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Gamescom 2015

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E3 Expo 2015 je za nami, že pa se nezadržno bliža nam najbližji tovrstni dogodek - Gamescom 2015. Ta se bo odvijal od 5 - 9. avgusta v Kölnu, za javnost pa bo odprt od 6 - 9 avgusta. Območje namenjeno novinarjem bo večje za 7%, območje širši javnosti pa bo večje za 10%. Tudi letos bodo prenosi konferenc, katerih datumi in povezave še sledijo. Pa še nekaj malega o Gamescom 2014.

Na sejmu pa letos ne bo Sonyja, ki bo sejem izpustil in se udeležil Paris Game Week 2015.

Lista razvijalcev za letošnji Gamescom - iz 20. aprila. Ta še zdaleč ni dokončna.

Confirmed exhibitors for Gamescom 2015 include Bandai Namco, Bethesda, Bigpoint, CI Games, Cloud Imperium Games, Crytek, Deep Silver (Koch Media), EA, Konami, Microsoft, Nintendo, Nvidia, Oculus, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Wargaming and Warner Bros.

Več informacij še sledi. :-)

Edited by japanboy
Zamenjan napovednik.


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Before E3 was even over we were already planning and preparing for gamescom, one of the largest video game trade shows that takes place in Cologne, Germany. Xbox will be there for a variety of events, many of which you can watch online if you’re not able to make it to the show in person.


The evening before gamescom officially kicks off, the Xbox briefing will show off many of the games coming to Xbox One, including titles like Scalebound, Quantum Break and Crackdown. Tune in to the gamescom 2015 Xbox Briefing on Xbox One, Xbox.com, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone to get the latest news and watch game trailers and demos. Be sure to download the free Xbox Live Event interactive app (XLEi app) on your Xbox One or XLE on your Xbox 360 before the show so you’re ready!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Battlefield: Hardline bo na Gamescom 2015 dobil nov game mode ter DLCje.

Specifically, Sasser detailed that alongside the new weapons, gear, and maps expected to launch with “Robbery” this summer, the new DLC will also include “a sweet new game mode” with it. “Robbery” will be the second DLC expansion coming to Hardline following the “Criminal Activity” expansion that released in June, with two more expansions to launch in fall 2015 and early 2016.

Razvijalci igre Lords of the Fallen bodo na Gamescom 2015 predstavili novo igro. Gre za dystopian sci-fi RPG projekt. Kdor upa na prikaz kakšnega gameplayja ali napovednik bo žal ostal prikrajšan. Predstavljen bo pogled v zakulisje igre, ki še nima naslova.

Publisher Focus Home Interactive revealed that the new RPG project from Deck13 will be revealed at Gamescom 2015. However, no direct gameplay footage will be released or shown for the general public, as instead the studio is only showing the game in behind-closed-doors sessions with journalists at Gamescom, offering interviews with the core development team.


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Techland za Gamescom draži z novim DLCjem za Dying Light. DLC bo prikazan zgolj za zaprtimi vrati sejma, medtem ko bo širši javnosti predstavljen v terminu po sejmu.

Techland will soon announce a ‘major expansion’ to Dying Light that shows the game from a “totally new angle,” the developer teased. The expansion will first be shown behind closed doors to press at Gamescom, with a public reveal planned for soon after.


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Termini prenosov konferenc na Gamescomu:

Microsoft - 4. avgust 16:00

Electronic Arts - 5. avgust 10:00

Call of Duty - 5. avgust 19:00

Blizzard - 5. avgust 24:00

Blizzard - 6. avgust 18:00 (WOW expansion level)

Zanimiva izgleda zgolj Microsoftova - Quantum Break, EA mogoče zgolj zaradi Mirror's Edge pa še kaj. Blizzardovo in COD bom pa najbrž preskočil. Letos je pač "revščina" in še dobro da se nisem odločil iti. Škoda denarja.

Edited by matej1990
popravljen čas EA konference


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Popravil sem čas EA konference. Ta bo ob 10:00 in ne ob 22:00.

Še EA teaser:


Tako kot si rekel. Tudi zame bo zanimiva le današnja MS konferenca. EA mislim da bom kar preskočil, ker njihovega nakladanja res ne mislim poslušat. Njihove trailerje/gameplay (Mirror's Edge, SW:Battlefront,...) pa si bom naknadno pogledal.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Project Morpheus, Street Fighter 5, Ratchet & Clank, Guitar Hero Live, Destiny: The Taken King, Uncharted Collection, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 on Sony’s stand.

Over in a different hall is Microsoft with Halo 5: Guardians, Rare Replay, Killer Instinct, Gigantic, We Happy Few, Warhammer: End Time – Vermintide, Forza 6, Cuphead, Fable Legends, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Quantum Break.

Elsewhere we saw Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Rainbow 6: Siege, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Dark Souls 3 and PES 2016.

Blizzard is representing with a massive set up for Heroes of the Storm, Heathstone and Overwatch.


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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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