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Overkill's The Walking Dead

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Prihaja nova The Walking Dead igra, trenutno pod imenom: Overkill's The Walking Dead! :woohoo:


O igri se ve relativno malo. Izdeluje jo Overkill Software, ki je znan po igrah Payday. Tudi tokrat bo šlo za co-op igro, tematika pa bo seveda izvzeta iz Robert Kirkmanovih The Walking Dead stripov oz. bolj znane TV serije The Walking Dead. V sam razvoj igre je vpleten tudi sam Kirkman! :thumbsup:

OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a co-op first person shooter with elements of action, role-playing, survival horror and stealth, that invites players to explore the hugely popular The Walking Dead universe, where they will play the role of survivors fending for themselves in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating walkers.

Trenutni izid igre je žal še daleč in je planiran za leto 2016.


To commemorate Overkill's announcement, players can download the "Lucille" baseball bat, for use in PayDay 2.


Edited by matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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PayDay: The Heist developer Overkill Software’s upcoming game, The Walking Dead, will include co-operative online gameplay, and will borrow some ideas from PayDay. Speaking at the SXSW panel, The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman said:

"I can say that it will be Payday-esque because [starbreeze and Overkill] are currently doing Payday. But I’m told it will be in a bigger world than Payday currently encompasses. They are going to be learning a lot of stuff from Payday that they will be incorporating into The Walking Dead game."

Kirkman also said that there will be announcements regarding the game soon.

In case you’re worried that a game based on a television series might turn out to be crappy, Kirkman has reassured us that this won’t be the case. He said that Overkill will be telling its own story as if The Walking Dead is an original game.

"The key I think, which is very important, is that we’re not doing, ‘Hey, it’s Daryl Dixon running around shooting zombies, because you like Daryl Dixon.’ Or ‘It’s Rick Grimes doing this because you like Rick Grimes.’ We’re telling our own stories and doing our own things almost as if they are original games."

Kirkman went on to say that a lot of licensed games are lackluster because release dates are set in stone. “We’ll just push things back and make it good,” he said.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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It’s going to be a co-op experience, it’s going to be a survival-horror action-RPG, and there’s going to be various different things that you’re going to see. Yes, when you sit down and play it you’re going to say, ‘This is a great FPS. This has elements of surprise and stealth and horror.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Developer Overkill Software revealed a new trailer for its upcoming Overkill’s The Walking Dead, with the trailer specifically highlighting “the VR experience” that will be a part of the game, although Overkill has clarified that it doesn’t mean the title will exclusively be in VR.


EDIT: To pa res ne bi rad igral v VR pa po možnosti še ponoči in da te še kdo rukne. post-4424-144771112029_thumb.png

Edited by japanboy
Dodan edit.


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Izid igre je zamaknjen v Q3/Q4 2017.



The release of The Walking Dead video game by Overkill has been delayed until Q3/4 2017, Starbreeze Studios has announced.



The news comes following a $40 million investment with the Korean publisher, Smilegate, which allows Starbreeze to distribute its titles in Asian territories via Smilegate’s platform. As a result, The Walking Dead has been delayed in order to facilitate a simultaneous western and asian release for the title.


Bo pa igra deležna več vsebine kot je bila sprva predvideno.


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Kdor je izid igre pričakoval proti koncu letošnjega leta kot je bilo sprva sporočeno bo žal razočaran. Starbreeze je namreč danes objavil, da je izid igre zamaknjen v drugo polovico prihodnjega leta.



Today, developer Overkill and publisher Starbreeze announced that Overkill’s The Walking Dead has been delayed from its previously announced late 2017 release window all the way to the second half of 2018.




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Let us introduce Aidan, the first playable character from OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead - the upcoming game from OVERKILL and Starbreeze Studios.

OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a four player co-op action FPS, where you and your friends fight the dead as well as the living. Set in The Walking Dead Universe, you and your group tries to survive in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C.




There's also a small behind the scenes video that gives an idea of the look and feel of the game, if you pay close enough attention you will see very small bits of gameplay in the background but it's nothing super interesting.



Edited by japanboy
  • goodone (+1) 1


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Zaprta beta bo za igro izšla 9. oktobra. Dostop do nje je mogoč le s prednaročilom igre. Prednaročniki standardne verzije dobijo 1 ključ, prednaročniki deluxe verzije pa 4. 

Igra bo za PC izšla 6. novembra letos, medtem ko bo za lastnike PS4 in Xbox One na voljo februarja prihodnje leto.




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