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Očitno se nam obeta še en re-releate Resident Evila. In sicer gre za Resident Evil: Code Veronica (ki je bila prvotno izdana na Sega Dreamcastu), če gre verjeti Nemški USK strani.

Ker trenutno še ni nič uradno potrjeno lahko to torej zaenkrat vzamemo z rezervo, a glede na Capcomov trend izdajanja preteklih RE na konzolah sedanje generacije to ne bi bilo nič neobičajnega.

Gre pa poudariti, da zadeva naj ne bi bila remastered edicija igre, ampak zgolj "izboljšan" port. V kakšnem smislu bomo izvedeli najbrž v prihodnjih tednih/mesecih.



Capcom looks set to release an enhanced port of Resident Evil Code: Veronica PS4 on, according to a rating filed by Germany’s USK board.



Urejano od japanboy


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Tole je potrebno vzet z rezervo, dokler se ne izve kaj bolj konkretnega. :)

Na spletu so se pojavile slike oz. promocijski material za COD WWII kakor naj bi bil naslov novega CODa za letos. Ta "podpira" govorice da naj bi se letošnji COD vrnil h "koreninam" oz. v WW II.



This user has leaked plenty in the past, and claims to have been the user who's account (u/InfiniteWarfareLeaks) was removed from Reddit by Activision DMCA.





Urejano od japanboy


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Nisem vedel kam naj to spišem pa sem kar semkaj dal.


Sony je danes izjavil da bodo igre Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, Jak 3, in Jak X: Combat Racing na voljo na PS4 kot PS2 klasike enkrat letos.

Zaenkrat še ni znano ali bodo na voljo za nakup v paketu ali vsaka posebej. Bodo pa renderane v 1080p in imele bodo na voljo tudi trofeje (za platino še ni znano če bo). Med drugim bo vklučen tudi shareplay, remote play in activity feeds.



Like all other PS2 classics on the PS4, each of the four games will feature 1080 up-rendering and trophy support (it’s unclear whether each game or any will have a platinum). Additional enhanced features, such as Shareplay, Remote Play, and Activity Feeds will also be included.




Urejano od japanboy


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Spletna stran Sege nakazuje, da bo čez slab teden naznanjena novica v povezavi z Bayonetto.




V torek 11. aprila ob 12 uri po srednjeevropskem času bo na Segini spletni strani znano kaj točno se nam obeta. Prav tako spletni naslov Segine strani vsebuje številke 14111219, kar je rojstni dan Bayonette. Čeprav razen slike in vsebine urlja ni znanega nič drugega, sta oba kar močna indica, da se nam nam obeta nekaj v povezavi z Bayonetto. Kaj točno to bo pa bo treba počakati še slab teden.


The Sega website has been updated to feature a countdown that is set to end on April 11th, at 12:30 PM ET. While there's no information as to what Sega is announcing, there is an image behind the countdown that looks quite a bit like Bayonetta's weaponized heels. 

The countdown page on Sega has an interesting URL, 14111219. The number might not mean much to some, but it's Bayonetta's birthday - December 19, 1411 (1411, 12, 19). 



Urejano od japanboy


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On 27. 3. 2017 at 5:52 PM, matej1990 said:

Mislim da bo ta WW2 tematika kar štimala. :) CoD ekspert @Cpt-Altekk je rekel da je ta tipo že večkrat imel prav kar se CoD leakov tiče.


Jop, kar se tice novega COD bo definitivno WW2 tematika. To je nekak blo za pricakovat se preden so leaki prihajali. Sledgehamer in Activision sta pri AW ze na pol cikla videla da se ta exo movement ne bo obnesel in ker sta takrat bo3 in iw ze bla v izdelavi ni blo kaj za naret vec tu. Zdaj pa koncno :D Zanimivo bo videt vse skupaj. Seveda pa bodo mikrotransakcije ( suply dropi ) ostale, prevec denarja jim to prinese, da bi to skinli, kar me malo zalosti.. Upam pa tudi glede na to da sem zadnje case dosti na PC da se bodo posvetili malo tudi PC verziji igre.. ker iw in bo3 sta complete garbage na PC. :) Aja, reveal in pa trailer pa se glede na zadnja leta lahko pricakuje zadnji teden aprila / prvi teden maja :) over & out


P.s.: @matej1990 najin 1vs1 se skoz caka :D

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Remedy Ent. bo portal Quantum Breakov Northlight Engine na PS4 za projekt "P7". Ta projekt naj bi med drugim izšel na več platformah. Remedy naj bi delal na verziji NE pogona prilagojenega za PS4.


Apparently, the game is going to appear on PS4 as well, as the developer announced today that P7 will launch on a “wider launch of platforms.” In order to achieve that, Remedy is working on develop its Northlight Engine for PS4.




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Pred tednom dni je bila objavljena novica o Bayonetti. Sega je "dražila" z odštevanjem v povezavi z Bayonetto.

Zdaj pa je znano da bo igra dobila 4k podporo ter napredne grafične nastavitve. Izšla pa bo danes.



Bayonetta is coming to Steam today with advanced graphics options and 4K support, as noted by the headline.


Kdor bo igro kupil preko steama do 25. aprila pa bo brez doplačila dobil Digital Deluxe edicijo igre, katera uporabniku prinaša dodatne "bonbončke."



Those who purchase the Platinum Games developed title on Steam will be handed the Digital Deluxe Edition for no additional cost until April 25.

It comes with a five-song soundtrack sampler, digital artbook, wallpapers and avatars.


Še PC napovednik:




Urejano od japanboy
Dodan napovednik.


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Še ena "govorica" dokler ne bo kaj več znanega.




Za letošnje novoletne praznike naj bi se obetal prihod SNES minija.

