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Resident Evil Revelations

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Igra, ki je izšla na Nintendo 3DS, HD inačica pa na WiiU, PC, PS3 in Xbox 360 bo izšla tudi na PS4 in Xbox One tako v digitalni izdaji kot na mediju. Izid igre je postavljen v letošnjo jesen. Capcom je obljubil, da več informacij sledi kmalu.

Dogajanje v igri je postavljeno med Resident Evil 4 in 5 in sledi Jill Valentine ter Chrisu Redfieldu (članoma BSAA organizacije), ki skušata ustaviti bioteroristično organizacijo Veltro katere namen je okužiti Zemljo z uničevalskim T-Abyss virusom.

Igra je dobila tudi nadaljevanje - Resident Evil Revelations 2, katere epizode so izšle v epizodnih izidih.



Edited by japanboy
Dodana slika ter malenkostni popravki.


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Gameplay s PS4/Xbox One.





Each video focuses on a different aspect of Revelations, namely action and exploration, giving players who haven’t yet sampled the game a chance to see how it shapes up.


Tole je pravi Resident Evil, ki sem ga tako dolgo čakal! Še zdaj se spomnim Nintendo 3DS verzije in potem Wii U inačice igre. Definitivno za prešpilat. :)


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Znano je, da bo ZDA igra dobila 31. avgusta. V Evropi je izid igre še vedno planiran za jesen.

Bodo pa v igro vključeni vsi DLCji, ki so izšli za igro.



■ The truth behind the horror, reborn.


Acting as the link between two major Resident Evil titles, Resident Evil Revelations comes to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with high resolution 1080p visuals and all available DLC included in one affordable package.


■ About the Game


Campaign Mode lets you experience an intense tale of isolation and survival that takes place between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, while Raid Mode offers you the thrills of action-packed, run-and-gun gameplay, and is packed with content to enjoy long after the campaign is over.


■ Story


Chris Redfield goes missing in action during a mission, forcing the BSAA to dispatch Jill Valentine on a search-and-rescue operation. She arrives at her target location to find an extravagant cruise liner floating in the middle of the ocean. Jill makes her way through winding corridors filled with perilous traps and horrifying creatures, and soon finds that she has only just scratched the surface of a horrifying conspiracy.




  • Chris Redfield – A counter-bioterror specialist.
  • Jill Valentine – A survivor of the Raccoon City Incident.
  • Parker Luciani – Jill’s new partner.
  • Clive R. O’Brian – The director of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA).
  • Jessica Sherawat – A beautiful BSAA member who works alongside Chris.


■ Current-Gen Improvements


Higher Resolution


The power of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One allow for crisp 1080p resolution. Increased environmental detail and refined creature movements add a whole new dimension to the terror.


All DLC Included


This new version includes all downloadable content costumes and weapons that were sold separately for Raid Mode.


The following downloadable content is included with the game:


Weapon Pack Resistance Set*

  • G18 “Speed Load” Handgun
  • P-90 “Sonic Assist” Machine Gun
  • Windham “Steady Hand” Shotgun
  • Python “Short Range+” Magnum
  • High Roller “Speed Load” Machine Gun
  • PSG1 “Long Range+” Sniper Rifle

Weapon Pack Enhancement Set*

  • PC356 “Speed Shot” Handgun
  • MP5 “Speed Shot” Machine Gun
  • Hydra “Sonic Assist” Shotgun
  • L. Hawk “Speed Load” Magnum
  • High Roller “Sonic Assist+” Machine Gun
  • M40A1 “Sonic Assist+” Sniper Rifle

Raid Mode costume: Rachael Ooze

Raid Mode costume: Lady Hunk


*All weapons are Level 1, but they have a higher rarity than usual and feature an additional slot. In addition, all parts can be removed and attached to other weapons you have collected.




Igra bo v ZDA na voljo za 19.99$.


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