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Assassin's Creed Syndicate

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Novi AC naj bi izšel jeseni prihodnje leto za PS4, Xbox One in PC. Glavno dogajanje je postavljeno v London. Osrednji razvijalski studio pa bo Ubisoft Quebec.


Kotaku ima v posesti 7-minut dolg video, katerega pristnost je Ubisoft potrdil.

Produced on the series engine, Anvil, the video apparently shows an assassin looking over the alleyways of London before accepting and completing a mission. Some of the most interesting details are that the assassin swaps his hood for a top hat before blending with crowds, that he uses a new tool that looks like a grappling hook, and that it’s possible to fight from on top moving vehicles.

Kotaku were able to catch a glimpse at a video of Victory, which showcased an assassin attempt on a Templar child trafficker named Roderick Bulmer. The mission took the player character to Charing Cross station and on board a moving stagecoach, as well as showcasing a new weapon, the grappling hook.


Povezava do Kotaku članka: Next Year's Big Assassin's Creed Is Set In Victorian London



Edited by matej1990
Zamenjana slika AC Unity z AC Syndicate - uradnim imenom igre.


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Hvala za popravek, matej1990 glede teksta. :)

Hvala tebi za odprto temo. :beer: Sem vedo da jo boš odprl. :D Edino izgleda da sma oba dva naenkrat nekaj editirala in ni prijelo dodatnih slik in linka do Kotaku. Ampak sem popravil. :duck:

Drugače pa tega Assassina verjetno ne bodo kar tako izdali, ampak si bodo vzeli še kakšen mesec več za popravke še pred izidom. :cheerful:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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AC Victory še sploh ni bil uradno predstavljen (je samo uradno potrjen) in že so tukaj novi rumorji AC lokacij:


An Assassin’s Creed fan has spotted what certainly looks like a heavy hint that the next game after Victory will be set in Japan.

Ubisoft forums member Cornik22 was looking through the Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag official art book when they noticed an image of the Abstergo building which appeared in that game’s modern day sections.

The building’s foyer apparently contains, or was set to contain, a feature wall dotted with promotional art for Abstergo’s experiences.

There are six pieces of artwork visible in the image, and it’s all too easy to draw connections to existing games from them. The Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence appeared in Assassin’s Creed 2. Notre Dame appeared in Assassin’s Creed: Unity. Big Ben will appear in this year’s release, Assassin’s Creed Victory.

That leaves just two images unaccounted for. One shows an unidentifiable slice of what looks like a church, which may refer to the original Assassin’s Creed or even Assassin’s Creed 3 – you just can’t tell. The final remaining image, however, shows what looks like a Chinese, Japanese or possibly Indonesian castle or temple. Nothing like that has appeared in a flagship series entry.

Any of those locations would make for an interesting game, although the synergy between ninja and assassins is compelling, and suggestions that Japan might be on offer have cropped up in in-game lore (images seen at the end of the first Assassin’s Creed, database entries in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag) as well as transmedia products.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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O igri bo več znanega prihodnji teden v torek ob 18. uri po srednjeevropskem času.

The firm says to tune-in to the official website on May 12 at 12pm EDT/5pm UK.

Leaks last year outed the game as being set in Victorian London, which Ubisoft later confirmed.

Platforms have not been announced, but obviously it will release on PS4 and Xbox One. It is also expected sometime in northern autumn.


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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate will star a fellow named Jacob Frye as he assassinates his way through a Victorian London to fight oppression.

The marketing materials stated that AC: Syndicate will "transport millions of gamers to an astonishing recreation of London during the Industrial Revolution where they will find themselves immersed in a game world they'll have to see to believe."

This gels with a report from December where we caught a glimpse of the game's setting as well as the enticing detail that it arms players with a grappling hook and lets you fight above moving stagecoaches. At the time it was reported to be subtitled "Victory", but that's obviously no longer the case.

Syndicate will be the first game in the series headed by Ubisoft's Quebec studio.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Tako... tema je že preimenovana v domneven pravi naslov, sedaj pa se čaka na današnjo prvo razkritje igre, ki bo ob 18:00 po našem času.

Na spletu so se pojavile tudi nove informacije: igrati bo mogoče ženski lik!

Last year Ubisoft caught a lot of flak for not having any playable female characters in Assassin's Creed: Unity, but it looks like Ubisoft's Quebec studio isn't going to make the same mistake.

According to a couple of sources close to the project at Kotaku, AC: Syndicate will allow players to assume the roles of two main characters: Jacob (whom we already knew about) and his sister Evie, pictured below.


Last year Ubisoft explained the lack of playable women as a production issue. "It's double the animations, it's double the voices, all that stuff and double the visual assets," Assassin's Creed: Unity director Alex Amancio said. "Especially because we have customisable assassins. It was really a lot of extra production work."

One of Kotaku's sources claimed that there won't be any multiplayer whatsoever and that roughly three quarters of the story missions will favour Jake. However, you will be able to toggle between the siblings at will between the more plot-driven sequences.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Malce me spominja na AC Liberty na Viti. Tam je bilo super, samo kar je bilo glede MP je bilo čisto in res čisto grindanje lika, pa še glavni lik je bila Aveline. Mislim da 2 ali največ 3 so bile MP trofeje če bi tistemu sploh lahko rekli multiplayer.


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Igra bo izšla 23. oktobra na PS4, Xbox One in PC.

As previously teased, Ubisoft just officially announced Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, which will tell the tale of Jacob and Ivy Fye in a dark and gritty Victorian London.

It will be possible to drive vehicles (we saw horse carriages so far), and the games integrates them with parkour and combat. There will be a full fledged traffic system in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate‘s London.

New weapons and tools will include a revolver and a rope launcher.

Edited by japanboy
Videa zamenjana z Ubisoftovimi.


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Sam imam mešane občutke glede te igre. Najbrž bom počakal da igra najprej izide in da pridejo ven reviewi. Ker AC Unity je bil prvi AC, ki sem ga vzel za domačo konzolo ampak se ga do sedaj še nisem "dotaknil," in ker kljub poplavi patchov ni tak kakršen bi moral biti.

Stvar obeta in če se odločim zadevo kupit se bom najbrž ozrl za kakšno steelbook izdajo.


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definitivno se se strinjam z japanboy ac unity je bil res polomija tokrat sem se odločil da počakam da pridejo ven reviewi. in potem se bom odločal o nakupu ki pa če bo pri nas defintivno kakšen kolekor edition ali pa steelbox glde na prvi video se zdi da obeta sem pa trdno odločen da počakam z nakupom in upam da bo ubisoft bolje opravil domačo nalogo kot pri prejšnjem delu serije AC UNITY:):beer::cool:

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