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E3 2015 napovednik:





Ne gre za reboot serije, ampak za novo fundacijo na kateri bodo bili grajeni prihajajoče Hitman igre.


Well first off HITMAN is still a creative stealth action game, featuring the greatest assassin out there, Agent 47. As an operative of the International Contract Agency, his job is to take out high-profile targets all over the world, supported by his long-time handler Diana Burnwood. Each location in the game is a living sandbox, a place where every NPC has a name and every room matters. We’ve focused on making sure you, the players, have complete freedom of approach over how, where and when you decide to take out your target. Creativity from players is fully expected, you have the power and intelligence of Agent 47 at your fingertips and it is your choice whether to use brute force or orchestrate a genuine masterpiece of assassination.




Locations are more detailed, more populated and much larger than ever before, full of things to experiment with and targets to kill without any checkpoint systems in there. Contracts mode, which we’ll talk more about later in the year, returns and really shines in these big sandboxes. We’ve brought back save games, so you can save your progress anywhere, and we have revamped pretty much every system in our Glacier engine to enable this HITMAN experience.


Beta bo na voljo najprej na PS4 in nato še na PC. Za beto je potrebno prednaročilo.


PS4 bo deležen tudi ekskluzivnih DLCjev - 6 unikatnik Contact misij.


Najprej bo na voljo digitalna verzija in šele nato kasneje fizična kopija.


Igra bo na voljo od 8. decembra 2015 za PS4, XO in PC.


Urejano od japanboy
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Glede dodatne vsebine za igro pa tole:

Essentially, while the game will launch with a limited amount of content on day one, all additional story missions, side missions and locations that release throughout 2016 will be done so at no extra cost.

Torej dodatne misije v povezavi z zgodbo, stranske misije in lokacije bodo na voljo zastonj.

Igra ne bo vsebovala season passa ali mikrotransakcij!

As a result of this strategy, IO Interactive has said that Hitman will not boast any sort of microtransactions or season pass for players to purchase.


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Igra, ki bo izdana 8. decembra ne bo cela igra.

“What we release on December 8 is not the full game,” IO Interactive has said of Hitman.

Potrošnik bo ob nakupu plačal celo igro, medtem ko bo sama igra izdana po epizodnem principu - kot igre TWD, The Wolf Among Us, GOT... Sprotno se bodo dodajale nove misije, lokacije dokler zgodba ne bo dokončna.

“It’s a sizeable chunk of it. Throughout 2016 we’ll release more locations and missions until the story arc is done and finished. All of that content is included in the $60 price.

“We think the word ‘episodic’ sets up the expectation that we will sell individual content drops for individual prices but that’s not something we’re planning to do.”

“That said, there are some episodic elements to the story in the sense that it’s delivered in chunks over time, so experiencing the story will probably feel episodic. But there is also a ton of other content including live events, which have nothing to do with the story.


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At PAX Prime Square Enix showcased the gameplay world premiere of its upcoming title Hitman, coming for PS4, Xbox One and PC.


The video features fifteen minutes of gameplay, including a glimpse on disguises and on the freedom of approaching the target.





Urejano od japanboy


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Izid igre je zamaknjen v marec 2016. Razlog tiči v tem, da bo razvijalcem igre to omogočilo več vsebine ob izidu igre, manjši razmik med posameznimi posodobitvami, kar se bo odražalo v boljših izkušnjah uporabnikov (to bomo najbrž še videli).

Kot aperitiv so priložili še spodnjo sliko, ki prikazuje največjo velikost stopnje v Hitman Absolution ter eno izmed stopenj v Hitmanu, ki pride ven prihodnje leto.



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Igra bo izšla 11. marca prihodnje leto. Ob izidu pa bo vključeval več kot 800 tarč, 6 misij v obliki kampanj, ter serijo tedenskih live eventov na 3 različnih lokacijah.

