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Everybody's Gone to the Rapture


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Še ena ekskluziva za PS4

“It’s all about the end of the world,” explains The Chinese Room. “You play the role of a scientist, trapped in the very second of the apocalypse, and the game is about discovering what has happened. You do this by exploring a large open-world environment, and interacting with the objects, places and people you find to gradually unlock and put together the story.”



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The game is all about discovery. It’s open-world so you have the freedom to explore wherever you like, visiting areas in an order you define, and the story is written to allow this whilst making sure every player has a strong dramatic experience. It’s a type of storytelling that is completely unique to games.

The choices you make as a player have a direct impact on how you understand the story – the more you explore and interact, the deeper you are drawn into Rapture’s world.

Po letu dni je igra dobila ta napovednik. O datumu izida pa nič. Novo je le to, da bo igra izšla tudi za PC.


Urejano od japanboy
Opis dopolnjen + dodana platforma.


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Baje se počasi pripravlja interna beta verzija igre.

Še nekaj informacij o igri.

According to The ChineseRoom, PS4 exclusive Everybody's Gone to the Rapture will be based around six characters, each telling their own story, and each connected to landmarks in the world that evolve as the game progresses. The event of the game takes place in a village in Shropshire during the apocalypse.


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Igra izide že drug teden! Od izida, bo za vse PS+ naročnike samo za 2 tedna igra znižana za 20%! Dodatno bodo naročnikom dodali tudi tole premikajočo se temo:


Jaz jo sigurno nabavim v tem obdobju. :yes: Všeč mi je tudi, da je vedno več novih izidov deležnik PS+ popusta.



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