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Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3

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CI Games so danes potrdili da delajo na omenjeni igri za PC, Xbox One in PS4.

Ciljajo pa na prvo polovico 2016 kot okvirno okno izida.


The game is set in a modern day conflict in Eastern Europe. You play as a sniper caught between three warring factions. The encounters will play out in realistic and impressive environments, according to the developer. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is promised to offer a non-linear approach to gameplay, where you can utilise stealth or full-on assaults as ways of getting through levels.

Steve Hart, who worked as a senior producer on Rebellion’s Sniper Elite V2 is on board. The studio is also enlisting the expertise of combat veteran and former Marine Paul B. Robinson.


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Igra bo izšla 27. januarja 2017 na PS4, Xbox One in PC.



The latest instalment in the stealth-based shooter series apparently needs a little more time in the oven in order to deliver the best experience possible, the company said in a statement.



“Shortly before completion of the work, we found that we were our target. Although close, however, we would still need some time to ensure that Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is unique. We are pleased and welcome the patience and support of the waiting players. There are only a few months. And the wait is definitely worth it,” commented CI Games CEO & Founder, Marek Tymiński.



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  • 8 months later...
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Men se tud tole dopade. Bom počakal da vidim gameplay pa potem vidim kako in kaj.


EDIT: Sem mislil, da je krajši gameplay napovednik, pa vidim da je kar nekaj gameplayja. Definitivno vzamem, samo ne vem še če bo launch day nakup. Coop?

Edited by japanboy


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Izid igre je še enkrat zamaknjen. Tokrat na 25. april. Tokrat oznanjeni zamik igre naj bi bil tudi zadnji zagotavljajo pri CI Games.



In a press release today, the studio announced that the title needs a further few weeks after receiving feedback from the beta.



“We’ve worked tirelessly creating a whole new Sniper Ghost Warrior experience set in an ambitiously crafted open world new to the series,” said said Marek Tyminski, CEO of CI Games.

“While it’s an unfortunate decision to delay the game one last time, we believe these final changes will result in a better experience for players worldwide on day one. Thank you for your patience – we know the wait will be worth it.”



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  • 4 weeks later...
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The new trailer’s title “Official Dangerous Trailer” should tell you everything you need to know about the trailer. It’s a one minute and 35 seconds long, cinematic trailer with some gameplay sprinkled in showcasing a lot of killing and sniping, some explosives, some drone gameplay, as well as provides a very brief backdrop to the game’s story.


Nova prikolica:



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Launch napovednik:


Drugače pa nalagalni čas naj bi bil na PS4 5 minut. 5 minut ja. :banghead:

Koristi tako dolgega nalaganja pa naj bi bile:


It (long loading time) was added "to shorten any loading times during missions, respawns, and fast-travel to a minimum. Ultimately we feel like this inconvenience is rewarded with a comfortable experience once the game is loaded."


Torej, zmanjšani nalagalni časi med misijami, respawnanjem in hitrim potovanjem na minimum. :loser:



Edited by japanboy


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Meni se to sploh ne zdi slaba odločitev razvijalcev. Dosti raje čakam 5min preden začnem igrat, kot pa da čakam minuto ob vsakem teleportu, restartu,... Tako ostaneš bolj v igri z manj prekinitvami.



fast travel 4-15s

load last checkpoint (depend on situation) 15-30s

Restart mission 25s


Ima pa igra kot kaže večje težave z vsem drugim.

Eurogamer review: Sniper not-so-elite :lol

  • Upvote (+1) 1

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Pri Witcher 3 popizdiš, če kje pri boss fight dvakrat (ali več) crkneš. In to zgolj zaradi dolgega (re)loadanja..... 

Tak da je hiter reload dost pomemben pri igri, pri kateri boš verjetno večkrat reloadal (predvidevam) zaradi zgrešenih pomembnih strelov itd sploh če ciljaš na perfect execution :D 

Edited by Bartala
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