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PlayStation5 system software (FW) updates/posodobitve


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Version: 21.02-04.00.00

Main features in this system software update: 

  • You can now insert an M.2 SSD to your PS5 console's expansion slot and use M.2 SSD storage. Just like your PS5's console storage, you can install PS5 and PS4 games in M.2 SSD storage and play them directly from there. 
  • You can use PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSDs with a capacity of 250 GB minimum and 4 TB maximum. 
  • To safely insert or remove your M.2 SSD, make sure your PS5 is turned off, and that the AC power cord is unplugged. 
  • To use M.2 SSD storage, insert your M.2 SSD in your PS5's expansion slot while your PS5 is turned off. When you turn on your PS5, you'll format your M.2 SSD so that it's ready to use. 
  • To move a PS5 or PS4 game that's installed in console storage or USB extended storage to M.2 SSD storage, go to your game library, press the options button, and then select [Move Games and Apps]. Then, select the game you want to move, and then select [Move]. 
  • To install games to M.2 SSD storage by default, go to [Settings] > [Storage] > [Installation Location], select [PS5 Games and Apps] or [PS4 Games and Apps], and then select [M.2 SSD Storage] as the installation location. 
  • You can now enjoy 3D audio through your TV speakers. 
    • To enable 3D audio for your TV speakers, go to [Settings] > [Sound] > [Audio Output], and then turn on [Enable 3D Audio for TV Speakers]. 
    • You can also measure the acoustics of your room using the microphone on your DualSense wireless controller to apply the 3D audio setting that's optimized for your room. 
  • In your games home screen, we've updated the following
    • If you have different platform versions of the same game installed, they'll now appear separately on your home screen. 
    • Different versions of a game are now easier to spot. Icons are displayed to indicate the specific platform, such as PS5 or PS4. 
  • In (Game Library) , we've updated the following: 
    • The [Installed] tab is now the first tab you'll see, making it easier to find games that aren't on your home screen, as well as offering quicker access to your media gallery. 
    • Under the [Installed] tab, each game's tile now clearly indicates its platform (such as PS5 or PS4). Also, just as in your games home screen, different platform versions of a game will now appear separately. 
    • Under the [Your Collection] tab, you'll now see that game tiles display the number of versions available to you when you're entitled to multiple versions of a game. 
    • You can now hide games much more quickly. 
  • In Game Base, we've updated the following:
    • From the Game Base control menu, you can now do the following: 
      • You can now access party text chats and send messages from the Game Base control menu in the control center. 
      • If you're the owner of a party, you can now delete it. From the GameBase control menu, select the party you want to delete, and then select [Delete Party] from the ... (more) menu. If you delete a party, it will be deleted for all members. 
      • You can now see how many of your friends are online, busy, or offline under the [Friends] tab. 
      • You can now accept, decline, or cancel multiple friend requests at the same time. To do so, under the [Friend Requests] tab, select [Received Requests] or [Sent Requests] from the (Select Multiple) menu. 
    • In (Trophies) , we've updated the following: 
      • You can now track up to five trophies per game in the control center using the trophy tracker. 
      • To start tracking a trophy, select a trophy, and then select [Start Tracking]. 
      • When you're playing a game, you can easily access information about the trophies you've added to your trophy tracker. 
      • You can also view your trophy tracker in pin-to-side mode to see information about the trophies during gameplay. 
      • When viewing the trophy lists of games, the trophies will now be displayed vertically instead of horizontally. You'll now be able to see more information for each trophy without selecting it. 
  • In the control center, we've updated the following: 
    • You can now customize your control center more freely. All the controls at the bottom of the screen can be rearranged. 
    • The first time you open the control center, you'll see a quick introduction to some of its key features. 
  • When you enable the screen reader, you can now use the following features: 
    • You can now pause the screen reader by pressing the PS button and triangle button at the same time. To resume, press the PS button and triangle button again. 
    • You can now make the screen reader repeat anything it reads. To do so, press the PS button and the R1 button at the same time. 

