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Farpoint is an unnerving VR space adventure set on a hostile alien planet. On a mission to pick up scientists studying an anomaly near Jupiter, a rupture from the anomaly transports the player and scientists to an unknown alien world.





Edited by matej1990
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Igra bo izšla 16. maja letos. Skupaj z igro pa naj bi izšel novi VR aim krmilnik. Ta bo omogočal da bo uporabnik enega izmed PS move krmilnikov držal v položaju kot se drži pištolo. 

Je pa Farpoint trenutno edina igra, ki bo podpirala ta krmilnik. 






V ZDA bosta igra in krmilnik na voljo v bundlu. Za Evropo pa ni še nič znanega.

Edited by japanboy
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Sem malo na hitro pogledal in našel tole:


Isn't the Aim the same as Sony's Sharpshooter, which turned a PlayStation Move and Motion Controller into a two-handed gun back in 2010? Not at all. Though they look similar, the Aim is far more accurate and with far less of a delay before your motions are reflected in the game world. In fact, it works in tandem with the PlayStation VR headset to bring your wrists and arms into VR, too -- with the extra sensor data, it seems pretty good at estimating where they are.

Sony's PlayStation VR Aim Controller makes it easy to shoot scary space spiders (hands-on)

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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sej tudi Move ima žiroskop in pospeškometer, ter omogoča 1:1 sledenje. :)

Verjetno po tolikih letih posodobijo drobovje in se takoj pozna.


Če izdajo tudi nove PS Move kontrolerje, sem takoj pripravljen kupiti nove. Žal jih niso. Tisti kvazi novi kontrolerji imajo kolikor vem samo novo embalažo. :(

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ja vem o čem govoriš in se strinjam, da je tale Move tracking najslabša zadeva pri PS VR. Očala imajo definitivno boljši tracking, tako da bi znal tudi tale Aim mogoče imeti manj "mini skakanja". Vive s svojimi kontrolerji in sedaj baje tudi Oculus Touch so pa čisto druga raven napram PS Move.


Če je huje kot London Heist, potem ni rečeno, da so PS Move kontrolerji krivi. Lahko da so razvijalci kaj zašuštrali.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sliši se zelo obetavno! Mi je všeč, da ni to samo še en dodatek, ampak ga ima Sony kot ultimativni shooter dodatek za vse PS VR igre. Dejansko je ta kontroler unikatni v VR svetu.


From the very beginning of development on Farpoint, we wanted to have a way to physically connect the player to the game and bring them that much deeper into the world we were creating. That would turn out to be the PS VR Aim Controller. With it, we’ve been able to make shooting and aiming more natural and intuitive — once you have the controller in your hands you know instinctively where the buttons and triggers are. The 1:1 tracking also makes for a more skill-based game because the precision removes any need for aim assist.


Kje se dobi Aim kontroler + digitalna igra? :D

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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