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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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Akcijsko-avanturistična skrivalščina, zopet izpod rok očeta serije, Hidea Kojime. Tokrat z bolj odraslo, resno in zamorjeno tematiko in popolnoma odprtim svetom. Glas protagonistu Snakeu je tokrat prvič posodil sam Jack-Bauer-Power-Hour Kiefer Sutherland.

Izide naslednje leto na PS3, PS4, X360, X1 in PCju.

E3 '13 Red Band (not for kiddos!) trailer:


Holy moly schmoly. Od nekdaj mi je zanimiva serija, špilat sem se uspel spravit samo MGS2, ker se mi nikoli ni dalo poglabljati in poizkušati razumeti celotne (odpuljene) zgodbe in likov, ampak tale trailer .. noro. Kojima res zna spravit skupaj fenomenalne trailerje.

Edited by Anduril
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Tako kot se za pravega Japonca spodobi, je Hideo Kojima naročil svojim, da morajo MGS5 liki biti bolj sexy:

The character in question is bikini-and-stockings clad sniper Quiet, previously shown during the game's E3 trailer. "I wanted to add that sexiness to her. It wasn't really supposed to be erotic, but sexy," he explained.


Ne vem za vas, ampak jaz komaj čakam prvi cosplay! :hyper:

EDIT: No... pravzaprav je cospay že na internetu (delno NSFW vsebine!!!):



Edited by matej1990
cosplay found!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ground Zeroes

Your Metal Gear Solid V experience starts next spring with Ground Zeroes, a prequel that will cost $19.99 or $29.99 depending on which console you buy it for and how you’ll be playing. Current-gen systems will have a downloadable version available for $19.99 or a hard copy that will run $29.99.



METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES features new advances made possible by Kojima Productions' FOX Engine, such as radical new game design, day and night cycles, and weather conditions that will all dynamically affect gameplay. The missions are designed to ease players into the new control and gameplay advances that will be an integral part of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN.

The METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES storyline follows the series' hero, Big Boss, as he infiltrates a remote Cuban prison camp on a rescue mission, all while trying to remain undetected. Explosive plot lines develop quickly as he finds himself on behind enemy lines with little options for help.

"The advanced capabilities of the FOX Engine are allowing me to express the story of METAL GEAR SOLID in a new way," explained Hideo Kojima, Creator of the METAL GEAR SOLID series, and head of Kojima Productions. "There will be a significant difference in what METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN brings to the series, so we want to ease players into the new open world environment and its potential, allowing them to fully benefit from all that the new game offers. As such, METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES has been designed to introduce key elements, while setting up the events of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN."

METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES will be released in Spring 2014 on PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One systems. The game will be available in retail stores nationwide on current generation systems for the MSRP of $29.99 or via download for $19.99. For PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, the game can be downloaded for $29.99 suggested retail price.

Torej formula: next-gen = dražje :yuck:



Edited by matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igro bo za PS3 in PS4 dobila retro misijo poimenovano "Déjà Vu"


By setting up shots from scenes based on the events of the past, you’ll be recreating the events of Shadow Moses as you take control of Naked Snake, as he tackles Camp Omega in totally new, yet oddly familiar conditions. From Genome Soldiers, to Hind D helicopters, to FOXDIE and more, you’ll be seeing old faces and new twists that will have you shouting TIME PARADOX by the end.



Tukaj pa je še intervju s Hideo Kojimo o novem Fox pogonu, MGS5 igri (doh :tard:) novem DualShock 4 kontrolerju, PS4 konzoli,... KLIK!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Znana je Xbox ekskluzivna vsebina za Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes! Gre za misijo z imenom "Jamais Vu" in bo na boljo za Xbox 360 in Xbox One:


In it, you play cyborg ninja Raiden (star of Metal Gear Solid 2 and the recent spin-off Metal Gear Rising Revengeance) and battle enemy body snatchers in a base.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes izide v EU 20, marca 2014!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Poročaj o izkušnji! Me že kar lepo rajcajo s temle, vendar bom sam verjetno kar počakal na Phantom Pain, da se dobi celo izkušnjo. Al pa ajde, če bo na kakšnem saleu za 10€.

So pa baje precej "pomoderniziral" gameplay. Odstranili kartonaste škatle, ratione in trkanje, ter dodali regenerativno zdravje in slow motion.


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Nope, igra ob ceni 30€ (PS4 verzija) po moje ŠE ni vredna denarja. Nisem nek MGS fan in je vsaj zame res samo obsežnejši demo. Ko pa pade cena pa nabavim.

MGS4 je pa itak kompliciran v vseh pogledih... čeprav vseeno zabaven za igrat. Drugačna in IZREDNO (japonska) dramatična igra.

Edited by matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ej sem se spravil igrad HD in pa MGS4... obup, sploh mi ni jasno kako sem lahko to včasih igral, res so nas razvadli :D

Hahaha! :D Jst tudi moram rečt, da mi MGS3 (in verjetno tud 4ka, moram še prit do tja *shy-shy*) tud ne gre nekaj ful dobro od rok. 1 in 2 sta mi bli še fajni s svojim izometričnim pogledom. Kuj, ko pa so pogled obrnili za hrbet mi pa na noben način ne gre in grem ponavadi kar na juriš all guns blazing. :D


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Brez aplikacije za mobilne naprave danes več očitno ne gre!


Use this app as a support terminal to display maps, call support helicopters while playing the console version of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. While away from the main game, brush up on intel by reviewing classified recordings or listen to music tracks featuired within the game.


Linking your app to the main game allows yo to navigate the world of Ground Zeroes by using the iDROID as a navigational system and support terminal for calling support helicopters.

iDROID - Konami trolli :troll:


Expand Mother Base, build a private army, and dispatch troops to battlefields around the globe. Manage your forces and build your military might in this military base building simulation. Play as a stand-alone app, or sync with with MGSV: GROUND ZEROES to unlock special troops and weapons obtained from within the main game!


Once you've heard an audio track within the main game with iDROID Mode, you can use this app to play back those tracks at anytime with your smart device.

Android in iOS

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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