Other updated features 

  • On an Android or iOS/iPadOS device, you can now use the PS Remote Play app to access your PS5 via mobile data. 
  • There's a new accolade type: Leader. This is for a player who crafts the plan, strategizes, and inspires others. In PS5 games, you can give accolades like "Leader" to players after online matches, when you want to encourage positive behavior. All of a player's accolades, including this new type, appear on their profile. 
  • In PlayStation Now, we've updated the following: 
    • The streaming connection test lets you identify and fix problems with your connection. 
    • You can now choose your maximum streaming resolution to optimize your game performance. 
    • Now you'll see directly in the game hub if and when a PlayStation Now game is scheduled to be removed, so you can be sure to try new games or play your favorites while they're still available. 
  • When you're competing in challenges for a better time or a higher score and you set a new personal best, we'll automatically take a video clip of the action for you. 
    • You can share the video clip directly from the challenge card in the control center, or you can share it later from your media gallery.
    •  To adjust this setting, go to [Settings] > [Captures and Broadcasts] >[Auto-Captures] > [Challenges]. 
  • You see suggestions in your control center when a friend is playing a game you can join. 
    • Previously, it would take about 1 day before these suggestions would appear for a friend you just added. They can now appear much more quickly.
    • Suggestions will also now appear even if your friend is playing a streamed PlayStation Now game. 
  • We've made the following improvements to parental controls: 
    • Now when a child requests to play a game or use communication features in a specific game, their parent or guardian will receive a notification on the PS5 and PlayStation App. 
    • The child will also receive a notification when their parent or guardian accepts or denies a request, or stops allowing the child to play a game or use communication features. 
  • In Media Gallery, we've added new fonts for the text you can add to your screenshots. 
  • For the features available from the Create menu, we've updated the following: 
    • When you're manually recording a video clip, the elapsed time counter will now automatically disappear after 3 seconds, and reappear when needed. 
    • We've added more video lengths for you to choose from when saving recent gameplay. 
    • You can now choose whether to display save confirmation notifications for screenshots. To adjust this setting, go to [Settings] > [Captures and Broadcasts] > [Shortcuts for Create Button], and then enable or disable [Display Save Confirmation for Screenshots]. 
  • You can now select whether you'd like to receive notifications on your PS5 or through email about new products and special offers. To do so, go to [Settings] > [Users and Accounts] > [Account] > [Communication Preferences]. 
  • In (Notifications), we've updated the following: 
    • When you receive pop-up notifications with videos in them, you can now start the videos directly from the pop-ups or from your notifications list.
    • You can now turn off the sound your notifications make. Go to [Settings] > [Notifications], and then turn off [Play Sound]. 
  • When you log in to the PS5, and an accessory with a microphone is connected, the mute status of the microphone is now displayed. 
  • We've simplified the process of connecting, disconnecting, and setting up your internet connection, making these tasks easier. 
  • When adjusting your 3D audio profile for headphones, you can now move the sample sound to your left or right, allowing you to select a more optimized 3D audio profile. Go to [Settings] > [Sound] > [Audio Output], and then select [Adjust 3D Audio Profile]. 
  • We've improved the game audio quality of some games when 3D audio for headphones is enabled. 
  • If you have a PULSE 3D wireless headset, you can now access an audio EQ feature in (Sound) in the control center, with different presets to choose from. 
  • Now when you block someone, you can choose to also leave the party that only you and they're in at the same time. You won't leave parties that include other players. 
  • You now have two separate controls for including your mic's audio and party audio in your broadcasts. There are two more controls for doing the same with video clips. 
  • We've updated the DualSense wireless controller device software to improve stability. 
  • You can now update your DualSense wireless controller device software from settings. To check if an update is available, go to [Settings] > [Accessories] > [Controllers], and then select [Wireless Controller Device Software].


