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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Še en lik, ki ga bo možno upravljati oz. igrati, poleg osrednjega lika Geralta, je Ciri.

Ciri is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt‘s second playable character, CD Projekt RED announced.

“Ciri is playable only during certain moments in the game – we introduce her to give gamers another perspective in the story to make it even more engaging,” CD Projekt RED communications specialist Robert Malinowski told IGN. “You won’t play as her for long periods of time, but since she’s crucial to the plot, we thought that additional insight will allow gamers to better bond with this cool character.”



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Razlog zakaj je izid igre zopet prestavljen.

“We are removing the final bugs and still running optimization in various areas. What it will result in is a smoother and more engaging experience and, yes, the game looking better across all platforms. The content is locked, so no content changes are being made at this point. The scale of the open world in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is unprecedented, so fear not – there is enough gameplay to keep you playing for weeks.”

Torej igra je vsebinsko dokončana in je ne bodo spreminjali v tem pogledu.

CD Projekt RED founder Marcin Iwinski said that the game’s content is finished and locked and no changes are made to it.

Vse kar delajo trenutno je popravljajo hrošče.


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EDIT: Vse v enem. 15 minutni gameplay na PC.


Urejano od japanboy


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German gaming magazine had the pleasure of playing The Witcher 3 for two whole days. Below you can find some new information about The Witcher 3's gameplay mechanics and tech.


There are 4 difficulties (easy, medium, hard and dark) which differ in the skill of the monsters you face. Hitpoints remain the same.

You can bargain for more money after finishing your monster contract through some sort of minigame.

The side quests are extremely well made with great writing and branching.

Potions are a necessity on higher difficulty levels. You only need to craft a potion once and you can refill it if you have enough alcohol present. Potions are upgradeable for stronger effects. Stronger potions will increase your toxicity more

Novigrad and No Mans Land are indeed one single map, much bigger than Skyrim. The isles of Skellige form the other big part of the game. Next to that, there are 5-6 other separated locations, including Kaer Morhen.

No enemy respawning or at the least not very frequently

Best items in the game must be crafted

They were very impressed with the story branching and how it is not always obvious. Correcting ‘wrong choices by saving/reloading will be very difficult if not impossible.

Contrary to BioWare games dialogue options are not good or bad, this you will have to figure out for yourselves.

They really liked the in-game card game Gwent, praising its design.

The game features two really big cities: Novigrad and Oxenfurt, both very lively.

The are of No Mans Land features 25 smaller towns, some of which are the size of Flotsam from The Witcher 2.

Geralt can rob people, although the system is too easy and feels a bit lacking.

Journalist (level 7) was one shotted by a wyvern (level 24). No level scaling.

Ciri sequences will be (in total) 5-10h and feel more like an action-adventure game than an RPG

Extra storage can be made by crafting saddle bags for your horse.

Many small details such as Roach stopping to eat apples from a basket

All equipped items are visible in-game on Geralt

Fist-fighting is back, this time no QTE

World never felt empty

Journalist didnt encounter any simple fetch quests


The HUD is fully customizable. Icons and quest markers on the map can also be deactivated. Audiovisual hints (e.g. people screaming for help) will be present if you wish to do so.

Journalist encountered no clone NPCs

Controller feels superior to keyboard+mouse.

The extremely annoying doors from The Witcher 2 are gone. Doors are now opened automatically, no button pressing. No loading times for entering buildings either.

Day 1 patch confirmed

Xbox One resolution will stay at 900p

Geralts beard will grow over time

Switching between controller and mouse (for menus) is easy and fluid

Most impressive dynamic weather system in any game he has ever played

They encountered very few bugs, no crashes of freezes.

Ultra seems to have a big effect on the quality of vegetation and character models[

No slider for LOD

Visual gore more prominent than in The Witcher 2

Igra bo imela tudi day one pa NEBO nujno potreben za igranje (kot je v navadi pri drugih igrah) ampak bo odpravil manjše buge ki so jih oz jih bodo do takrat odkrili.

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Kot je že v zgornjem postu omenjeno: "Geralt's beard will grow over time."

What's Geralt's beard-growing all about then? We asked CD Projekt's communications chief, Michał Platkow-Gilewski, for more detail. Here's what he told us:

"The beard grows as time passes and when Geralt moves between locations. The beard has several "states" and these states determine its length - the longest is really long but it's not Gandalf-long."

It's worth noting that Geralt's beard growth stops when you apply Witcher 3's free Beard and Hairstyle DLC, as Michał Platkow-Gilewski explains:

"When you download the free Beard and Hairstyle DLC the growth of the beard will stop because we decided that when players want a predefined look, it would be weird to require from them to reapply it time after time."

So, Geralt's beard does indeed grow as you play Witcher 3, up to a point. But you can set his look and have it remain unchanged with DLC.

True next-gen game! :D

Also... "but it's not Gandalf-long" = Pre-order cancelled /s

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Še nekaj glede dveh dodatkov za igro oz. trajanja. Dodala naj bi okoli dodatnih 30 ur igranja.

