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Xbox Cloud Gaming


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Kaj hitro po Google Project Stream najavi je MS pohitel s podrobnejšo najavo svoje konkurenčne storitve, ki jo je že napovedal na letošnjem E3.

Prvi javni testi so planirani v letu 2019.

Zaenkrat je največji poudarek na mobitelih in tablicah, na katerih že izvajajo interne teste:


 The test runs on devices (mobile phones, tablets) paired with an Xbox Wireless Controller through Bluetooth, and it is also playable using touch input. The immersive nature of console and PC games often requires controls that are mapped to multiple keys, buttons, sticks and triggers. We are developing a new, game-specific touch input overlay that provides maximum response in a minimal footprint for players who choose to play without a controller.

Project xCloud will have the capability to make game streaming possible on 4G networks and will dynamically scale to push against the outer limits of what’s possible on 5G networks as they roll out globally. Currently, the test experience is running at 10 megabits per second.

Project xCloud: Gaming with you at the center

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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MS bo v xCloud najprej pripeljal svoje 1st party igre in le na Android. Kontroler ne bo nujen, saj bodo na voljo Touch Adaption Kit oz. touch kontrole.


Microsoft is planning to do this with the Touch Adaption Kit, a new tool that only requires a JSON file which acts an input map for a transparent overlay. Unlike mobile ports, however, the Touch Adaption Kit will work over Azure and not require a deep dive into the game's code to rearrange things.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • 1 year later...
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No zadeva prihaja v 11 evropskih držav - nas seveda ni med njimi 🙃:

- Belgija,

- Danska,

- Finska,

- Francija,

- Nemčija,

- Irska,

- Italija,

- Nizozemska,

- Norveška,

- Španija,

- Švedska.


Zaenkrat se v omenjenih državah zbirajo prijave za testiranje. Ko bo le-to na voljo bo posameznik o tem obveščen po mailu. Število udeležencev je zaenkrat omejeno, jih bo pa ščasoma dodanih več.

Zadevo se bo v omenjenih državah testiralo izključno na Android platformi (telefoni, tablice).






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  • 3 months later...
  • matej1990 changed the title to Xbox Cloud Gaming
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Še ena prednost oblaka... MS ima v planu Xbox Series igre, ki bodo izdane v 2022, prinesti tudi na Xbox One in sicer preko oblaka.

Xbox Cloud Gaming je namreč v fazi nadgradnje na Xbox Series X. Kar pomeni, da bomo lahko na Xbox One igrali igre podobno kot na XSX. Zaenkrat so to igre: Starfield, Redfall in Stalker 2.


Microsoft says it will use cloud streaming to bring 2022 exclusives to Xbox One

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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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