Je kar lep kup sprememb, ki obrnejo zadeve na boljše. Moje najljubše:

  • Trofeje so sedaj res pregleden. Ne vem kaj so študirali v originalu, da si vedno imel odrezano besedilo opisa trofej.
  • Da si sam poklikaš trofeje in jim tako lažje slediš je zelo kul.
  • 3D zvok na TV zvočnikih sem sprobal na hitro, pa me ni kaj ganilo in to kljub kalibraciji preko mikrofona na kontrolerju.
  • Malenkost so izboljšali kalibracijo za 3D zvok na slušalkah. Dodatni zvok in profil je sedaj možno spremeniti posamično za levo in desno uho.
  • KONČNO enostavno ločiš PS4 in PS5 igre med seboj! Sedaj se pri posamezni igri pokaže PS4 ali PS5 logo.
  • Control center je sedaj res super prilagodljiv. Sem hitro prestavil ikono za izklop konzole iz skrajne desne pozicije na drugo mesto iz leve. 😄
  • Delujoč SSD slot je kul, ampak SSD cene še vedno niso dovolj mikavne. Nadzor nad PS5 shrambo preko mobitela reši manjši prostor na konzoli. Poklikaš na daljavo in ko prideš domov je že vse pripravljeno za novo igro.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • N7

a je še kdo nabasal M.2 not? Jest jih imam nekej... pa ne vem, če upam. konzola sicer zdej bolj stabilna kot kdajkoli. sicer sem imel redne težave s kreširanjem v izklop pri hibernaciji iz špila. res da, prvenstveno pri PS4 špilih ampak vseeno. Plague in ME sta me spravljala ob žifce. zdej je x-krat bolje. zaenkrat še nobenega kreša.


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  • vrhovni

Dejansko imaš viška M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSDje? Lepo tebi! 😀

Pa nazivno hitrost pisanja bi tudi naj imeli vsaj 5500MB/s, čeprav baje trenutne igre delajo brez težav tudi s počasnejšimi. Potem na daljši rok, ko bodo izšle zahtevnejše igre, bi znala bit težava pri počasnejših SSDjih.

Aja, pa SSD bi naj imel tudi nameščen hladilnik (heatsink).




Tukaj je seznam stestiranih SSDjev pri Eurogamerju, ki delajo v PS5:



Tukaj je celoten info glede SSDjev v PS5:

Se splača prebrati, preden se lotiš vgradnje.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • N7

eno vprašanje ob nadgradnji z dodatnim NVMe diskom. našel sem podatek, da ne gre splitat vsebine preko dveh diskov (interni, dodatni), kar je logično. ampak ne najdem podatka - sklepam pa, da lahko imaš potem vsebine na obeh diskih...? se pravi, ko internega zafilaš, dodaš vsebine še na zunanji disk, a je prav?


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  • vrhovni

Ja, tako je. Na obeh SSDjih lahko imaš igre. Oba diska sta hkrati aktivna. Lahko določiš kateri bo primarni (default instalacija iger), prestavljaš igre med njima itd. Kot da bi na PCju dodal dodatni disk. Čim vgradiš dodatni SSD, le ta postane viden kot nov dodaten ločen prostor za shranjevanje.



PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

Tistega, ki stane čim manj glede na želeno kapaciteto.


23 ur nazaj, Ozi pravi:

izkazalo se je, da je težje dobit hladilnik kot NVMe. svašta. iščem 🙂 


Verjamem. Drugače pa lahko že inštaliraš SSD in potem naknadno namestiš hladilnik, ko ga pač dobiš. Bo SSD čisto ok delal. Ko mu je prevroče mu pade performance, drugo pa ne bi smela biti težava. Ampak sedaj še igre ne izkoristijo na polno SSDja, tako da bi moral tudi brez delati čisto ok.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • Pred 5 meseci ...
  • vrhovni

Danes je izšla nova večja FW posodobitev!

Version: 22.01-05.00.00


In (Game Base), we've updated the following:

  • Voice chats are now called parties.
  • For easier access, we've divided Game Base into three tabs: [Friends], [Parties], and [Messages].
  • Now when you start a party, you can select either an open party or a closed party.
    An open party lets your friends join without an invite. Friends of party members can also join. 
    A closed party is only for players you invite.
  • From the Game Base control menu and cards, you can now do the following:
    View all your friends under the [Friends] tab in the control menu.
    Start Share Play directly from the voice chat card. You no longer need to start Share Screen to use Share Play.
    Add a player to a group, or create a new group directly from the messages card. You can also send video clips, images, quick messages and view a group's shared media from this card.
  • Now when someone in a party is sharing their screen, you'll see the on-air icon. You can check this in the [Parties] tab.
  • The player search feature and friend requests are now under the [Friends] tab.
  • We've made it easier to decline friend requests by adding a [Decline] button to your friend request list.

