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The Wolf Among Us 2

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Izid igre je zopet zamaknjen. Tokrat iz 2023 v drug termin. Bojda je realen tudi izid po 2024...



When asked if this meant the game will release in 2024, a Telltale Games representative said it can only confirm the game’s release date is “not in 2023.” While the studio is aiming for 2024, it has not yet determined a new release date or timing, and is reluctant to give a release window until one is confirmed internally.




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Eden izmed vzrokov je migracija iz UE4 na UE5. Precej igre je bilo že narejene na prvotnem enginu, zdaj pa bo očitno vse to potrebno predelati znova oz. začeti z začetka.


Speaking further with IGN, Telltale Games CEO Jamie Ottilie explained the delay is for a number reasons, such as the switch to Unreal 5, but mainly to avoid crunch and shipping a bad product.

Also, the switch from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal 5 meant redoing "quite a bit of work" already accomplished in Unreal 4. This would have meant that to meet the 2023 release window, the product would have been shipped unfinished. This was not an option for the team, said Ottilie.




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