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[Uradna tema] Medal of Honor: Heroes 2


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Igra, ki bo verjetno postala must-have shooting špil za Wii je kar Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. Kdo bi si mislil, da bo EA po Vanguardu sploh naredila še kakšno shooting igro za Wii in to celo dobro!


We're going to be honest here - we're growing tired of wartime first-person shooters. It seems that we get two or three of them every quarter and it has become difficult to tell the difference. So imagine our surprise when we first played Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii and were blown away by its benchmark-setting controls. This FPS from EA Canada's Team Fusion utilizes the Wii remote so well - you can customize all of your control settings - that if you so desire, you'll be able to turn so quickly and aim so accurately that the end result really does rival a mouse a keyboard. Seriously. Heroes 2 sends you into Normandy as OSS operative John Berg and you'll eventually battle through war-ravaged cities, sewer systems, beaches, and more. Not only does the title include a fun arcade mode that works with the Wii Zapper, but it boasts a 32-player online mode, too. Did we mention it looks pretty good?


EA seems to understand where developers are going wrong, so Medal of Honor Heroes 2 (the first Medal of Honor Heroes launched on the PSP) takes a bit of a different approach. It's still an FPS in the vein of military shooting, but it's obvious that the team at EA Canada went to lengths to improve the control scheme that is by far the biggest problem with Wii shooters. So how'd they do it?

Fully customizable controls? You bet

For starters, Heroes 2 has fully customizable controls, and each user can adjust Wii Remote sensitivity and camera speed to make controls in the campaign mode as comfortable as possible. The campaign mode is your basic Medal of Honor experience (WWII), so back in the trenches it is. Here, though, EA does lots of interesting things will the way you use weapons within the campaign. From cocking guns to mimicking over-the-shoulder rocket launcher firing, Heroes 2 makes creative use of Wii motion controls.

Unique on the Wii version (Heroes 2 is also hitting the PSP) is an arcade mode, an on-rails single-player mode that ditches player movement entirely. Like Time Crisis and other popular arcade shooters, the arcade mode removes the requirement to move your character, and all you'll be doing is taking out bad guys as they pop up. You'll play through the exact same levels from the campaign mode, and considering how annoying movement controls have been on Wii shooters, I think this is a great feature. Also, it provides a nice entry point for the more casual gamers to get into the FPS genre, which is often intimidating.

Rounding out the Heroes 2 package is a full-featured 32-player multiplayer mode that sports the standard solo, team deathmatch and capture-the-flag game types. No huge surprises here, just ample fragging.

Shooting fans who have trudged thought the Wii's recent FPS suck might be pleasantly surprised by Medal of Honors Heroes 2 and its particularly customizable and variable experience.

Tale špil bo definitivno moj, tako zaradi kontrol in grafike kot zaradi multiplayerja, saj podpira kar do 32 igralcev!!! :love:

Zdaj pa vaši občutki, jo boste kupili? Jo boste grajali? Hvalili? Ali ignorirali?

Napišite kar vam je volja o tej igri!

En kratek video:

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za vikend sem jo začel obračat in je praw zanimiva res...grafika je ql igralnost tudi(igram z zapper-jem) tako da kar priporočam:D za MP pa nisem niti pogledal še če se da:D mislim pa da u igrice je bil gumb multiplayer:D

bi te lepo prosil da bi probal ta mp,.. po povej če kej lagga pa take stvari..

hvala-..ker si jo nameravam kupit ;)

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Po dolgem prepričevanju samega sebe, sem tudi jaz nabavil to igro. In glede na pokazano mi vsaj zaenkrat ni žal. Dobre kontrole, grafika je lepa, AI pa dejansko eden pametnejših. Skrbi me edino, da je Campaigna preprosto prekratka, saj obsega samo kakšnih 10 misij. Kar je pa resnično kraljica vsega pa je tako ali tako Multiplayer. Veliko možnosti, zadostna količina orožja in to je to, čeprav mi na čase MP zgleda neznosno pusto, brez prevelike količine optionsov. Aja, nesmem še pozabiti možnosti do 32 igralcev v eni sobi in to dejansko deluje brez "štekanja" in prevelikega lagga.

P.S: Če ste pri volji bi lahko ustanovili Clan.

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Po dolgem prepričevanju samega sebe, sem tudi jaz nabavil to igro. In glede na pokazano mi vsaj zaenkrat ni žal. Dobre kontrole, grafika je lepa, AI pa dejansko eden pametnejših. Skrbi me edino, da je Campaigna preprosto prekratka, saj obsega samo kakšnih 10 misij. Kar je pa resnično kraljica vsega pa je tako ali tako Multiplayer. Veliko možnosti, zadostna količina orožja in to je to, čeprav mi na čase MP zgleda neznosno pusto, brez prevelike količine optionsov. Aja, nesmem še pozabiti možnosti do 32 igralcev v eni sobi in to dejansko deluje brez "štekanja" in prevelikega lagga.

P.S: Če ste pri volji bi lahko ustanovili Clan.

huh če bo to igro kupi še kdo grem še js... ker sam se mi ne da igrat glih... :sweat:

EDIT: kolko plejerjev je pa online približno..?

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