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Lord of the Rings: Gollum

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Igra je napovedana za izi na PC, PS5 ter Xbox seriji X v prihodnjem letu.

Gre za akcijsko-pustolovsko igro, kjer bo v ospredju "stealth" gameplay. Prisotna bo tudi mehanika razcepljene osebnosti, ki bo vplivala na nekaj težkih odločitev, le-te pa na to kako se igra konča.

Na poglavje bo igralec deležen od 2 do 4 konfliktov, ki bodo pripeljali do končne odločitve.

Edited by japanboy
  • goodone (+1) 1


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Although there's still little information about how the mechanics will work, judging by the screenshots there's going to be a fair bit of stealth required, along with some nimble navigation of Mordor's mines and forges. As a prequel to The Lord of the Rings, it takes place before Gollum encounters Frodo, although exactly what he gets up to in this game remains a mystery.


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Zdaj je znano da bo igra poleg PS5 ter Xbox Serije X na voljo tudi na PS4, Xbox One in Switchu.



It was announced during the Future Games Show yesterday that in addition to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will also head to PS4, Switch, and Xbox One (thanks, Gematsu).



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  • 4 months later...
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Izid igre je preložen enkrat v prihodnje leto.



The Lord of the Ring: Gollum will not be released this year after all, and will instead arrive sometime in 2022.

Alongside the news, it was announced that NACON and Daedalic Entertainment signed a co-publishing and distribution agreement for the game.





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Kot je znano je bila igra zamaknjena v prihodnje leto. Zdaj je znanega več - in sicer, da bo igra izšla jeseni prihodnje leto.



The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam in fall 2022, publisher Nacon, and co-publisher and developer Daedalic Entertainment announced.




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  • 5 months later...
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Izid igre je potrjen za 1. september letos za PS5, Xbox Serijo, PS4, Xbox One, PC ter do konca leta tudi na Switchu.




After losing his precious ring to Bilbo Baggins, Gollum decides to leave the Misty Mountains and embark on a perilous journey that leads him from the dungeons of Barad-dur to the realm of the Wood-elves in Mirkwood.

In order to survive the dangers of his journey through Middle-earth, Gollum has to sneak and climb and use all his cunning. He also has to deal with his Hobbit-self—Smeagol.

It’s up to the players if they want Gollum to have the upper hand when it comes to making important decisions, or if they prefer to allow Sméagol to take over.

Gollum also encounters well-known characters from the books as well as a few new faces.




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