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Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One

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Gre za igro, ki bo izšla 2021 na PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5 ter Xbox seriji X.




As Sherlock, your legacy is written by the decisions you make in this open-world detective adventure. Deception, violence, and deduction are just a few resources in your arsenal—your mysterious companion and sounding board, Jon, is another.

Whether you choose brute force to solve problems or stay one step ahead of your enemies by using your wits to spot vulnerabilities, you decide what each situation demands as you hone your investigative skills. It’s time to confront your past so you can become the legend you’re destined to be.





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  • 1 year later...
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Igra je lani 16. novembra izšla na PC, PS5 ter Xbox Seriji, zdaj pa prihaja tudi na PS4 (28. aprila), medtem ko je bil razvoj igre za Xbox One ukinjen.


Launch napovednik igre:



The PlayStation 4 version of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will launch on April 28, developer Frogwares announced. The Xbox One version, however, has been canceled.

In an email, the developer explained that with the ongoing war in Ukraine throwing much of the development team into disarray and hybrid work, the difficult choice to finalize the PlayStation 4 version and put the Xbox One version on indefinite hiatus was made. Users who pre-ordered the Xbox One version will receive a full refund.




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