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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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Potihem se je že sumilo, zdaj pa je Amazon leaknil nov Wolfenstein. Naslednje poglavje se bo imenovalo Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Izid igre je postavljen na 27. oktober. Platforme na katerih naj bi igra izšla pa so PC, PS4 in Xbox One.


Več informacij pa bo sledilo v ponedeljek ob 6:00 uri zjutraj, ko se bo pričela Bethesdina tiskovka.



E3 2017 napovednik:



Edited by japanboy
Dodan napovednik.
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Pravkar, matej1990 pravi:



Moral bi dati v navedek. Bil je na tistem seznamu, ki so ga prikazali takoj na zacetku konference ce se prav spomnim, ali v prvi polovici.




Če tole pogledaš pol je jasno da gre za novi Wolfenstein glede na entryje.


Pa tudi na koncu Old Blooda je referenca nanj.


Blazkowicz defeats the robot and drags Deathshead out of its cockpit. However, as he is about to execute Deathshead, the general reveals a hidden grenade that explodes, killing Deathshead and mauls Blazkowicz. As a gravely wounded Blazkowicz crawls towards safety, he watches Caroline, Set and Anya evacuate the prisoners from the beachhead below. He likens Anya holding an electric lantern to the Statue of Liberty, recalling the famous lines of The New Colossus before the survivor requests permission to destroy the fortress with the U-Boat's nuclear cannons. Blazkowicz confirms the order, and the screen cuts to black.

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4€ na PS Store. :D Nisem mogel da ne bi kupil.


Kul stealth opcije, dobri rambo style prizori,...

Zelo dobro so si izmislili zavlado nemčije v svetu. House of the rising sun v nemščini, Beatlesi so Käfers,...

Edino ne vem zakaj so se odločili za videje namesto realtime renderiranje vmesnih sekvenc. Tako grda kompresija je pri videjih, da je to kar neverjetno. Pa tako velika igra je (cca 50GB).

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Digitalno je to Deluxe edicija. Fizični izvod pa za1x še ne vsebuje SP zraven.


Bo pa SP vseboval:


The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe– As former professional quarterback Joseph Stallion, smash through Nazi hordes from the ruins of Chicago to the vastness of space!

The Diaries of Agent Silent Death– As ex-OSS agent and assassin Jessica Valiant, infiltrate Nazi bunkers in California and discover the secrets of Operation San Andreas!

The Amazing Deeds of Captain Wilkins – As the US Army’s renowned hero Captain Gerald Wilkins, embark on a mission to Nazi-controlled Alaska to dismantle Operation Black Sun!


Prednaročniki igre pa dobijo prvi DLC oz. zgodbo kot bonus.

Edited by japanboy
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