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Razne igre - večinoma Steam Gifts (HALO 3 legendary edition X360)

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Nazadnje posodobljeno - 29.07.2014



50% off Bullet Candy

75% off Strike Suit Zero Director's Cut

80% off Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

90% off Wasteland Angel

90% off Shadowgrounds Pack

Nekaj možnih menjav za zgornje igre:

* 3SwitcheD gift for any 50%, 80% or 90% game off game.

* Defense Grid 2 beta key for any 50%, 80% or 90% game off game.

* Hamilton's Great Adventure gift for any 2 discounted games.

* Just Cause Collection gift for Strike Suit Zero AND Unearthed AND Wasteland Angel AND Shadowgrounds Pack.

* Men of War gift for Strike Suit Zero OR Bullet Candy AND Wasteland Angel OR Strike Suit Zero AND Shadowgrounds Pack.

* Sanctum gift for any 2 discounted games.

* Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack gift for any 50%, 80% or 90% game off game.

* Tropico Reloaded gift for any 50%, 80% or 90% game off game.

* Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition gift for Strike Suit Zero AND any 80% or 90% off game.

* Vegas: Make It Big gift for any 50%, 80% or 90% game off game.

Dobrodošli pa so seveda vaši predlogi kombinacij zgoraj navedenih iger s popusti.



Defense Grid 2 beta key

Hamilton's Great Adventure

Just Cause Collection

Men of War

Red Faction collection


Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack

Tropico Reloaded

Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition

Vegas: Make It Big

vse so steam gift

Ponudbe za druge Steam Gifte (samo igre).

Ključev ne sprejmem.

Igre, ki se jih da dobiti tudi v fizični obliki, me ne zanimajo.

Trenutno sprejmem tudi PayPal, kode UK valute za PlayStation Network ter kode UK valute ali UK točke za XBOX LIVE.

Nekaj iger ki me zanimajo.

Adam's Venture Complete Pack

Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods

Assetto Corsa

Brütal Legend with Original Soundtrack

Castle of Illusion

Deadlight: Soundtrack Edition

Defenders of Ardania collection


DuckTales: Remastered


Jack Keane 2 - The Fire Within

Little Racers STREET

Majesty 2: Kingmaker DLC

Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom DLC

Majesty 2: Battles of Ardania DLC

Mars: War Logs

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

Party of Sin Soundtrack Bundle

Pinball FX2 - Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within Pack

Pinball FX2 - Marvel Pinball: Vengance and Virtue DLC

Pinball FX2 - Guardians of the Galaxy Table


Rage: The Scorchers

Ravensword: Shadowlands

Star Wars Starfighter

TrackMania 2 Canyon

TrackMania 2 Valley

TrackMania 2 Stadium

Trainz: Classic Cabon City

Trainz: Murchison 2

Trainz Settle and Carlisle

Trials Fusion


HALO 3 legendary edition

novo/original zapakirano

cena = dajte ponudbo (ki je resna)

Spodnje slike so od moje kopije te izdaje.


Edited by VIPER

:princesspeach: Sing while you can! :zelda:

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