The first is Hearts of Stone is a 10-hour-plus adventure which will take the player “into the wilds of No Man’s Land” as well as Oxenfurt, where Geralt will try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass.

The second, Blood and Wine, will last 20-plus hours and introduces the region of Toussaint, which is a land “untainted by war” where Geralt will become privy “carefree indulgence” and a knightly ritual which contains a “bloody secret”.

Hearts of Stone will premiere in October, while Blood and Wine is slated for release in the first quarter of 2016.


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Tole bo bojo pravi dlcji in še ZASTONJ!

Kje mate kaj preorderje narjene? Katera trgovina oz. e-trgovina je "sigurna" za te stvari pri nas...oz kje so dobre izkušnje?

Playgame pa igabiba mata ceno playgame že mam nekaj časa preorder narjen...upam samo da dostavljajo na dan izida...

Link to comment popravljam...tale dodatka nebota free ampak bota za plačat v obliki expansion passa in sicer PC, PS4 in Xbox One cca 23€ oz 25$.

Both expansions will be available on all three platforms: PC, PS4 and Xbox One and will run you $24.99 as an expansion pass. You can pre-order it now.

Tudi samo so treba preorderat, ne vsebuje ključnih elementov ampak delajo na tem da bo kot v starih časih ko so igre vsebovale ogromno dodatnih ur zgodbe oz neka nova poglavja da je dejansko blo vredno kupiti dodatek. Kljub temu pa bo 16 prvotnih dlcjev še vedno free.

“Both our expansions offer more hours of gameplay than quite a few standalone games out there. While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call.”
Urejano od matej1990
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Če pa to nebo game of the year...upam da so res se znebili potencialnih bugov in da vse funkcionira, ker zgleda bolano dobro...škoda edino da nebo mogoče nekak prenest story progressiona iz pcja na ps4 :headscratch::puppy::( mam še vedno save file od enga in dvojke :D.

Bo treba še na pcju preigrat samo prej bo treba upgradat komponente malo :D

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Tole zgleda graficno res lepo. Ne vem pa kaj mislijo ponuditi v 16 DLC-jih? Nekaj misij in kozmetiko? No kakorkoli, veselim se ampak mastrurbiral pa ne bom, me je dvojka kar razocarala.

GOTY pa tole ne bo ce se pa motim me pa poskropite z vasim mocefitom.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Spam spam spam spam... Jup,na PCju bodo komponente kar močno "švicale". Enega Titana pa je zadeva rešena. [emoji14]

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Če gremo malo offtopic...nima smisla kupovat high-end grafičnih (zgubiš preveč na ceni čez čas + težje prodaš čez čas ker za ceno tvoje "super" grafe dobiš novejši mid-range z boljšim performancom), raje kupiš srednji razred pa bo še vedno vse delalo super pa za pol cene ali manj...razn če je kdo 4k freak =) pol se posipam z pepelom :).

Mislim da bo delal vseeno na mid-range kompu dokaj ok...pač ne z HBAO pa TXAA pa GODRAYI pa FUR pa te variante...če pogledamo recimo witcher 2, še dan danes kak pc poklekne če vklopiš ubersampling ki da popolnoma gladke robove za ceno 4xveč pixlov v texturah :).

EDIT: še 2x980 SLi imata težave dan danes z ubersamplingom na več ko 1440p :)

Pomoje bo tudi tu kak sick feature not :D.

Itak pa če je story-wise špil superiorn pa nima veze kaka je grafika...tisto je samo eyecandy.

Back to topic:

Upam da dejansko ekonomija pa living-breathing-changing-open world funkcionira. Če gledamo da je skyrim dobil v večini primerov ocene nad ostala witcherja okol 9 pol mislim da je da je tu near-perfect score za rpg neizgobin :), srčno upam da bom po dolgem času spet užival v igri ure in ure, čeprav pomlad-poletje pa dnevne aktivnosti...hja bojo dolge in neprespane noči :D.

Pa še nekaj...zanimivo je sprobat igrat witcherja z savi iz prvega dela...kar nekaj dialoga je drugačnega pa story se tu pa tam odvije malo drugače...še vseeno vsak ma svoj stil igranja oz. odločitev. Sploh v dvojki je zaplet-razlet na koncu z saskio ZELO drugačen. Zato bo pomoje najprej lepo zanimivo preigrat na ps4 z "default" odločitvami pred začetkom igre, potem pa pozimi še lepo na pc z svojim napredkom.

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Igre ne mislim kupiti na PCju, saj je ne moreš prodati naprej, daš 30-40€ pa je to to. Pa vsake 2 leti menjat grafično, ne hvala.

Lepo PS4 rabljeno čez mesec ali dva za 30-40€, odigraš v mesecu prodaš za 20-30€ ranga, izgubiš do 10€ v mesecu.

WIN WIN. Vmes je itaq BLOODBORNE :)

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