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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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Matej1990, baje se da igro igrati v povsem samem single player načinu.

Lone wolf se reče tej opciji.

(It’s worth pointing out to begin with that you can play Terrorist Hunt solo because it’s not that clear from the beta. I’ve just had a chat with someone who was pulling hair out at not being able to get a co-op team together completely unaware that the “lone wolf” option exists.)


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Nisem se še naveličal. Je pa res, da ne igram tako pogosto kot pred časom. Obveznosti. :)

Moram pa reč da so scenariji - situacije zelo dobri in niti malo dolgočasni. Terrorhunta pa še nisem probal ker bi najprej rad nabral vse zvezde v situacijah in potem napredoval po težavnosti. Potem so pa tu še operatorji. Skratka kar se mene tiče mi ni žal € za igro, kot za Destiny. :) Mi pa zaradi tega "počiva" Uncharted.

Upam pa, da bo zdaj ko bom šel na dopust da bo več časa.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Prvi razširitveni dodatek Operation Black Ice bo zamaknjen in bo izšel 12. februarja.



Ubisoft confirmed in response to fan questions via Twitter that the first expansion for Rainbow Six: Siege, titled “Operation Black Ice,” will be releasing on February 2nd, 2016, marking a short delay from its intended release of January.



Vseboval bo:


  • 1 new map
  • 2 new operators from a new CTU, the JTF2, with new weapons and unique gadgets.
  • A handful of new weapon skins in all tiers
  • Gameplay upgrades



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Prvi razšitirveni dodatek je na voljo.



Called Operation Black Ice, it comes with the new yacht map, Canadian operators Frost and Buck and new weapon skins.

Additionally, the Spectator Camera feature will be available online for all platforms in custom games.


The game has also been updated to version 2.0 and includes a list of balancing and improvements, such as Attackers being able to pick individual spawn points instead of voting as a group. Operator’s automatic shouts won’t be heard by the enemy team and player ranks are being tweaked.


Ubisoft reiterated today that all gameplay elements will be available with no additional costs. Maps and modes will be free and available immediately for everyone.





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  • 2 weeks later...
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Včeraj zaključil scenarije z 11-im, ki pa ga je možno igrati le v MP načinu. No potem sem danes šel še T. Hunt v MP in je prav zabavno :) Od reševanja talcev, do eliminacije nasprotnika ter onesposobljenja bombe. Še najbolj je zanimivo, ko se v majhni sobci nagnete xy ljudi da branijo talca, pol pa ofenziva nasprotnika in rešetanje vsevprek. :) Za mimogrede je tole prov fajn :).


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Zdaj je znano kakšni operatorji oz. iz katerih držav nas čakajo.



Now, during the company’s Investor Day presentation, one of slides confirmed the theme of the three remaining ones. The next season will feature a US CT unit, due for release Q2 2016. Brazil is up next at Q3 2016. And finally, a Japan-themed DLC is launching Q4 2016, as was previously teased.




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