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[VR] Firewall Zero Hour


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Ekskluziva za PS VR, ki je podobna R6 Siegu v marsikaterem pogledu. Gre za FPS igro 4 proti 4, kjer je cilj izpolniti zadane naloge.






In Firewall: Zero Hour, two teams of mercenaries are hired by anonymous contract handlers to either protect or obtain highly sensitive information on a laptop in dangerous and exotic locations around the globe. Each team’s anonymous contract handler acts as their “eye in the sky” and guides each match by providing objectives and critical mission information along the way. Their only concern is the data and they are willing to pay you handsomely for it.


As Attackers, your team’s objectives are: Bypass the Firewall access points, Locate the Laptop and Initiate the Hack.

As Defenders, your team’s objectives are: Secure the Firewall access points, Protect the Laptop and Prevent the Hack.


Each team accomplishes these objectives through highly-coordinated teamwork with an arsenal of modern weapons and offensive/defensive equipment to help their team and hinder the other. Players are rewarded in-game with cryptocurrency and experience points upon the successful completion of contracts/matches and can use those currencies to upgrade contractors, weapons, equipment, load-outs and cosmetic customization.


Edited by japanboy


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4 ur nazaj, matej1990 pravi:



Igralci s PS Move in Aim kontrolerjem znajo imeti prednost pred navadnim kontrolerjem. Odvisno ali bodo na kontrolerju uporabljene tracking funkcije ali ne.

Jaz pa misllim ravno kontra.... Pri DS4 (eventuelno) meriš z premikanjem glave oz. "merjenje z pogledom" kar je veliko bolj natančno kot pa ta kur**** jitter kontrolerjev :x

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