In (Accessibility), we've updated the following:

  • We've updated the following for the screen reader:
    The screen reader is now supported in six additional languages: Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish and Korean.
    The screen reader can now read aloud notifications.
  • You can now enable mono audio for headphones so that the same audio is played from both the left and right headphones.
    While your headphones are connected, go to [Settings] > [Sound] > [Audio Output] and then turn on [Mono Audio for Headphones]. Alternatively, go to [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Display and Sound] and then turn on [Mono Audio for Headphones].
  • You can now show a tick on enabled settings so you can easily see that they're turned on.
    Go to [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Display and Sound] and then turn on [Show Tick on Enabled Settings].

In (Trophies), we've updated the following:

  • The visual design of trophy cards and the trophy list has been updated.
  • You can now see suggestions for which trophies to earn on the trophy tracker when you're playing a game.

For the features available from the Create menu, we've updated the following:

  • You can now start Share Screen and stream your gameplay to an open party.

We've added a new feature: Voice Command (Preview). 

  • Voice Command (Preview) understands speech commands for finding and opening games, apps, and settings, as well as controlling media playback.
  • To get started, go to [Settings] > [Voice Command] and turn on [Enable Voice Command (Preview)]. Then, call out “Hey, PlayStation!” and ask your PS5 to do something.
  • You can use this feature to help you find and open games, apps, and settings, control your media without even touching a button, and much more.
  • Currently, Voice Command (Preview) is only available in English for players with PSN accounts in the US and UK.

We've added Ukrainian language support.


Other updated features

  • We made the following improvement in game library:
  • Under the [Your Collection] tab, you can now filter your games by genre to find the games you want to play more quickly.
  • We've pinned PlayStation Plus to the left edge of the games home screen.
  • You can now redeem monthly games more quickly.
  • Get easier access to the PS Plus game collections from your home screen.
  • We've added a button guide to show you how to reload and zoom while using the internet browser.
  • If you want to report something that someone in a party said, there are now visual indicators for you to identify who was speaking. This will help PlayStation Safety take appropriate action based on your report.
  • We've made the console safer for child accounts:
  • When viewing a purchased or installed game they're restricted from playing, the background image of the game is hidden.
  • Activity cards, such as those displayed in the control center or game hub, won't be displayed for age-restricted games.
  • Now you can keep the games or apps you choose on your home screen.
  • When focused on a game or app, press the options button to open the options menu and select [Keep in Home]. The games and apps you choose to keep will stay on your home screen.
  • You can keep a maximum of 5 games and apps on each home screen.
  • You can now have three more games and apps appearing on your home screen.
  • We've changed the appearance of the User's Guide to make it easier to view. If you prefer the old appearance, you can change it back.
  • We now support more emojis.
  • We changed the keyboard layout for Polish.
  • We've updated the DualSense wireless controller device software to improve stability.


V prihodnjih mesecih je obljubljena tudi podpora za Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) na PS5.




This enhances visual performance for PS5 games by minimizing or eliminating visual artifacts, such as frame pacing issues and screen tearing. Gameplay in many PS5 titles feels smoother as scenes render instantly, graphics look crisper, and input lag is reduced. Previously released PS5 games can be fully optimized for VRR through a game patch and future games may include VRR support at launch.

As an added option, you can also choose to apply VRR to PS5 games that don’t support it. This feature may improve video quality for some games. If this results in any unexpected visual effects, you can turn off this option at any time. Both VRR and this secondary option can be turned on or off.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • Pred 5 meseci ...

Novi PS5 update nam končno prinaša podporo za 1440p način igranja.


Ob temu pa še par drugih bombončkov:

  • Youtube glasovno iskanje ( sicer samo za US in UK račune ),
  • zaganjanje PS Remote play preko PS aplikacije
  • Request Share Screen preko PS aplikacije


Vir in več informacij tukaj


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