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Super Smash Bros

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Težko pričakovana igra za 3DS in Wii U bo za omenjeni platformi izšla 2014.

Nintendo pa je na E3 Nintendo Directu izdal prvi napovednik. Potrjeno je da se bo rosterju likov pridružil Mega Man, Animal Crossing vaščan ter Wii Fiit U trener. :)


EDIT: Nintendo je potrdil, da bo igra "tekla" v 1080p ločljivosti!

Edited by japanboy


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Nintendo je oznanil WiiU Gamecube kontroler ter adapter zanj za prihajajoči Super Smash Bros.

A Nintendo GameCube controller adapter for Super Smash Bros. Wii U was announced by Nintendo today along with a “retro Nintendo GameCube controller” featuring the brawler’s markings.

The GameCube system controller was preferred by many fans, according to Nintendo, since Super Smash Bros.Melee. The Nintendo GameCube controller also could be used in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii, and the firm plans to “honor that devoted loyalty.”

An adapter that lets up to four original Nintendo GameCube or WaveBird controllers work with Wii U is being released this holiday season for those who prefer the GC controller.


Edited by japanboy
Dodan video.


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Nintendo Europe je oznanil poseben limited edition Super Smash Bros bundle za 3DS XL z že naloženo igro.


The Smash-themed limited edition 3DS XL bundle will be available in select retailers across Europe, as well as on the Nintendo UK online store, which you can view here. The bundle will retail for the recommended price of £209.99, though the overall price may differ from retailers. The Nintendo UK online store are also offering a Super Smash Bros. t-shirt with the bundle as well, but is only available while stocks last.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ja js sm dobu kodo, pa nism platinum member...dober no, res da mam neki čez 5000 starov, sam nevem če je to za platinum...u glavnem dobiš 4 kode za ekskluzivno verzijo super smash bros., ki ne poteče nikol, igraš lahko s 5 karakterji, Mario, Link, Pikachu, Villager, Mega Man, na samo eni mapi Battlefield. Online funkcija je zaenkrat še izklopljena, ampak upam da se bo vklopla eventuelno :P Skratka če še kdo rabi kode mam še 2! Pa hit pojte prečekirat mail, ker men je v gmailu kr med promocije vrglo, bi skor spustu zadevo!

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Wii U verzija izide v Evropi 1 teden prej kot je bilo sprva načrtovano. Zdaj bo igra izšla 28. novembra.

In a surprising turn of events, Nintendo Europe has tweeted that the release date for Super Smash Bros Wii U has been pushed forward. The brawler which was originally intended to release on December 5th will now be coming to Europe on November 28th. Good news for those gamers in Europe then.


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