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Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.





In Firewatch, you play as a man named Henry, who’s retreated from his messy life for the summer to take a job as a Wyoming forest fire lookout. You are in constant radio communication with your supervisor Delilah — your only remaining link to the outside world. But as the hot, dry summer progresses, increasingly strange events draw you out of your tower and into the wilderness to explore an unknown environment, facing questions and making interpersonal choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have.






Firewatch will make its console debut on PlayStation 4, Campo Santo announced during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference.


E3 2015 napovednik:



Igra bo izšla še to leto za PS4, Windows, OS X in Linux.




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O napredku igre, iz njihovega newsletterja:

We're now almost content complete and preparing for the day that when we play through the game we say "Yep! We're confident we can now tell the world the exact date this video game will be ready to buy." There is so still so much to do but that day feels like it's right around the corner.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • Na PS4 bo igra 1080p/30fps.
  • Naj ne bi bilo DLCjev. Igra že zajema vse kar so si razvijalci zamislili.
  • 5-6 ur igranja, odvisno koliko se raziskuje.
  • Gameplay ne zajema ugank v smislu preuredi vrstni red črk da dobiš besedo. Uganke bodo bile smiselne z zgodbo, da je ne prekinejo.
  • Ne bo dobrega ali slabega konca.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Campo Santo just released four brief but lovely trailers of its upcoming game Firewatch, that will be released for PS4 and PC on February 9th.


We get a further look on the game’s lovely environments, and on its deep storytelling, that charmed many since its introduction a while ago.










Igra bo izšla na PC in PS4 9. februarja.

Urejano od japanboy
Dodan datum izida in platformi.


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Je že izšel nov patch:


Firewatch has received a new 1.02 patch on PS4 after many criticisms about its performance on Sony's console.

  • Draw distance and shadow render distance have been improved, which should remove significant texture popping.
  • Streaming loading and unloading has been significantly adjusted with extra safeties so you should no longer see loading happen right in front of you.
  • We got Unity to fix a very rare hang that could occur when loading and unloading scenes.
  • Many instances of unstable framerate have been improved.
  • Auto-saves are now far less frequent, as they were causing the worst framerate hitches we have been seeing.
  • Several places where people were escaping the world or getting stuck in collision have been refined. Also, if you are stuck in an endlessly falling state, the game will attempt to put you back, either through loading the last save or respawning Henry aboveground.
  • Various cases where you were able to interrupt or break your current quest have been safeguarded.

Več info

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Kljub Unity težavam, se igra dobro prodaja. V enem mesecu od izida so prodali več kot 500.000 izvodov in si tako že v prvem dnevu povrnili investicijo. Tako je februarja bila najbolje prodajana igra v PlayStation Store.

V kratkem se obetajo tudi performance izboljšave v Unity pogonu na konzolah. Le te bi naj odpravile bodoče težave v Unity igrah.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra izide za XO 21. septembra!



Novost bo Audio Tour


has been described by the developer as "one part scavenger hunt, one part museum tour, one part game dev workshop, mixed with a dash of inside Campo Santo goofs."

in free roam


In free roam, you'll be able to live in the Shoshone with a full day/night cycle and explore with a few hidden secrets


Oboje bo izšlo tudi na že obstoječih platformah izida, kot popravek.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra bo izšla tudi na Switchu to pomlad. Točen datum izida pa zaenkrat še ni znan.



Developer Campo Santo announced today that its debut title will be coming to Nintendo Switch this spring, allowing players the chance to explore the wilderness (and an exceptional story) out in the wilderness itself.


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