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Gre za enoigralsko, taktično RPG igro izpod rok studia Firaxis Games v sodelovanju z Marvel Games. Igra bo vsebovala preko 40 likov iz Marvelovih stripov.

Igra je bila najavljena 25. avgusta lani na Gamescomu, izid pa je zaenkrat umeščen v Q3/Q4 letošnjega leta.

Zdaj pa je igra dobila rating v Južni Koreji, kar ponavadi pomeni, da je/bo kmalu naznanjen tudi točnejši datum izida igre. 

Platforme na katerih naj bi igra izšla so Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series ter Windows (Epic Games Store in Steam).



Marvel's Midnight Suns is an upcoming tactical role-playing game developed by Firaxis Games in collaboration with Marvel Games. It will feature comic book characters from multiple Marvel Comics properties, such as Midnight Sons, Avengers, X-Men, and Runaways. Players will be able to create their own superhero named "The Hunter" with choice of over 40 different powers.


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Igra bo izšla 2. decembra letos, vendar pa se ta datum nanaša le na platforme Xbox Serijo, PS5 ter PC.



During the Disney and Marvel Games Showcase today, a December 2 release date was announced for Marvel's Midnight Suns.

The date applies to the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S versions with no mention of PS3, Switch, and Xbox One - consoles which were announced alongside the game back in August 2021.




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