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Po dolgem premoru (od RB3 je minilo že 5 let!) se vrača nazaj na sceno Rock Band. Tokrat samo za novodobne konzole (PS4 in XO)! Trenutno je planiran izid za 2015. Razvijalec ostaja enak: Harmonix




Stari inštrumenti bodo podprti, Mad Catz pa pridno pripravlja nove:


Vse pesmi iz prejšnjih Rock Band iger bo možno prenesti! Tako ob ob izidu podprtih kar 2000 pesmi. :tepen:


Pri Harmonix obljubljajo gameplay izboljšave, predvsem poudarek bo na boljšem sodelovanju s soigralci:


"When I watch people play Rock Band what I see is four people sort of playing a single-player game in the same room. The relationship between the drummer and the bassist is not as connected as I think it can be. So that's an area where I think there's a lot of room for improvement from a game design standpoint."


K skladbam bomo lahko dodali svojo artistično noto:


Another place where Sussman found previous Rock Band games missed a beat was in player agency over the song. In prior games the player was merely following orders dictated by the on-screen prompts. While it's not clear the exact form this will take, Sussman hinted that there will be ways that players can put their own unique spin on a song.

"The other area that I think is really ripe for innovation is in the realm of player expression and the idea that music really is a performative art form and that the output is a reflection of the input," he explained. "If you're trying to play them the same way every single time there's always subtle differences. That's a thing that as a musician I get a big kick out of - sort of doing some little thing to make this song my own.



Več bo znanega na E3.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Novi DLCji ja, nova igra (RB5) pa naj ne bi izšla še nekaj časa:

We’re not going to ask people to spend $60 every year on an incremental upgrade. We’ll continue to support, innovate and add value to Rock Band 4 for years. You’ll see frequent song DLC from us, as we’ve always done with the series.

We’ll also be adding substantial new functionality to the core game and releasing those new features on an ongoing basis, as part of a continuing conversation with our fans to see what resonates with them and what they want. We’re not asking you to re-buy content you accumulated last generation.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra bo izšla 6. oktobra letos.




If you pre-order you get 30 bonus songs, which seems like quite a lot. Instrument bundles (on Amazon and GameStop) are $250. The game plus new guitar is $130. Bet you'd forgotten how much these games can be, although of course Rock Band 4 allows use of old peripherals too.

With all your old songs imported from previous Rock Band games there's a potential 1500 songs to thrash through, including new ones of course.


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Kompatibilnost inštrumentov z igro:


Za XO je potrebno dokupiti Legacy Game Controller Adapter za uporabo X360 brezžičnih kitar in bobnov.

Rock Band 4 costs £49.99 on PlayStation 4 without an instrument.

On Xbox One, there is a £69.99 bundle including a Legacy Game Controller Adapter to use Xbox 360 wireless guitars and drums.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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