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Resnična zgodba o Microsoftovi next-gen Konzoli (prevedeno).


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Mislim, da je lepo videti resnično plat o tem kaj je M$ počel ko je delal Next-gen konzolo in še prej... Dean Takashi bo napisal svojo knjigo o tem akj so počeli....Nalov je: The Xbox 360 Uncloaked podnalov pa: the Real Story Behind M$ next-gen Console.

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My book (The Xbox 360 Uncloaked: the Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console) kicks off with this year at the beginning of 2002, with Robbie Bach and Seamus Blackley joining Bill Gates on stage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas after the launch of the Xbox in North America. You'll see some interesting new characters appear in the timeline that didn't figure in my first Xbox book. The timeline mentions emails that the Xbox leadership sent out to the team.

In še nekaj odrezkov iz "kao" knjige:

January 2002 At the Consumer Electronics Show, Robbie Bach announces Xbox sold 1.5 million units during Bill Gates' annual keynote. Seamus Blackley, co-creator of the Xbox, shows Xbox Live animation and demos Jet Set Radio Future.

January 18, 2002: J Allard sets up his team for the Xbox platform. Robbie Bach expands Allard’s responsibilities over Xbox platform. Allard's leaders on the new Xbox include Mike Abrash, Margaret Johnson and Jeff Henshaw.

January 22, 2002: Microsoft confirms it is canceling UltimateTV and will eliminate a third of the 500 hardware jobs in Mountain View, California. Jon DeVaan and Tim Bucher leave Microsoft.

A day after UltimateTV is canceled, Nick Baker, Mike Abrash, Jeff Andrews, and Greg Williams start planning the chips for the Xbox 360, code-named Trinity. That code name is later changed to Xenon.

January, 2002: Andrew "bunnie" Huang, an MIT graduate student, succeeds in cracking the Xbox.

February 14, 2002: Microsoft launches Xbox in Japan. Sales falter in a few days because of “scratch gate.”

March 14, 2002: Microsoft launches Xbox in Europe and Australia. Sales are weak in Europe because of the high price.

Spring, 2002: Chip engineers seek proposals for Xenon chips from silicon vendors. Greg Gibson appointed system designer for Xenon.

April 12, 2002: Howard Phillips becomes design manager of MGS Racing team.

April 17, 2002: Microsoft cuts Xbox prices in Europe and Australia.

April 22, 2002: Seamus Blackley quits Microsoft; "Opening the Xbox" book published

June 2002 Bill Gates spends a day at the Millennium campus and rallies the troops.

July 9, 2002: Robbie Bach sends email on fiscal year. Xbox has sold 3.5 million units in 20 countries. Mentions Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer review Xbox business. Gates spent whole day with games division on products and technologies. Robbie Bach leaves on sabbatical for summer. Talks of long range planning.

July 18, 2002: Xbox marketer Don Coyner joins Cameron Ferroni’s team as director of planning for platform team. Tishan Waymire will work for Don. This team will help design the look and feel of Xenon.

August 5, 2002: Message goes out to group saying Trinity should not be mentioned outside Microsoft.

August 6, 2002: More than 100 Xbox games have shipped.

August 12, 2002: Xbox operations center for Xbox Live starts 24 x 7 monitoring.

August 14, 2002: J Allard notes response to being in production in China, Flex-Doumen Facility. Eventual capacity is 125000 units per week. Current 45,000, full capacity by October.

August 23, 2002: Beta kits for Xbox Live ship.

September 2002 Sony gets patents on the Cell microprocessor. The Xbox team studies the technologies. Jeff Andrews writes a white paper on the proposed chips for Xenon for Bill Gates to read during his "Think Week."

Fall, 2002: Decision Council formed to handle cross-divisional Xbox decisions, such as big acquisitions.

September 20, 2002: Microsoft buys Rare for $375 million and announces it at X02 event in Seville, Spain.

September 23, 2002: J Allard sends e-mail on organizing to meet challenges.

September 24, 2002: Cam Ferroni takes over Xbox Live from Jon Thomason as the launch approaches.

October 22, 2002: Reports indicate that security chips for second-generation Xbox hardware, code-named QT, are cracked as soon as they are shipped.

October 2002: ATI starts doing work for its proposed Xbox 360 chip.

October 29, 2002: Xenon memo: We could tell you but then ….Points to Greg Gibson.

November 15, 2002 Xbox Live launches with six Live-enabled games. Before the day is over, Microsoft has more than 10,000 simultaneous users. By the weekend, more than 80,000 have signed up. Microsoft boots the users with modded Xbox units, amounting to 2 percent of Live users.

November 11, 2002: Flextronics Doumen in China starts making Xblade version of Xbox.

November 24, 2002: Wistron starts making Xblade, a cost-reduced version of Xbox.

December, 2002: Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer meet with Xenon chip design group. While they still hold open the possibility to deal with Intel and Nvidia, they approve plan to cut a deal with IBM to develop Xenon microprocessor, code-named Waternoose. They also approve plan to develop graphics chip, code-named C1, with ATI Technologies.

December 2, 2002: Xbox launches in Asia.

December 23, 2002: J Allard promoted to corporate vice president.

December 2002: Third party moves to Ed Fries from J Allard so Allard could focus on Xenon and Xbox Live; Xbox.com site serves 4.5 million users and 87 million page views.

December, 2002: Sony has sold more than 36 million PlayStation 2 units, while Nintendo has sold 9.1 million and Microsoft 5.8 million worldwide.

Source: The Xbox 360 Uncloaked

Upam,da dobim še druge dele kmalu :P

Stay Tunned

http://blogs.mercurynews.com/.shared/im ... 360_lg.jpg

najbolj mi ej všeč to:

November 15, 2002 Xbox Live launches with six Live-enabled games. Before the day is over, Microsoft has more than 10,000 simultaneous users. By the weekend, more than 80,000 have signed up. Microsoft boots the users with modded Xbox units, amounting to 2 percent of Live users.

In mislim da je tudi vam, a je ?

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