities for the developers, creating a more natural and believable game.
  • dih jemajoča grafika:
    There are two key elements to what makes it look so special over and above the increased poly counts you would expect from a next-gen title. Materials and lighting are quite sublime: two systems working in concert to create an aesthetic that is already being adopted by a great many other next-gen titles currently in development.
  • To a great extent, lighting is defined by the materials utilised within the environments. The same 'roughness' on objects that informs the MADDER audio system also helps define how light bounces off the materials
    "On the PlayStation 3, we'd have a maximum of 7000-8000 building blocks and now we're seeing that on PS4 that we're pushing 26,000 building blocks. We'd have two LOD steps for these elements, now we have seven LOD steps."
    Shadow Fall's reflection system also contributes to the often spectacular lighting effects work.
    "If you make everything absolutely physically correct, we don't have any possibility to fake something. We're not making something photo-realistic or hyper-realistic, we're looking to make an image that's as pleasant as possible."
    Da boste resnično videli kako izgleda igra, je tukaj 1080p60 posnetek (okoli 2GB) začetka SP igranja (posnetki na YouTube so le bleda senca tega :loser:): DIREKTEN LINK 1, DIREKTEN LINK 1 MIRROR ali TORRENT :love:

Celotni članek je na voljo TUKAJ in obsega še polno drugih zadev. Ne vem za vas, ampak jaz komaj čakam da zaženem to igro! :hyper:

In še za konec: kaj pričakovati v prihodnosti:

"We still have a long way to go. We're very early in the cycle. The PS4 is very easy to work with and I think we got quite far, but whatever we do next will be even better because we always constantly push the technology."





PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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2013 has been an absolutely phenomenal year for all of us here at Guerrilla Games, from launching Killzone Mercenary – the go-to shooter on the PS Vita – to the honour of launching Killzone Shadow Fall alongside PS4 this November with unprecedented love and affection from fans old and new.

We stand amazed and humbled by the love that fans have shown, and the thousands of hours of gameplay and live streams that stand as a testament to their engagement. We are committed to supporting you all with many more hours of content and events as 2014 begins. From Guerrilla, best of wishes for this season. *Raise toast* For the Players!


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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PS+ naročniki in PS4 lastniki!!! Brezplačno lahko preizkusite KZ:SF multiplayer!

Vse kar morate narediti je, da izpolnjujete 2 pogoja (PS+ naročnina in PS4 konzola), se odpravite na PS Store v PS+ podmeni (preko konzole ali kar preko spleta) in začnete s prednalaganjem.


Brezplačno online igranje bo na voljo od 28.-31. decembra!

Kot dodaten bonus, izide tudi posodobitev, ki prinese razne popravke in novost (ki bi po pravem morala biti prisotna že od splavitve :|): voice chat

Še razlaga glede prenašanja MP dela igre, ki lahko povzroči zmedo:

NOTE: PS Plus members who don’t own Killzone Shadow Fall but opt to pre-load and participate in the multiplayer open weekend will also end up downloading single-player content as well (although multiplayer can be prioritised in order to complete first). Please be aware that while this single-player content will be automatically downloaded, it will NOT be unlocked during this open weekend.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Samo multiplayer je free. Sama igra single player je plačljiva in ni zastonj. Multiplayer pa lahko preneseš (skupaj s single playerjem - katerega ne moreš igrat oz. je lockan) in igraš zastonj in ves napredek lahko shraniš oz. preneseš dalje, če se odločiš igro kupit.

Sicer pa maš v postu od mateja1990 vse lepo razloženo.


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