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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

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Igra bo izšla za PC, WiiU, 3DS, PS4, PS3, Xbox One in Xbox 360.

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark will be a crossover with the Transformers film series and the video game series, consisting of Transformers: War for Cybertron and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The story will take place before the Ark is launched in the Aligned continuity, while it also occurs simultaneously with the events of Age of Extinction and its aftermath. The Dark Spark is a powerful artifact that is capable of ripping holes in dimensions, which is how the Movie-verse and the Aligned-verse crossover.





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Prvič povezava med igro in filmom.

Zgodba bo potekala na Cybertronu in na Zemlji.

Optimus in Megatron se borita za kontrolo nad Dark Spark. Starodavni artefakt, z močjo uničite celotne planete.

Boj proti svojim prijateljem. Megatron oživlja padle Avtobote in jih postavi v boj proti Optimusu in njegovi ekipi.


:princesspeach: Sing while you can! :zelda:

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