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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

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Izid igre je planiran za prihodnje leto na PS5, Xbox Serijo X, S, Stadia, PC ter Luno.

Več od CGI napovednika nismo dobili za vpogled in tudi ni znano kdaj bo igra izšl. Je pa Ubisoft najavil, da dela na igri za Cameronov Avatar v 2017. Nadaljevanje Avatarja je bilo zamaknjeno v December 2022, kar je eden izmed dejavnikov, da je bil razvoj igre zamaknjen.





Ubisoft notes that the title will be a first-person action-adventure game, and it’ll focus on the battle of the Na’vi against humans and their industrialization of the eponymous Pandora planet.

“In this new, standalone story, play as a Na’vi and embark on a journey across the Western Frontier, a never-before-seen part of Pandora. Explore a living and reactive world inhabited by unique creatures and new characters, and push back the formidable RDA forces that threaten it.”



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  • 1 year later...
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Izid igre je zamaknjen iz fiskalnega leta 2022 v fiskalno leto 2023.

V praksi to pomeni prvoten pomik izida iz najkasneje 31. marca 2023 do najkasneje 31. marca 2024.



Publisher Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment have delayed Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, which was previously due out before March 31, 2023, to fiscal year 2023, which ends on March 31, 2024, the company announced in its fiscal year 2022 first quarter sales report.




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