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Terminator: Resistance

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Gre za prvoosebno enoigralsko FPS igro, ki bo izšla 15. novembra na PC, PS4 in Xbox One. Igra je osnovana na dogodkih iz prvih dveh delov filma o Terminatorju.

Igralčev cilj je uničiti Skynet.




Še nekaj podrobnosti o igri:

  • Resist the machines: Fight against a selection of iconic enemies from the films, including the T-800, as well as a host of enemies that are brand new to the Terminator universe.
  • Equip an arsenal of plasma weaponry: Run and gun or sneak and hack through sprawling environments. The world isn’t as forgiving as it used to be so you’ll need to search for scraps to trade and craft.
  • Choose the kind of hero you want to be: Level up your skills while exploring post-Apocalyptic Los Angeles. Complete story missions to rise through the ranks of the Resistance as well as side-quests to help your friends.
  • Change the fate of mankind: Protect a motley crew of survivors, each with their own motivations and backstories. The actions you take throughout the game will impact their survival and change the ending you get.


Edited by japanboy


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