Sources “closed to the company” revealed this information to Eurogamer, which added that the mini-console would be available in time for Christmas.


SNES mini naj bi imel enak plug&play in naj bi tako kot NES mini že vseboval predinštalirane igre. Proizvodnja NES mini naj bi se zato tudi predčasno končala zaradi Nintendovih načrtov s SNES mini.

Interestingly, the site notes that the abrupt discontinuation of the NES Classic Mini was due to the Nintendo’s plans to follow it up with a the SNES Mini. The console is said to follow the same plug-and-play setup and will come with pre-installed games.




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Očitno se nam obeta aplikacija, ki bo omogočala stream PC iger na Switch. Aplikacija naj bi bila objavljena na Nintendo eShopu.



A new third party application could possibly be on its way for Nintendo Switch to be able to stream PC games. And Nintendo is said to be supporting that by publishing the app on eShop. This app is called Rainway, and comes from the developers of Borderless Gaming. It is compatible with all GPUs and works on iOS/Android, Xbox One as well.




O aplikaciji:

  • Leverage the power of your PC
  • Enjoy Civilization VI from the comfort of your couch with a tablet, play Stardew Valley on the go from your phone or just enjoy your favorite PC games on macOS and Linux all at 60FPS.
  • No additional hardware required
  • Any GPU that supports DirectX 11 can take advantange of the Rainway MSG protocol.
  • Pain-free setup
  • Rainway handles configuring your network and securing your connection so the only thing you have to worry about is playing your games.



Urejano od japanboy
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Ubisoft je na svojem FB in Instagram profilu danes "dražil" s tole sliko iz Far Cry 3 s pripisom "an island we never truly left":




Zaenkrat še torej ni znano ali bo naslednji Far Cry, ki bo izšel predzgodba, nadaljevanje ali zgolj remaster. Je pa Ubisoft že lani namignil, da ni nujno da nas v letošnjem letu čaka novo poglavje v Far Cry sagi. To pa zaenkrat namiguje da nas očitno čaka remastered edicija Far Cry 3 oz. zagotovo ne nov Far Cry. To pa so zgolj ugibanja, saj bo zagotovo več znanega v prihodnjih tednih/mesecih.




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Brazilska rating board je dala dvema še nenaznanjenima PS4 igrama rating. Gre za igri That's You, ki je opisana kot platform/action in Knack 2 ter multiplatform igra Sukeban Games’ VA-11 HALL-A, ki pa je dobila rating PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch ter Android.



Now, the Brazil Advisory Rating Board has rated a PS4 game from Sony Interactive Entertainment called 'That’s You'. That's You is labeled as a 'platform / action,' but has not yet received any more detailed. In addition to That's You, Knack 2 was also rated for the PS4.




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Naslednji teden bo na PS4 prišel Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X. Točneje naj bi se to zgodilo 9. maja.

Za zdaj še ni znano ali bo to zgolj port PS2 izdaje igre ali remaster edicija PS3 HD verzije igre.



O igri:


Set in December 1998, CODE: Veronica X follows Claire as she is captured by Umbrella and imprisoned on Rockfort Island, which quickly becomes infested with zombies and other bio-weapons following a viral outbreak. The game also reunites players with her brother Chris, a former member of S.T.A.R.S. and hero of the original Resident Evil game, as he attempts to rescue his sibling from Umbrella’s clutches. 






Novi Assassins Creed naj bi bil poimenovan Assassin's Creed: Origins. Vsaj tako trdi redditov uporabnik Sirusavath.



The company I work for is involved with making pre-order cards for a couple of different department stores and a few weeks ago there was a new order for Far Cry 5. There was also one for Assassin’s Creed: Origins. I saw some of the tentative artwork for the later a few days ago and it’s the Egypt game that has been rumored to be called Empire.


Dogajanje naj bi bilo postavljeno v Egipt. Na artworku karte je bilo mesto v ozadju pa piramida. V središču karte je bil nov Assassin, ki je hodil proti mestu. Izgleda kot da nosi ščit, lok na ramenih pa orla. Večina tega je najbrž za večino že stara informacija.


Najbrž pa ni skrivnost da je v razvoju tudi nov Far Cry. Več bo znanega že čez dober mesec dni na letošnjem E3ju.


Urejano od japanboy


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Kdor je upal na kakšno novico o Beyond Good & Evil 2 na letošnjem E3 se je uštel. Igra namreč ne bo na E3ju, obstaja pa možnost, da bo igra "razkrita" proti koncu leta. Paris Games Week ali pa kak Nintendo Direct?



One game that we have been anxiously awaiting updates for is Beyond Good & Evil 2. People assumed it would be re-revealed at E3 in Los Angeles next month, but according to the game’s director Michel Ancel this isn’t the case. However he does say that he is hoping to unveil the ambitious adventure sometime later this year. Maybe he is saving the announcement for Paris Games Week or possibly a Nintendo Direct.




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Ni ravno novička, ampak je zanimiv intervju z Jimom Ryanom glede blokiranja crossplayja s strani Sonyja - nedavno za Minecrat, pred časom pa za Rocket League. Obe igri namreč podpirata crossplay med različnimi platformami (PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch - pri Minecraftu še mobilne platforme).


Urejano od japanboy


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Well, you must see that PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with Switch owners, PC owners and Xbox One owners for these two big and important games, and they don't have an explanation for why. That's what I'm getting at, really.


Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.


It doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, perhaps the most mindful video game company of the protection of children.


Jim Ryan: Yeah, that's true.


Mislim res čisti bullshit, da se ne morejo pridružit crossplayu. Sej Ryan sploh ni povedal točno odgovora. Pač kao da se bojijo za svoje uporabnike. Ni upal povedati po pravici: Our network infrastructure is a mess and it would cost us allot of money to do the necessarily upgrades. :D

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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