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The Wolf Among Us

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Podoben stil igranja kot pri The Walking Dead. Igra je na voljo za PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, OS X ter iOS.

Plot zgodbe:

The Wolf Among Us is set in the year 1986, decades before the events of the first issue of Fables. For years, many of the magical and mystical lands described in myth, legend, and folklore (known colloquially as "the homelands") have been occupied by an enigmatic tyrant known only as the Adversary. To escape the Adversary's marauding armies and totalitarian regime many creatures and characters known as "fables" fled to the mundane world and created an enclave known as Fabletown in colonial America, now located in modern-day Manhattan. To mask their presence from the native humans (referred to as "mundies") all non-human fables have to purchase an enchantment known as a "glamour" which allows them to appear human, or be relocated to a rural community known as "The Farm". The reformed Big Bad Wolf, Bigby Wolf (voiced by Adam Harrington), is the sheriff of Fabletown and is responsible for hiding the community from the wider world and enforcing its laws.



Sicer pozno pa vendar igra si nedvomno zasluži svojo temo. Druga sezona je potrjena ni pa še znano kdaj bo izšla.

EDIT: Sam igre še nisem igral, čakam da jo dobim za PS4. Vendar pa kolikor sem bral opise in če ste radi igrali TWD potem s tem ne morete zgrešit!

Edited by japanboy
Dodan edit.


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O ja! Če ti je The Walking Dead všeč, potem ti bo tale tudi. :yes:

Gre za dobro detektivsko zgodbo postavljeno v pravljični svet. Ampak tale pravljični svet ni niti približno otroško obarvan, ampak zelo, ZELO odraslo. Bi pa rekel da tukaj samo zgodbo zasenčijo neverjetno dobro izoblikovani in prikazani liki. Ti so res nekaj posebnega. :)

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igralnost je fantastična. Slog oblikovanja mi zelo leži. Telltale Games očitno znajo zadeti bullzeye. Edino kar bom pogrešal je premor do 2. sezone. Z Game of Thrones na vidiku in urnikm izdajanja epizod pri TWAU in TWD izida za 2. sezono ne vidim pred 2. polovico 2016. Mi je bila pa zgodba in igralnost res top!


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