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To pa nism še pogledu. Bom k bom doma trenutno nism doma, narbe bi pa verjetn lohk blo sam to če bi kej narobe izpolnil. Veš kaj me sam zanima tm k je blo treba izpolnit podatke, a je slučajno treba vpisat kam podatke od banke, ker jst jih namreč nism samo številko kartice prov naslova sedeža banke pa nism vpisu kr je pol kr avtomatsk naslov banke biu v moje naslovu za dostavo. A je možno da je tukaj napaka?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zaj hočem naročit iz gameplaya pa nekaj nea razumem :annoyed: :x

Imam Maestro kartico:

Card type: maestro

Card number: Kaj moram tu vpisat? št.kartice al št.računa al na zadni strani????? ko tu vpišem eno ali drugu mi da ni vreji da mora bit 0 do 9??? Please do not include spaces

Expires end of: velja do

Cardholder's Name: ime priimek

This must match the name on your card exactly.

Card Verification Value (last 3 digits on back of card):

For some Solo & Maestro Cards only

Valid From:??? not present on all cards

Issue Number ???? not present on all cards


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Številko računa, ki je na sprednji strani kartice, verjetno brez presledkov in pomišljajev.

Itak ti pa po vsej verjetnosti slovenskega Maestra sploh ne bo potegnilo na angleški strani, ker imajo oni tam neke drugačne kartice kot mi tukaj. Ponavadi delata samo Visa in Mastercard.

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Vpisal sem številko računa pol pa mi napiše to:

I am sorry but I cannot process this order. The reasons follow:

* Please check your card number and re-enter it.

* That wasnt a Switch card we recognise

Torej ne dela moja kartica?? :puppy::puppy: :crybaby:

EDIT:sem se zaj okoli 10min jebo,pa tipko različne kombinacije številk pa mi je vseeno uspelo :lol::lol:

Hvala za odg.


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Res nevem kaj se dogaja z mojim naročilom :no_no: Prvo dobim E-mail od gameplay costume service z naslovom Order confirmation number pa številka noter pa vsebuje:

Thank you for ordering from gameplay.

Please keep this email in a safe place as it contains useful information about your order. PA še nekaj dol

Čas:13.11.2007 4:45

Potem dobim drug E-mail od istega z naslovom Problem with order number pa številka


dadoteko noname 1K prenesem in piše:

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for placing your recent order with Gameplay.

Unfortunately we are unable to process your order immediately due to an

error or because of incomplete details (this usually happens if an invalid

card number or expiry date has been entered).

Please note for Switch or Solo we require the long Switch or Solo number

across the middle of the card. Currently we do not accept American Express.

To proceed with your order simply place a new order at www.gameplay.co.uk.

Please be careful when entering your card number. Alternatively you can call

our customer service team on 0845 345 4440. We are open Monday to Friday 9am

to 7pm and Saturday 9am to 5.30pm.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused but look forward to

hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Gameplay After Sales

Čas:3.11.2007 4:50

Zaj sem probo še nekrat naročit pa bom vido kaj bom jutri dobo :roll:

Je imel kdo isti problem?

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