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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

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Igra bo izšla na PS4, Switchu in Steamu 27. julija letos.

Je kombinacija dveh iger - The Great Ace Attorney Adventures in The Great Ace Attorney Resolve 2.

Gre za igro, kjer igralec nastopi v vlogi odvetnika ter zbira dokaze, da bi na sodišču dokazal oprostilno sodbo svojega zastopnika in prikazal pravega krivca.



The Great Ace Attorney games follow the adventures of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, an ancestor to Phoenix Wright, and take place in Victorian London and Meiji-era Japan. The gameplay is similar to previous games in the series, with investigations and trials, but players also have to convince individual members of the jury as they make their case in court. Capcom says there's an overarching mystery that's spread across the two games, which ought to make them fun to play in succession.




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