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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


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To so navodila kako dostopati do bete:


How do I download the beta?
Once the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta is available, please follow the instructions below. A voucher is not required to download the Beta.

If you purchased a digital version from the PlayStation Store, please skip to Step 2;

  1. Insert the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection game disc into the PlayStation 4
  2. Highlight the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection game icon
  3. Select ‘Overview’
  4. Select the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta Tile and press the X button to begin your download from the PlayStation Store

Please note: You must have valid application save data from Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection saved in system storage in order to access the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta.


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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Kako se vam je kaj zdel U4 multiplayer?


Jaz sem ga ravno včeraj prvič sprobal, ker me ni niti vlekel kaj preveč. SP je bistvo Uncharteda. :yes:

Moje mnenje je, da zgleda zelo lepo in se igra zelo tekoče. Tukaj pa se vse skupaj konča. V drugem ni nič posebnega.

Po moje ima preveč vsega navešenega. Že samo animacije so tako zelo močne, da igra po moje ni dovolj odzivna. Se kar zgubiš v vseh teh animacijah. Namesto da bi se lik takoj odzval, se mimogrede zapleteš zaradi premajhne odzivnosti. Dvomim da bodo to kaj dosti popravili. Je pa tudi res, da nimam izkušenj s prejšnjimi Uncharted MP igrami, zato ne vem kako se je Uncharted MP že prej igral.
Strelna mehanika je zelo dobra, čeprav na čisto blizu je grozno zanič streljanje in se je bolje tepst.

Plezanje deluje zelo izboljšano napram prejšnjim serijam. Komaj čakam plezanje v SP.

Na živce so mi šli AI pomočniki, ki so po moje premočni.

Je precej taktična streljačina. Z dobro ekipo, bi znalo biti igranje zelo zabavno.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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meni je blo ful všeč. če dam odgovor na tvoj post; plezanje je res dosti boljše kot v prejšnih delih, strelanje tut, zvok, grafika...pri fajtanju je pa glih tu point, na blizu je brezveze streljat razen če bežiš in streljaš samo z R2. To, da ne umreš takoj in te mora nasprotnik KO da res umreš in lahko se splaziš na varno, kjer te lahko bilokeri soigralec oživi, je kr dobra taktična zamisel, predvsem ko bodo drugi mp modi v igri. Sidekicksi so dobra stvar, samo če se držijo tebe in tvojega team-a, ali pa obratno( z vsako uporabo je naslednji dražji). dostikrat je prišel nasprotnikov sidekick med mene in 3-4 moje, pa smo ga uničli v 3 sekundah. ravno obratno pa je če prideš v gužvo, kjer so 4 enemyi pa 1-2 sidekicka, nimaš šans. Tut druge specialnosti kot so Cintamani Stone, Wraith of El Dorado naredijo svoj čarm k igri :P niso pa OP, to mi je všeč.

Je kr poudarek na taktiki, ni COD style, rush, fire and be good at aiming. Komaj čakam še druge MP mode, tam bo še več taktike, kot pri temle TDM-ju! Všeč mi je bilo tudi da si lahko preoblačil karakterja. 

Urejano od TixXeR
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Neil Druckmann glede U4 konca in Nathana:



“He’s at the height of his popularity, so it’s not a good business decision. But I feel like the best way to honour him is to go out on top, to finish his story,” he told the paper, pointing out that Sony owns the brand and future iterations are still up in the air.

“But with the end of this story, it will be really hard to do a sequel with Nathan Drake,” he added, before hinting that a prequel or a new lead could be in the series’ future.


Treba je seveda omenit, da Druckmann rad zavaja javnost in da ni vedno čisto tako kot se zdi sprva. ;)

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ne vem, kaj bi sploh poleg "smrti" še lahko prišlo v poštev. Edino kar mi pade na pamet je, da bi ga Elena skupaj z otrokom zapustila.

Sully je na koncu 3. dela rekel oz. odgovoril Eleni, da imajo 3 padala, da so pa štirje. Torej je noseča? Ker kolkor se spomnim, če se pravilno je rečeno v demo dialogu v U4, da je Drake ustaljen z otrokom in Eleno. Sully mu pa ravno na koncu 3. dela "pridiga" o očetovstvu. Manj verjetna varianta pa je, da bi pa umrl eden izmed trojek Elena/Sam/Sully.

Urejano od japanboy


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U4 bo konec zgodbe za Nathana Drakea, ni pa konec Uncharted serije:


"We've been with this character for so long...," explains Druckmann with what sounds suspiciously like a heavy heart. "He's at the height of his popularity, so it's not a good business decision, but I feel like the best way to honour him is to go out on top, to finish his story.

"Whether that's it for Uncharted? I don't know. At the end of the day Sony owns Uncharted and they can do whatever they want. But with the end of this story it will be really hard to do a sequel with Nathan Drake. Maybe there'll be a prequel, maybe it will be a different character - I don't know. But this is the end for Nathan Drake."

Kar se tiče možnosti izbiranje dialogov v igri:


"The thing I want to make sure we're clear about is that we're not making Mass Effect," Druckmann elaborates with a wry smile. "Uncharted has a very specific story, it has a very specific ending that's very definitive to the franchise. But every once in a while we felt a dialogue tree would really bring you more into the scene.

O čem se bo šlo v zgodbi:


"If you look at Nathan Drake, he has dealt with obsession his entire life. Whether it's El Dorado in Uncharted or Shangri-La in Uncharted 2 or Iram of the Pillars in Uncharted 3, those have been major obsessions for him and we've seen it hurt his relationship. We've seen how between each game his relationship with Elena falls apart.

"There's something that happens there in that gap that was really interesting for us. That's what we want to get into. Because maybe you can't have both. Maybe you can't have your family and that passion and the obsession.

"When we start this story, Uncharted 4, with the scene we showed [at PSX] today, you see Nathan Drake is living what's for him a very mundane life. Maybe he's not doing what he's meant to do. And it might not take much for his brother just to lure him back in.

Cel članek: Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann on why Uncharted has to end

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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