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Mortal Kombat X

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Danes je bil uradno najavljen Mortal Kombat, prvi v seriji za next-gen konzole. Datum izida je postavljen za leto 2015. Izšel pa naj bi za Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 ter PC.


Ed Boon:

Mortal Kombat
has always been about over-the-top, visceral fighting and with
Mortal Kombat X
we wantedto utilize the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet. The team has worked hard to make sure
Mortal Kombat X
delivers everything fans expect along with new characters, new game modes and an all new graphics engine.

Izšli pa so tudi že uradni boxarti za vse konzole oz. platforme na katerih bo MK X izdan.







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uradn boxart? bah, sam scorpion je gor. upam d je usaj interchangeable pa ga lh obrnš in je spod Sub-Zero

Povedal so tole na boxart. Tako da bi rekel, da ja, je kar uraden.

If you liked Mortal Kombat X‘s announcement trailer, Warner Bros. sent another treat, in the form of the key art and box artwork of the game for all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC).

Of course the protagonist of the artwork is one of the most beloved (and by some hated) combatants of the series, Scorpion.


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Izid igre je 14. april prihodnje leto.

Mortal Kombat X will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC worldwide on April 14, 2015, Warner Bros. announced.

Consumers who pre-order the fighting game will be given access to legendary series character Goro (pictured).


The feral, four-armed Shokan warrior makes his first playable appearance in the series in more than eight years.

Edited by japanboy
Dodana slika in spremenjen citat.


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Kung Lao potrjen v števiki finske gamer revije.

"Mortal Kombat X was featured prominently in the 1/2015 issue of the Finnish gaming magazine "Pelaaja". Inside we got to see a few photos of Kung Lao as well as some new information. Below I have translated some of the information I picked out of the article.

"Unfortunately we couldn't get to play the story mode yet at the studio visit, but the game's story jumps 25 or so years into the future from where MK9 ended. From what we've seen and heard the ruler of the Outworld is now Kotal Khan and Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade have a daughter called Cassie. Even Scorpion has a new Sub Zero to face off against. The biggest question mark right now must be Kung Lao, who has proudly aged and seems to have escaped the last game's ending."

"Good old hat-thrower is how ever fully playable with the rest of the released characters and according to Ed Boon is one of the most diverse fighters in the game. Like the other characters he has three different playable variations, each one bringing new tricks into the gameplay."

"The differences between Kung Lao's Tempest-, Buzz Saw- and Hat Trick -variations happen to be the biggest ones yet. With Tempest Kung Lao uses more spinning attacks and has the ability to set his hat to spin around him as a shield of sorts. In his Buzz Saw variation his hat is sharpened with razor blade edges and allows the player to control his hat throws more. Hat Trick is the most experimental of the three, because you can throw and call back your hat at any point you want. This keeps the opponent on their toes, because the hat can extend combos."

"If bugs or glitches would appear in Mortal Kombat X, it has the same automatic update system from Injustice that allows for hotfixes."

"Ed Boon guarantees, that the online features are much more complex this time around. For example when you start the game you get to choose your own alliance from five different options: Lin Kuei, White Lotus, Brotherhood of Shadows, Special Force and Black Dragon. Basically each team gathers so called "battle points" for their team, which decides how the game's menus look both in single and multiplayer. This way each player contributes to the entirety whether or not you prefer the social aspects or playing by yourself."

"Even more diverse content is promised, for the challenge tower is making it's return. This time around the towers and their challenges change constantly, even by the hour."

Sorry for the rough translations, if you have any questions let me know and I'll try to explain things a bit better. Thanks."

vir in fotke:



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Najnovejši član je Ermac.



Like other Mortal Kombat X characters, he’ll have three fighting styles – Master of Souls, Mystic and Spectral.

Ermac’s moves include telekinetic grabs and teleportation. He’ll also be able to stun opponents with projectiles, keep enemies at a distance with telekinesis, hover and fly, depending on variations.

Njegov izvor

Ermac has an interesting history; rumours of his existence date back to the very first game, when an item in the game’s audit menu and an unverified glitch led players to believe there was another secret character to unlock besides Reptile. EGM helped perpetuate the myth with a much-cited hoax, and Midway eventually made it a reality by adding Ermac as a Scorpion pallet swap in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. He later gained his own characterisation in Mortal Kombat: Deception.

Ermac’s backstory casts him as a sort of soup of other dead warriors, which is gross. His signature move is the Telekinetic Slam, and he’s known for fatalities involving opponents being slammed or crushed into the ground.

Edited by japanboy


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Mene osebno niti ne mika ker mi ni ušeč design, niti nism ravno fan scorpiona ker mi gre že na živce da ga povsod turijo ker je pač najljubši od Boona. Po mojih info bo na voljo tudi drug KE verzija brez tega designer kipca, tako, da bom po vsej verjetnosti šel v tej smeri, če bo kaj luštnega ponujeno. Je pa Mortal Kombat meni daaaaleč najljubša pretepačina, tak da me ne zanima sploh katere še pridejo :D


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