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Nov model DS-a? (popolnoma nepotrjeno)


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Veseli december je tu in jaz sem se odločil, da sem bi letos zelo priden (če verjameš), in da si zaslužim DSa. Skoraj sem že končal s finančnim planiranjem, ko sem slišal da je na poti nov DS. Je to res?

Kar sem lahko izvedel je, da naj bi bil še manjši od Lite-a in da zaradi velikosti potem odpade GBA podpora. Je to res? Zna kdo potrditi s kakim članok, novico...?

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Design Completed for a New Nintendo DS model— Evan Wilson, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, says that Nintendo has completed the design for a new DS model. How does he know? "Contacts!" According to Wilson's secret oracle, the new hardware will ditch the GBA slot for an even thinner profile, and add some storage media and enlarged screens.

Vecji zaslon? Manjso ohisje? Notranji spomin?! Vsekakor ce je res mi bo Nintendo spet ukradel denar za nov DS :) .

Me prav zanima če bo kaj boljša grafika :P .


Nintendo denies analyst claims of slimmer new DS with larger screens

Nintendo has responded to an analyst's claims that it has completed work on a new version of its DS Lite handheld, maintaining that it is "rumour and speculation and we are not commenting further."

Evan Wilson, from Pacific Crest Securities, is quoted in a GameSpot report as saying that the new model was "thinner, has on-board storage, and larger screens," and would lose the GBA port to accommodate the changes.

The report continued that any new version of the hardware wouldn't be unveiled for some time, "until sales begin to tail off in all three major geographies."

While Nintendo has a history of periodically refreshing its handheld consoles, such as the GameBoy Advance and also the DS, it's possible that a new edition may come as some point, but the company is refusing to be drawn further for now.

:bleh: Dokler DS litu ne pade prodaja po vsem svetu, verjetno ne bomo ugledali novega DS.

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pol pa vsi ki ste tu na forumu povejte vsem svojim znancem, pa oni naj povejo dalje,,,DA NAJ VEČ NE KUPUJEJO DS-ov (Lite) :ihih:

P. S. da me ne bo keri resno vzel... :cough::lol:


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