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Following our announcement at PSX, we wanted to show a wider view of the game’s universe in the form of a short movie, which you can watch above. We thought it would be a cool project and a great opportunity to tell more story in the run-up to the launch of Killing Floor 2.


For those not familiar with the Killing Floor back-story, the original game began in the UK with players being thrust into the midst of an outbreak caused by genetically engineered creatures escaping from Horzine facilities. By the time of Killing Floor 2, the UK has been over-run and very few have escaped alive. After a brief respite, more outbreaks have launched in mainland Europe – such as “Burning Paris” – and the whole mass slaughter has kicked into a higher gear.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra je dobila datum izida - 18. november.




Killing Floor 2 places the gamer into continental Europe, about one month after the original Killing Floor trials. Now the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has gained relentless momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union — with all being methodically obliterated: communications, governments, and military forces alike, it is now up to a group of civilians, who have not yet given up hope to combat the outbreak and establish privately funded operation bases across Europe.


New elements to Killing Floor 2 are an enhanced level of carnage, with the visceral gore ramped up though a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system. As well as terrifying Zeds – novel enemies and fan favorites return with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence. Six player co-op or solo play is available, together with a unique blend of weaponry. An expanded perk system – with perks from the original game having been reimagined, and further brutal melee combat – reinventing the melee combat completely, make for a blood-splattered gaming experience.



  • Visceral Gore – Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system bringing new levels of fidelity to the genre. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies. But they need to watch out! If caught, enemies will rip them, and their entire party limb from limb.
  • Six player co-op or solo play— A multitude of varied playable characters await for players to choose from as they enter the fray in online co-op mode or solo mode for those willing to brave the horrific specimens alone.
  • Terrifying Zeds – New enemies and fan favorites from the original game are back with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence, dishing out powerful attacks, working as a group to weaken the player’s party and pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels.
  • Unique Blend Of Weaponry – From modern militaristic assault rifles, brutal improvised makeshift weapons, classic historical guns, and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of killing tools that will satisfy any gamer.
  • Expanded Perk System – Perks from the original game have been reimagined with more added to the fold. All perks now progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles, giving players a progression path that is expansive and full of rewarding milestones.
  • Brutal Melee Combat – Killing Floor 2 reinvents melee combat completely. Players now have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform, enabling them to deliver bone-breaking crippling attacks to Zeds.



PC Digital Base Version (via Steam and other digital outlets) – $29.99 (US) / ₤19.99 (UK) / €26.99 (EU)

PC Digital Deluxe Version – $39.99 (US) / £29.99 (UK) /€39.99 (EU)

PS4 and PC Retail Versions – $39.99 (US) / £29.99 (UK) / €39.99 (EU)


Edited by japanboy


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pred 4 urami, Bartala pravi:

Looking for group! :D 


Dajte kdor ima tole na konzoli, če lahko gremo se zmenit pa gremo v squad in špilamo tole mal. :) Midva z Bartalo sva tole igrala in je prov luštno igrat coop. Je pa možno do 6 igralcev met v squadu.


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Igra bo izšla tudi na Xbox One in sicer 29. avgusta po ceni 39.99€. Igra bo na omenjeni konzoli dobila 4K podporo poleg vseh drugih grafičnih izboljšav.

Lastnikom Xbox konzole bo na voljo tudi ekskluzivno orožje - Freezethrower. Zede bodo igralci zamrznili z orožjem na tekoči dušik. Na voljo pa bo tudi nova uniforma, ki bo na voljo v petih razlilčnih edicijah. Vsa ta ekskluzivna vsebina bo na voljo tudi za lastnike PS4 in PC vendar pa enkrat kasneje.



Edited by japanboy


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Pred 9 minutami, japanboy pravi:

Igra bo izšla tudi na Xbox One in sicer 29. avgusta po ceni 29.99€. Igra bo na omenjeni konzoli dobila 4K podporo poleg vseh drugih grafičnih izboljšav.

Lastnikom Xbox konzole bo na voljo tudi ekskluzivno orožje - Freezethrower. Zede bodo igralci zamrznili z orožjem na tekoči dušik. Na voljo pa bo tudi nova uniforma, ki bo na voljo v petih razlilčnih edicijah. Vsa ta ekskluzivna vsebina bo na voljo tudi za lastnike PS4 in PC vendar pa enkrat kasneje.



4K podpora in ostali grafični bombončki bodo le na XOX.

Me zanima če bo native 4K ali upscale.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Xbox One X was a very smooth and easy platform to develop for. It took very little engineering effort to get our base Xbox One game running on the Xbox One X. It took maybe 4 hours of programming effort total.


Killing Floor 2 runs at native 1800p, fixed resolution (no checkerboarding) on Xbox One X. We did experiment with true 4k rendering, but the frame rate drop was a bit too significant. 1800p provides the optimal balance between visual quality and performance in Killing Floor 2.


We don’t have a specific frame rate target for XBox One X, although the game does run at higher frame rates than the base Xbox One, even at 1800p resolution. We will be using Ultra textures on Xbox One X. We are also increasing the resolution of our shadow maps and shadow draw distance.


For comparison, Killing Floor 2 on PlayStation 4 Pro also features Ultra textures and 1800p resolution, though it uses checkerboard rendering rather than native resolution.


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Razočaranje... Če lahko PS4 Pro igro spravi na 1800p in nato naredi checkerboarding na 4K, potem bi morala igra teči na XOX v native 4K.
Kar je slabo je to, da je MS že od prve predstavitve (E3 2016) na veliko oglaševal XOX kot true (native) 4K konzolo. "These are the highest quality pixels that anybody has seen". Mhm, sedaj pa se pojavlja vedno več iger, ki niso native 4K - KF2, Anthem, nov Assassin.


Težava je v tem, da MS ponovno meče pesek v oči:


Phil Spencer: I look at Pro as more of a competitor to S than I do to Xbox One X. This is a true 4K console. If you just look at the specs of what this box is, it's in a different league than any other console that's out there. When I think about techniques to somehow manufacture a 4K screen like what some other consolies try to do, this is different than that.

Iz Eurogamer intervjuja.


MS bo moral nekaj narediti, ker XOX vedno bolj sliči na PS4 Pro, kar zanje ni dobro.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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