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Life is Strange: True Colors

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Gre za tretje poglavje v seriji Life is Strange (Life is Strange kot prvo in Life is Strange 2 kot drugo) in 5. igro v franšizi Life is Strange (poleg omenjenih dveh glavnih še demo The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit ter Life is Strange: Before Storm).

Izid igre je planiran za 10. september na PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Serijo X/S, PC preko Steama in Stadio.



Alex Chen, a young Asian-American woman who has grown up in a foster family and has had a troubled childhood, reunites with her brother Gabe eight years later when he encourages her to return. After Gabe is killed in a mysterious accident, Alex investigates the truth behind the accident by using her psychic empathy power that allows her to read and manipulate the emotions, which she perceives as colorful auras, to physically see how others feel around her—potentially at the cost of being "infected" by their emotions. Along the way, Alex meets many citizens of Colorado's picturesque mountain town of Haven Springs, including two potential love interests, Ryan and Steph, the latter of whom appeared in Life Is Strange: Before the Storm.




Obenem je izšel tudi napovednik imenovan Life is Strange Remastered Collection, ki bo vseboval remastered ediciji igre Life is Strange ter Life is Strange: Before Storm.


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Jaz razen prvega dela nisem igral nobenega nadalje več, ker nisem imel kje oz. mi je interes povsem zamrl. Tako da ne morem komentirat tega. Definitivno pa je možno, da ob tako razpotegnnjeni seriji ne morejo ohranjat kvalitete. Nekje so morali pogrnit.


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Life is Strange: Remastered Collection bo izšla 1. februarja prihodnje leto. 



The remastered collection contains both Life is Strange Remastered and Life is Strange: Before the Storm with remastered character and environment visuals, new engine and lighting upgrades, and new full motion captured facial animation in Life is Strange.

Before the Storm includes Deluxe content such as the "Farewell" episode, and Zombie Crypt outfit.

The collection will be released on February 1 and will be available to purchase on PC, PS4, Stadia, Switch, and Xbox One.


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Dne, 26. 9. 2021 at 9:33, japanboy pravi:

Life is Strange: Remastered Collection bo izšla 1. februarja prihodnje leto. 




Izid zbirke iger je na Switchu zamaknjen proti koncu letošnjega leta, medtem ko preostale platforme na katerih bo igra izšla tega niso bile deležne in je izid planiran za 1. februar po prvotnih načrtih.





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