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Minecraft: Story Mode

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"We've worked closely with the amazing team at Mojang to ensure this story is a natural fit for the Minecraft world fans already know and love," said Telltale CEO and co-founder Kevin Bruner. "As Jesse, players will steer their own path through a tale of adventure and survival; all brought to life by an all-star cast. Through Telltale's choice-based gameplay and a story spanning from the Nether to the Farlands, the End, and beyond, we can't wait for fans to experience this new take on the beloved world of Minecraft."

Tako kot je za TT že značilo, bo tudi tokrat šlo za epizodne izide. Izšlo bi jih naj 5.

"The interactive storytellers at Telltale are giving players the chance to explore their own unique interpretation of the Minecraft universe," added Mojang chief word officer Owen Hill. "They've crafted a story that follows the logic of Minecraft, but still manages to feel original. It's actually pretty funny too. And the pig is adorable."


Izid prve epizode je obljubljen še letos in sicer za: PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, Mac, iOS in Android.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Izid je malenkost prej in sicer 13. oktobra za X360, XO, PS3 in PS4 + Windows in Mac OS.

15. bo izid za Android in iOS.

Enkrat kasneje pa bo izid še za PS Vito in Wii U.

Prva epizoda se bo imenovala "The Order of the Stone".

Nakup epizod bo možen posamično ali pa v paketu (season pass).


Nato pa tokrat drugačen plan izida za retail verzijo. Retail bo izšla 30. oktobra. Prva epizoda bo na ploščku, ostale pa si prenašamo sproti ob njihovem izidu.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Potrjena je 2. sezona igre. 1. epizoda le-te bo izšla 11. julija.

Telltale has now confirmed its second season of Minecraft: Story Mode. The first episode will launch on 11th July.


5 epizod je potrjenih zaenkrat le za PC, PS4, XBOX One ter mobilne naprave. O Wii U ni še nič znanega glede 2. sezone igre.

Curiously, Telltale has only announced the five-episode season for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and mobile devices. There's no word on a Wii U (which would be unlikely) or Switch (much more likely) launch.


Retail verzija pa je napovedana za letošnjo jesen.




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