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LittleBigPlanet 3

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Little Big Planet 3 E3 2014 napovednik:




EDIT: Igra je bila oznanjena za PS4, zdaj pa je oznanjeno, da prihaja tudi na PS3.

Edited by japanboy
Dodani platformi za igro.


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Pri Media Molecul niso lagali, da jih ne bo na E3, igro ima namreč v razvoju drug studio: Sumo Digital

Sackboy-ju se tokrat pridružijo drugi sack člani: OddSock, Swoop in Toggle:

Sackboy is back and for the first time ever joined by three new friends – OddSock, Swoop, and Toggle. Each one of these new playable characters has unique abilities, which brings new dynamic gameplay and expands the inventive possibilities in Create mode.

These three all-new hand-stitched heroes will completely change the way you play…

  • Bound up and over walls as the quick and agile OddSock!
  • Glide through the skies as the majestic Swoop!
  • Transform Toggle between Big Toggle, a heavy strongman and Little Toggle, a light speedster who can walk across water!

All the new characters are, like Sackboy, fully customizable and there will be plenty of quirky new costumes to collect in the game so you can express your own individuality.

Speaking of Sackboy – what about him? Well, our favorite knitted knight has been equipped with an all-new climbing ability and loads of brand-new power-ups including the amazing Pumpinator!


we’ve also made the millions of inventive levels generated within the LittleBigPlanet community so far to all work on PlayStation 4. There’s over 8.5 million, which you can enjoy from Day 1 and they all look better than ever on PS4.

PS EU blog

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra je že 3 leta v razvoju:

Suggesting development on LittleBigPlanet 3 began not long after LittleBigPlanet 2′s early 2011 launch, Hosen added, “We’ve been working on the game for three years now, we’ve spent a lot of time to add in a lot of stuff. We’re making really a fun charming platform game that anyone can enjoy.”

Primerjava igre na Ps3 in PS4:


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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The Journey Home will be our first major Premium Adventure Pack DLC and will come with a new Adventure featuring brand new levels based on fan-favourite themes and characters from LBP and LBP2 totally re-imagined for LittleBigPlanet 3, some cranium busting co-op challenges for Sackboy and his new friends, a bouncy new Power-up for OddSock and a goodie bag full of new creative assets to decorate your own little corner of LittleBigPlanet with.





PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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