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Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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Gre za Spider-Man (2018) nadaljevanje. Kot že naslov pove, bo v glavni vlogi tokrat Miles Morales, kar je bilo že nakazano v prvem delu.

Nov Spajdi bo na voljo le za PS5.



Najboljša novica... Izid igre je planiran ob istem času kot PS5 konzola, torej "holiday 2020".

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Zaradi menjave glavnega lika, se poraja vprašanje ali bo tole polna igra ali pa bo le kot Infamous: First Light ali Wolfenstein: Old Blood in gre za neke vrste spin-off.


EDIT: Kot kaže je res samo expansion in ne polna prava igra.


In an interview with The Daily Telegraph (paywall) published this morning, Sony Interactive Entertainment EVP head of European Business, Simon Rutter described the Insomniac-developed title as an "expansion" and an "enhancement to the previous game".

"I guess you could call it an expansion and an enhancement to the previous game," Rutter said. "There's a substantial Miles Morales component - which is the expansion element - but also within the game as well there's been major enhancements to the game and the game engine, obviously deploying some of the major PS5 technology and features."

It turns out Spider-Man Miles Morales on PS5 is an "expansion" to Spider-Man on PS4


Moji Spajdi senzorji so bili upravičeno sumničavi, ob najavili datum izida igre. 😥

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Dogajanje bo postavljeno v zimo in sicer 1 leto po dogodkih iz prvega dela.


Sedaj so tudi pri Insomniacu potrdili, da gre za spin-off, podoben kot Uncharted: Lost Legacy. Torej je za pričakovati krajšo igro. Toda...


"Many of you fans have wondered if Peter Parker is OK," Horton said. "Don't worry, we still have much of Peter's story left to tell. But this game is all about Miles, a critical part of our Spider-Man universe, and you won't want to miss what happens."


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Čudna poteza, ampak igra bo izšla tudi na PS4.

Ob nakupu na PS4, si zagotoviš tudi brezplačno nadgradnjo za PS5. Ampak pozor!



The PS4 digital versions of launch games include a free upgrade on both PS5 consoles, while the PS4 disc versions of these games include a free upgrade on the PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-Ray disc drive.




Na PS5, bo igra na voljo bo izidu konzole, torej 19. novembra. Na voljo bosta 2 verziji:

  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales (Insomniac Games) – US$49.99/CAD$64.99/¥5,900/€59.99 (RRP)
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition (Insomniac Games) – US$69.99/CAD$89.99/¥7,900/€79.99 (RRP)

Ultimate vsebuje tudi prvo Marvel's Spider-man igro, prilagojeno za PS5.



The remaster for the PS5 is no simple up-res, as many of the game’s art assets have been completely updated to take advantage of the PS5 console’s horsepower. You’ll see better-looking characters with improved skin, eyes, hair, and facial animation (including our new, next-generation Peter Parker). You’ll also see ray-traced reflections and ambient shadows, improved lighting, more pedestrians and vehicles stretching further into the distance, and the same optional performance mode offered on Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, allowing you to finally play the game at a targeted 60fps frame rate. We’ll be supporting near-instant loading, 3D audio, and the DualSense controller’s haptic feedback. Lastly we’re adding three amazing new Spider-Man suits, new photo mode features, and even new trophies for those of you looking to Platinum the game all over again.

Več info: See the Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales new gameplay demo

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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