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Gre za akcijsko RPG, ki vsebuje sci-fi ter cyberpunk elemente. Igro bo možno igrati v enoigralskem načinu ali pa v lokalnem oz. coop z do 4imi igralci. 

V igri bo igralec nadgrajeval opremo ter lika.



In it, players will be able to loot enemies for upgraded gear and customize their bodies with cyberware. The game can be played solo or with up to four others in local or online co-op.

In the game, you’re on Planet Veles which is run by mega-corporations and the largest is The Ascent Group which owns “everything and everyone” including the character you will play.

As you begin the game, this group will shut down, and it causes the city’s security systems to go a bit off the rails putting the planet at risk. This causes riots, rival factions to cause trouble, and conspiracy theories to spread, and it’s up to you to figure out what’s going on “before it’s too late.”




Igra naj bi izšla še letos na Xbox One in Xbox seriji X.

Edited by japanboy
Dodane platforme izida.


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