IO detailed that at launch, Hitman will include 800 assassination targets, six campaign missions, and a series of weekly live events across three locations: Paris, France – Sapienza, Italy – and Marrakesh, Morocco. All of this content will be included at launch with the game in March.

Kasneje pa sledi še več vsebine, kot je bilo obljubljeno.

Following the game’s release in March, additional content will be rolled out in the months following launch: specifically, the post-launch content will include new playable areas with Thailand in April, USA in May, and Japan in June. Along with the new playable areas, scores of new assassination targets, missions, and more will also be added in new content updates.

Za igro bodo na voljo bodo 3 paketi:

- Intro pack (vsebina ob izidu)

- Upgrade pack (nadaljni dlcji)

- Full experience pack (intro + upgrade pack)



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Na PS Experience 2015 so podali datum izida bete za Hitman. 12. februarja bo beta na voljo na PS4, teden dni kasneje pa na PC.


O beti:


Play the beginning. The HITMAN Beta is set twenty years in the past at a top-secret ICA recruitment and training facility. This extremely unique mission revolves around how Agent 47 was recruited into the ICA and shows the first time that 47 meets his long-time handler, Diana Burnwood.


Napovednik za beto:



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Kdor je prednaročil digitalno verzijo igre Hitman je najbrž dobil oz. še bo obvestilo o prekinitvi prednaročila. Zakaj?



In an email message sent to PlayStation 4 players who pre-ordered the game, Sony said: "the configuration of the product you pre-ordered has changed significantly. As a result, we have withdrawn the current pre-order from PlayStation Store and will cancel all pre-orders. A revised pre-order for Hitman will be available on the store soon."


V prihodnjih dneh bo več jasnega na to temo.



IO Interactive via Twitter assured consumers that there is no need to press the panic button because Hitman is still on track to arrive on March 11. "If your HITMAN preorder is cancelled, don't panic. The release date is still March 11. We're adjusting a few things & will update in a few days."



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Kot je že znano bo igra imela epizodne izide. Vse skupaj se bo pričelo z 11. marcem ter prolog misijo in lokacijo Parizem. Aprila bo izšla Italija, Maja pa Maroko. Vsak mesec do konca leta bo Square Enix posodabljal vsebino igre. Tako bodo kasneje do konca leta na voljo še Tajska, ZDA in Japonska s katero se bo končala sezona.



“Starting with a Prologue Mission and a Paris location on March 11th, followed by the next location, set in Italy releasing in April and then Morocco releasing in May. From there HITMAN will deliver regular monthly content updates, including three additional locations; Thailand, the US and Japan until the season concludes in Japan later in 2016. With weekly live events and additional planned content in between the monthly updates.”


Lastnikom PS4 konzol pa bo na voljo bonus misija.



PlayStation 4 users will be handed exclusive access to The Sarajevo Six which contains six bonus contracts, one of which will be released with each location. In it, Agent 47 “travels the world in pursuit of six former members of a paramilitary unit called CICADA” in a self-contained side-story.


Cene zaenkrat na voljo le v $. Prvi paket bo na voljo za 15$, naslednja dva pa po 10$. Kdor bo kupil intro paket, kasneje igro lahko nadgradi v "polni" paket za 50$ ali pa že takoj kupijo celoten paket za 60$. Fizični izvod igre pa bo na voljo konec leta, ko bo izšla vsa vsebina za letos.


Urejano od japanboy


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Play the beginning. The HITMAN Beta is set at a top secret recruitment and training facility and revolves around how Agent 47 joined the ICA.



Beta na PS4 se bo pričela 12. februarja ob 11:00 in končala 15. februarja ob 11:00, PC beta pa se bo pričela 19. februarja ob 11:00 in končala 22. februarja ob 11:00. Velikost bete na PS4 bo 4.7GB, za PC pa še ni znana.

Dostop do bete bo omogočen le tistim, ki bodo igro prednaročili digitalno. Za naročnike fizične verzije igre to ne velja.

Urejano od japanboy


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