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Shenmue III

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Igra je najavljena za PS4 in PC. Prav tako ne bo spin-off, ampak nadaljevanje I in II.


E3 2015 napovednik:



Igra zbira finančna sredstva na Kickstarterju: KLIK! Kmalu bo dosegla zastavljen cilj dveh milijonov dolarjev.

Edited by japanboy
Posodobljen napovednik.


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Igra je zbirala finančna sredstva pri Kickstarterju. Zdaj pa Sony pomaga pri ustvarjanju igre. Kar pa ni znano je pa s kakšno finančno pogačo. Igra naj bi izšla v Decembru 2017 na PS4 in PC.

With Shenmue III, the rest of the money seems to be coming from Sony. How much? No idea.

“Sony and PlayStation is definitely a partner in this game,” said Corsi (Sony’s director of third-party relations), “and it’s going to be run through third-party production. We’re going to help Ys Net get the game done, we’re going to be partners on it the whole way, and really excited to see this thing come out in a couple of years.”


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QTE bo prisoten, prav tako pa tudi III. del ne bo zadnji.



"While QTEs may feel a little wanting to some action gamers, I believe that it is a fundamental technique that allows a broad range of players to actively participate in the dramatic performances of a game. That said, I would like to take up the challenge of creating the next evolution of the QTE."



"The story will not be concluded with Shenmue III. After thinking it through, we decided that forcing a conclusion in Shenmue 3 would only make the story feel rushed, and compromise the game as a whole."




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Včeraj je Deep Silver najavil, da so zamaknili izid igre v 2019. Po prvotnih načrtih bi igra morala iziti v Q3 letošnjega leta.



"Deep Silver today announce that their upcoming release Shenmue III has been moved and will now release in 2019. The extra time will be used to polish the quality of the game even further, to the high standards it deserves and release the product in the best possible timeframe."



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