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Resident Evil 8 Village

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Na plan so prišle prvi rumorji za Resident Evil 8!



Igranje bi naj bilo ponovno prvoosebno, kar zna pomeniti tudi VR podporo. Super, saj je RE7 odlična VR igra!

Je tudi smiselna odločitev, saj Capcom pridno dela remake starih verzije in se tako RE igre med seboj takoj ločijo.


Od sovragov bi se naj pojavili volkodlaki, zombiji in duhovi.


Sounds like Capcom will stick to first-person for Resident Evil 8

  • goodone (+1) 2

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sem bral, da naj bi ubral povsem drugo smer, najbrž je tukaj mišljeno na predhodnika 7ico. 

Če je kaj podoben Revelations bo pa le gameplay pokazal. Se spomnim ko sem igral na 3DS - super RE. Nadaljevanje nanj ni tako spominjalo, vsaj po mojem mnenju ne, epizodno je že bilo podobno, kaj več ne.

Me zanima gameplay kaj bo pokazal.


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Ja, če klikneš gor na datum od twitta in nato pogledaš celoten thread, je razloženo.

To se mi tudi zdi super, da naredijo igro realnejšo:


Hallucinations, Occultism, insanity and not being able to trust others are huge thematics of the game.

Baje bi naj tudi malo premešali karte glede likov.

Pa tudi on je potrdil, da ostaja prvoosebna igra. Meni je bilo to noro dobro v RE7. Resnično upam da bo na voljo VR verzija!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra je včeraj dobila prvi napovednik, ki potrdi prejšnje rumorje:


Uradni naslov tako ni RE8, ampak kar Resident Evil: Village




Taking place a few years after the events of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, in which protagonist Ethan Winters travelled to Louisiana to search for his missing wife, Mia, Resident Evil Village sees the reunited Mia and Ethan living happily together and putting their shared nightmares of the Baker's plantation house behind them.


Finally able to move on from those horrifying events, Ethan's world suddenly comes crashing down once again when Chris Redfield, an unexpected yet familiar face makes an appearance, setting off a chain of events that sees a distraught Ethan seeking answers to Chris' shocking actions... and ultimately finding him in a mysterious village.


Unlike the cramped corridors of the Baker mansion in Resident Evil 7, the fear of dark corners has been replaced with the anxiety of the unknown as Ethan searches for answers within decrepit buildings among snow-covered trees.


The return of a first-person perspective will bring a visceral edge to combat, as well. Each encounter is a personal fight for survival against terrifying foes, forcing you to keep a watchful eye on the environment and constantly looking for resources and enemies in unknown territory. With a greater focus on combat and exploration compared to Resident Evil 7, the village itself is just as important a character as any other, a location with a life of its own that will frequently keep you on edge as you discover its secrets.

Definitivno drugačen RE pristop. Všeč so mi The Blair Witch Project elementi.


Izid bo na PS5, XSX in PCju v 2021.


Manjka le še VR podpora. 😁

  • goodone (+1) 1

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Gameplay, ki prikazuje kako deluje upgrade.



A new Resident Evil Village gameplay video has been released, and it shows off how you can hunt animals and use the materials you harvest from them to upgrade your gear.

A new video from the folks at Game Informer has revealed how players will be able to use the various items and materials in Resident Evil Village to upgrade protagonist, Ethan Winters.




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Napovedana sta tudi 2 demo obdobja, ki bosta PS ekskluzivi in bosta na voljo za zgolj 8 ur (Resident evil 8). Torej ne 8h igranja, ampak 8h je časovni razpon v katerem bo demo odklenjen. Izjemno bedna omejitev. Oba demota bosta imela omejitev 30 min igranja. Dodatno bedna omejitev. Oba demota bosta na voljo za pre-load na konzolo!

1. demo: PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE 30-MINUTE VILLAGE DEMO - Europe: April 18 @ 7pm to April 19 @ 3am CEST - pre-load je že na voljo!

2. demo: PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE 30-MINUTE CASTLE DEMO - Europe: April 25 @ 7pm to April 26 @ 3am CEST


Kasneje bo na voljo tudi 3. demo obdobje, ki bo veljalo za vse platforme:


Demo bo odklenjen le za 24h. Torej v teh 24h ga bo potrebno preigrati, nato pa se zaklene. Igrali bomo lahko max 1h. Ponovno je oboje zelo neumna omejitev.

  • Upvote (+1) 1

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Igra bo dobila DLC za katerega pa še ni znano kdaj bo izšel in kaj bo vseboval. Capcom je na tiskovki, ki se vrti v času E3ja povedal le to.

Več informacij torej še sledi. 

Tega ne gre zamenjevati z Resident Evil Re:Verse - večigralsko "streljačino" ki bo izšla v mesecu juliju. Igra je bila priložena vsakemu fizičnemu izvodu igre Resident Evil Village.




Edited by japanboy
Urejen prispevek.


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